More valid theory: Gravity or Climate Change?

Which is the more valid theory: Gravity or Climate Change?

Though studied and tested for hundreds of years, gravity cannot account for what holds galaxies together and why galaxies fly apart from each other at an INCREASING rate. There are now several alternative theories including Modified Newtonian Dynamics.

A separate theory suggests that it’s electricity and plasma dynamics and not gravity that accounts for stellar formation.

That said, why are there soooooo many gravity Deniers publishing scientific papers at leading Universities but alternate Manmade Global Climate Warming Change theories are suppressed?
This thread makes no sense.

A theory is a valid argument, or it is not.

There is no "more".

But climate change theory is definitely the most robust theory in history, in terms of the amount of evidence gathered.
This thread makes no sense.

A theory is a valid argument, or it is not.

There is no "more".

But climate change theory is definitely the most robust theory in history, in terms of the amount of evidence gathered.
What’s the CC “theory”, where’s the lab work, where’s the evidence?
Published in scientific journals. Go read the IPCC report.

Do you think someone is going to knock on your door and spoonfeed it to you, like you are a quadreplegic shut-in??
I’ve been reading the IPCC reports since they were first published. Do you know what’s NOT in any of them? Any experiment controlling for CO2. Maybe an additional 120PPM of CO2 makes temperatures rise 24F in a lab? Left up to the Consensus Cult, there will never be a published experiment!

Because an additional 120PPM of CO2 does not have a meaningful measurable effect on temperature higher than out at .001F
Though we have no actual proof of how gravity works mechanically, it can be demonstrated to work time, and time, and time again...It can also be quantified and falsified....None of the previous can be said about the AGW hoax.

Hell, we are still undecided on the theory behind lift, yet we use it all the time because we have empirical equations and concepts that give us enough information to make it work.
Arguing against climate change, is as stupid as arguing gravity plays no role in plane crashes.

Stupid for you ... the single biggest insured expense is propeller strikes ... far and away the most expensive cost for insurance companies ... just amazing the things pilots hit with their propellers, just amazing ...
What a weird lie.

Please cite this experiment ... how are we demonstrating carbon dioxide's extreme reactance to IR radiation? ... 425 ppm compared to 10,000 ppm ... what's the reason for this quantitative discrepancy? ...

We're clear that gravity doesn't exist? ... it's just an artifact of our frame-of-reference ... like the Coriolis force ...

"The notion of "fictitious force" also arises in Einstein's general theory of relativity. All fictitious forces are proportional to the mass of the object upon which they act, which is also true for gravity. This led Albert Einstein to wonder whether gravity could be modeled as a fictitious force. He noted that a freefalling observer in a closed box would not be able to detect the force of gravity; hence, freefalling reference frames are equivalent to inertial reference frames (the equivalence principle). Developing this insight, Einstein formulated a theory with gravity as a fictitious force, and attributed the apparent acceleration due to gravity to the curvature of spacetime. This idea underlies Einstein's theory of general relativity. See the Eötvös experiment.

-- Wikipedia so it has to be true ...
So let me get this straight:

The deniers actually believe scientists have not controlled for CO2 in order to determine effects of other inputs in the climate?

Amazing. And embarrassing.
I once carelessly violated the law of gravity.

I was arrested.

Well, more precisely, my momentum was arrested when I hit the ground.


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