More violence in Sweden...they sure do like throwing grenades...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Stabbings and another grenade extreme gun controlled Europe....

Sweden Two Fatal Stabbings and a Grenade Attack in 14 Hours

Police were called to the VĂ€sterĂ„s branch of the Swedish furniture mega-business around lunch-time today after three people were stabbed, apparently without motive. Speaking to local media, store manager Mattias Johansson said the victims had just seemed like “ordinary visitors”.

Two of the victims died after the attack and the third is “seriously” injured. One man has been arrested on suspicion of murder.

Only hours earlier, violence flared again in southern Malmö, Sweden’s troubled gateway to Europe. Home to the Øresund bridge and consequently the first city most of Sweden’s immigrants arrive at, the city is stalked by extreme violence and the local police are on the verge of declaring defeat. Yet another grenade, presumably like the others following the human trafficking route through Europe to be smuggled into the nation over the bridge, exploded last night around eleven o’clock.
And as I have pointed out....the increase in violence is coming from immigrants from cultures that are alien to the Western European countries they now live in....

Warring Migrant Tribes Grenade Attacks Authorities That Don t Give a Damn...What Is Going On In Sweden - Breitbart

A recent assessment by Malmö police into the effectiveness of their own violence-reduction programme was that it had no effect, and that “the number of shootings and bombings in Malmö have not declined despite the measures”.

The force today admitted it is severely under-staffed and unable to cope with the volume of investigations under-way. One third of all officers on the local force are now ‘on leave’, and no doubt the strain of the job in ‘Sweden’s Chicago’ is playing a part in that.

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Sweden needs to ban islam and stop bringing them in. How fucking stupid is western civilization?
And where is the violence coming from....

A number of shocking recent cases in Malmö and elsewhere go some way to explain the sudden and silent rise of Sweden’s new right-wing. The abduction and week-long gang rape ordeal of a young Swedish woman by a gang of Afghan men –who couldn’t even speak Swedish – should be enough to challenge the preconceptions of even the most dedicated multiculturalist.

If an overriding desire to care for persecuted immigrant communities is your thing, perhaps the needless abuse and persecution of Syrian Christians by Syrian Muslims after establishing themselves in Sweden could trigger a re-assessment of your political priorities.

This months a group of two Syrian Christian immigrant families were forced out of their Swedish asylum accommodation by Muslim residents. They were told they were not allowed to wear Christian symbols or even to use the communal areas when Muslims were present.

Instead of reporting the incident to the police, the Swedish immigration authority decided to deal with what they acknowledged were “fundamentalist Muslims” in-house, sending ministry officials to meet with the Muslim families at the asylum centre to explain to them the fine points of Swedish law, hoping they would not transgress again.

A growing number of Swedes are starting to reject this way of doing things. Ashamed that ‘boring’ Sweden now has one of the highest rape rates in Europe and a growing teenage gang-rape problem, ashamed that they pay 60-per-cent income tax yet newcomers areshowered with freebies, they look for an alternative.

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