More Women in Government Equals Less Corruption


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Research into 125 countries would seem to be rather compelling. There’s a little note hidden in there that indicates one reason is that women have not yet reached the levels where they get access to the networks of corruption. In general though, it seems that more women in government at all levels cleans up things.

The policy implications of the study point towards the need for promoting gender equality in general and promoting the presence of women in politics in particular. Previous research has established that a greater presence of women in government is associated with better education and health outcomes.

Has anyone beside me noticed what an important part women are playing in the Trump administration. He clearly gets it.

More @ Study finds less corruption in countries where more women are in government
So it's a pink wave now?

well were's the stooopid hats & corny logos?


This is a. No-brained.... they’re all too busy trading cookie recipes, baby pictures and laundry tips to really be corrupt.
Men are the majority of malefactors in every category in every country and culture. Something is fundamentally wrong with how males are educated. Women are complicit, of course; every boy has a mother and she allows him to grow up without proper correction.
Radical measures need taking.
Research into 125 countries would seem to be rather compelling. There’s a little note hidden in there that indicates one reason is that women have not yet reached the levels where they get access to the networks of corruption. In general though, it seems that more women in government at all levels cleans up things.

The policy implications of the study point towards the need for promoting gender equality in general and promoting the presence of women in politics in particular. Previous research has established that a greater presence of women in government is associated with better education and health outcomes.

Has anyone beside me noticed what an important part women are playing in the Trump administration. He clearly gets it.

More @ Study finds less corruption in countries where more women are in government

I gotta tell ya longknife use of a phrase like 'gender equality' in a sentence with 'promoting' makes me a little uneasy...especially today, when gender is merely a state of mind. ;) Thinking of two of the most powerful women in US politics today, I question whether they are less prone to corruption, ie. Clinton and Pelosi.

Though a female (biologically and mentally) - I believe using standards for leadership based on gender or skin tone rather than intellect, character or ability is self defeating. One of the things I like about Trump - as a businessman, it's fairly certain than the women on his team are qualified to be there...because of their abilities, not their gender. That's what I want to see - the best folks for the job on the job - chosen for their internal characteristics, not their externals by birth or 'choice'.

The study mentions the positive effect on health and education in countries where women are involved in policy making - Sebelius was a devoted political animal when head of HHS. DeVos, as Sec of Education, has views I agree with - being more devoted to education than educators unions. So comes down to the 'internals'.


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