MORE Trump In Your Face Leftist Scum G7

The G7 will be hosted at Trump's Doral Golf course hotel next year....and I hope he makes a small FORTUNE doing it AND invites Putin.....neener neerner neeener..... :auiqs.jpg:


Trump to host G7 summit at his Doral resort, White House says
President Pelosi may change the venue, unless she wants the photo op of staying in Trump's room.
the USA the Greatest County ever built IM2 if..
---------------------------------------- As if What ?? Well what , Cat got your tongue eh DoctorGrump.

As if the US is the greatest country ever...using what criteria?
------------------------------------ MY criteria . And part of that criteria is that the assembled world is a bunch of weakling wankers that the 'MY' USA could kick all your butts at one time if we wanted to Dr, Grump . And then , we seem to have the best and most destructive weapons even back in ww2 [see japan] . And then , we made it to strolling about on the Moon . Conquered the 'new world' and made something of it and so much more . Heck , look at third world 'morocco' where they were still having food riots in the 90s and then look at YOU disarmed 'euros' and 'English subjects ' Dr.Gump
------------------------------------ MY criteria . And part of that criteria is that the assembled world is a bunch of weakling wankers that the 'MY' USA could kick all your butts at one time if we wanted to Dr, Grump . And then , we seem to have the best and most destructive weapons even back in ww2 [see japan] . And then , we made it to strolling about on the Moon . Conquered the 'new world' and made something of it and so much more . Heck , look at third world 'morocco' where they were still having food riots in the 90s and then look at YOU disarmed 'euros' and 'English subjects ' Dr.Gump

So you're a bully boy of the world? Is that what you are saying? You have the biggest military! Woo hoo!! That makes you the greatest then <rolls eyes>. No, the Brits and the Spanish conquered the new world. We are very happy. Well I am. Going by the posts on these boards - none of you Sepos - on any side of the political aisle - seem happy.

You are more a subject that I will ever be.
------------------------------------ MY criteria . And part of that criteria is that the assembled world is a bunch of weakling wankers that the 'MY' USA could kick all your butts at one time if we wanted to Dr, Grump . And then , we seem to have the best and most destructive weapons even back in ww2 [see japan] . And then , we made it to strolling about on the Moon . Conquered the 'new world' and made something of it and so much more . Heck , look at third world 'morocco' where they were still having food riots in the 90s and then look at YOU disarmed 'euros' and 'English subjects ' Dr.Gump

So you're a bully boy of the world? Is that what you are saying? You have the biggest military! Woo hoo!! That makes you the greatest then <rolls eyes>. No, the Brits and the Spanish conquered the new world. We are very happy. Well I am. Going by the posts on these boards - none of you Sepos - on any side of the political aisle - seem happy.

You are more a subject that I will ever be.
-------------------------------- I think of the USA Position as being Top Dog in pretty much all things Dr Grump .
-------------------------------- I think of the USA Position as being Top Dog in pretty much all things Dr Grump .

Is it though? Top dog? This is the Asian Century. By the time the year 2100 rolls around the US will not be where it is today. Where will it be? Not too sure. But over the past 30 years you guys have lost a lot of respect. I think it started with Raygun...then Clinton. It just snowballed from there. You guys have taken your eyes off the ball. You are up Shit Creek. Funnily enough, I think most of you know it too. You somehow think either extremes (you right wing whackadoodles and their left wing equivalents) are the answer. All you guys are doing is exacerbating the issues. You are fucking yourselves up the arse while blaming everyone around you. It's weird to watch from the outside looking in.
I mean , look at 'england' which is tiny in size , has a population of about 60 million and an invasion of a foreign population of nonwesterners , Its pretty funny DrGrump .
I mean , look at 'england' which is tiny in size , has a population of about 60 million and an invasion of a foreign population of nonwesterners , Its pretty funny DrGrump .

Nowhere near as bad as anybody thinks. But I don't live there, so I wouldn't know. Although I do have family there. They seem to think it is okay. They are almost an example of how multiculturalism can work.
-------------------------------- I think of the USA Position as being Top Dog in pretty much all things Dr Grump .

Is it though? Top dog? This is the Asian Century. By the time the year 2100 rolls around the US will not be where it is today. Where will it be? Not too sure. But over the past 30 years you guys have lost a lot of respect. I think it started with Raygun...then Clinton. It just snowballed from there. You guys have taken your eyes off the ball. You are up Shit Creek. Funnily enough, I think most of you know it too. You somehow think either extremes (you right wing whackadoodles and their left wing equivalents) are the answer. All you guys are doing is exacerbating the issues. You are fucking yourselves up the arse while blaming everyone around you. It's weird to watch from the outside looking in.
---------------------------------- top dog for ------- NOW --- and i keep spreading my view that the USA may lose that position in the future . Then again , I am 70 and that's not a bad age to be as other fureigners take over the USA DrGrump .
---------------------------------- top dog for ------- NOW --- and i keep spreading my view that the USA may lose that position in the future . Then again , I am 70 and that's not a bad age to be as other fureigners take over the USA DrGrump .

You were all foreigners once Pismoe..
The G7 will be hosted at Trump's Doral Golf course hotel next year....and I hope he makes a small FORTUNE doing it AND invites Putin.....neener neerner neeener..... :auiqs.jpg:


Trump to host G7 summit at his Doral resort, White House says
Said like a true Trump minion who is dumber than a rock. The excessive profits Trump will earn will be paid with your tax dollars.

Seriously it never ceases to amaze me. These Deplorables lap up Trump like dogs taking a drink after just finishing a two-day cattle drive through the Mojave.

And the massive irony - the biggest irony - the thing that cracks me up the most, Trump wouldn't even allow one of them to spit shine his shoes in real life. He wouldn't even look at them in real life. He would see them as nothing better than scum on the bottom of his shoe. It is truly fascinating.
The G7 will be hosted at Trump's Doral Golf course hotel next year....and I hope he makes a small FORTUNE doing it AND invites Putin.....neener neerner neeener..... :auiqs.jpg:


Trump to host G7 summit at his Doral resort, White House says
Said like a true Trump minion who is dumber than a rock. The excessive profits Trump will earn will be paid with your tax dollars.
------------------------------------------------ EXCESSIVE Profits earned . How much of an EXCESSIVE Profits will there be ElmerM . As far as Russia and Putin go . Well Russia should be part of the G7 making the G7 the G8 ElmerM .
The G7 will be hosted at Trump's Doral Golf course hotel next year....and I hope he makes a small FORTUNE doing it AND invites Putin.....neener neerner neeener..... :auiqs.jpg:


Trump to host G7 summit at his Doral resort, White House says
Said like a true Trump minion who is dumber than a rock. The excessive profits Trump will earn will be paid with your tax dollars.

Seriously it never ceases to amaze me. These Deplorables lap up Trump like dogs taking a drink after just finishing a two-day cattle drive through the Mojave.

And the massive irony - the biggest irony - the thing that cracks me up the most, Trump wouldn't even allow one of them to spit shine his shoes in real life. He wouldn't even look at them in real life. He would see them as nothing better than scum on the bottom of his shoe. It is truly fascinating.
-------------------------------- aw TRUMP is building the Border Wall and he has rebuilt the USA Military and a Space Force is being planned plus the rumor in the USA is that the USA may test Nukes as a way of stopping 'hurricanes' in their tracks DrGrump .

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