Morgan Freeman: ‘Jailing Hillary’ Best Way To ‘Restore Public Faith In Govt’

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Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
“Hillary should be in jail for her unlawful deeds and President Trump should absolutely, absolutely make sure this happens to send the very strong message that no-one, and I mean no-one, is above the law in the United States of America,” Morgan Freeman said in New York while promoting National Geographic’s new docu-series The Story of Us.

Responding to a question about why he thinks President Trump has not yet fulfilled this particular campaign promise, Freeman laughed and said and looked up at the heavens before saying, “Goddamnit man, you were elected for this very reason, lock that bitch up!”

After being accused of political incorrectness, Freeman laughed again, saying “It’s all about being loving and caring these days, isn’t it?“

“The most loving and caring thing we as a society can do for Hillary Clinton is lock her up where she can get professional and institutional help and prevent her hurting herself or anyone else.”

Morgan Freeman: 'Jailing Hillary' Best Way To 'Restore Trust In Govt'

Last few of Hollywood that can think for themselves and not terrified to let everyone else know they can.
Then we have this famous discussion on race:

Mike Wallace: “Black History Month, you find?”

Morgan Freeman: “Ridiculous.”

Wallace: “Why?”

Freeman: “You’re going to relegate my history to a month?” ...

Wallace: “Oh, come on.”

Freeman: What do you do with yours? Which month is white history month? No, Come on, tell me.”

Wallace: “Well, I'm Jewish.”

Freeman: “Okay. Which month is Jewish history month?”

Wallace: “There isn't one.”

Freeman: “ Oh. Oh, why not? Do you want one?”

Wallace: “No. No.”

Freeman: “I don't either. I don't want a Black History Month. Black history is American history.”

Wallace: “How are we going to get rid of racism and ….”

Freeman: “Stop talking about it. I'm going to stop calling you a white man, and I'm going to ask you to stop calling me a black man. I know you as Mike Wallace. You know me as Morgan Freeman. You want to say, `Well, I know this white guy named Mike Wallace.' You know what I'm saying?”
A few years ago a friend got to meet him at the White House (another story) and had a funny exchange:

Morgan: Interesting tattoos on your arm.
Carlos: Yeah, this is Paul on the road to Damascus. Are you aware of the story?
Morgan: Carlos, I did play God once you know.
Morgan Freeman endorses Hillary Clinton - CNNPolitics

Hahahaha sure he did, sure.....

Morgan Freeman Said Hillary Clinton "Belongs In Prison"?

A new report claiming Morgan Freeman told a group of journalists that Hillary Clinton “belongs in prison” is entirely made-up. The actor simply never made such comments about the former presidential candidate. Gossip Cop can set the record straight.

According to Neon Nettle, a site that often peddles fiction and wild conspiracy theories, the actor recently called on President Donald Trump to lock up his former rival because “it’s the only way to end corruption amongst the American elites and restore the public’s faith in real justice.” Freeman’s alleged diatribe is said to have been made during a press event in New York for his new National Geographic documentary series, but the site fails to provide any additional details about when or where this took place.
Morgan Freeman is one of the few Hollywood stars than can get away with not kowtowing to the liberal left's PC agenda. Clint Eastwood is also another star that is not afraid to state his conservative views. ..... :cool:
“Hillary should be in jail for her unlawful deeds and President Trump should absolutely, absolutely make sure this happens to send the very strong message that no-one, and I mean no-one, is above the law in the United States of America,” Morgan Freeman said in New York while promoting National Geographic’s new docu-series The Story of Us.

Responding to a question about why he thinks President Trump has not yet fulfilled this particular campaign promise, Freeman laughed and said and looked up at the heavens before saying, “Goddamnit man, you were elected for this very reason, lock that bitch up!”

After being accused of political incorrectness, Freeman laughed again, saying “It’s all about being loving and caring these days, isn’t it?“

“The most loving and caring thing we as a society can do for Hillary Clinton is lock her up where she can get professional and institutional help and prevent her hurting herself or anyone else.”

Morgan Freeman: 'Jailing Hillary' Best Way To 'Restore Trust In Govt'

Last few of Hollywood that can think for themselves and not terrified to let everyone else know they can.

Wow, I am surprised and sorry to hear Freeman say those things. The Hollywood left are going to treat him like Weinstein and Spacey. He will never work again, and I really enjoyed his acting.
Looks like Penguin Boy can't tell a fake news site from a real one.

The same website had a story that J.P. Morgan sank the Titanic to create the Federal Reserve.
“Hillary should be in jail for her unlawful deeds and President Trump should absolutely, absolutely make sure this happens to send the very strong message that no-one, and I mean no-one, is above the law in the United States of America,” Morgan Freeman said in New York while promoting National Geographic’s new docu-series The Story of Us.

Responding to a question about why he thinks President Trump has not yet fulfilled this particular campaign promise, Freeman laughed and said and looked up at the heavens before saying, “Goddamnit man, you were elected for this very reason, lock that bitch up!”

After being accused of political incorrectness, Freeman laughed again, saying “It’s all about being loving and caring these days, isn’t it?“

“The most loving and caring thing we as a society can do for Hillary Clinton is lock her up where she can get professional and institutional help and prevent her hurting herself or anyone else.”

Morgan Freeman: 'Jailing Hillary' Best Way To 'Restore Trust In Govt'

Last few of Hollywood that can think for themselves and not terrified to let everyone else know they can.
"Trump was elected for that very reason" (to lock up Hillary). Ummm.... no, that's not Morgan Freeman, that's some dumbass hillbilly quote.
Old age finally got the guy.
No, old age finally got to the bitch candidate, that a select few wanted to get in the White House. The rest of US voted to keep the sickly, stumbling one, from achieving her dream, and now we have to deal with her, like the crook she really is...
Then we have this famous discussion on race:

Mike Wallace: “Black History Month, you find?”

Morgan Freeman: “Ridiculous.”

Wallace: “Why?”

Freeman: “You’re going to relegate my history to a month?” ...

Wallace: “Oh, come on.”

Freeman: What do you do with yours? Which month is white history month? No, Come on, tell me.”

Wallace: “Well, I'm Jewish.”

Freeman: “Okay. Which month is Jewish history month?”

Wallace: “There isn't one.”

Freeman: “ Oh. Oh, why not? Do you want one?”

Wallace: “No. No.”

Freeman: “I don't either. I don't want a Black History Month. Black history is American history.”

Wallace: “How are we going to get rid of racism and ….”

Freeman: “Stop talking about it. I'm going to stop calling you a white man, and I'm going to ask you to stop calling me a black man. I know you as Mike Wallace. You know me as Morgan Freeman. You want to say, `Well, I know this white guy named Mike Wallace.' You know what I'm saying?”
That conversation outlines how to end racism!
“Hillary should be in jail for her unlawful deeds and President Trump should absolutely, absolutely make sure this happens to send the very strong message that no-one, and I mean no-one, is above the law in the United States of America,” Morgan Freeman said in New York while promoting National Geographic’s new docu-series The Story of Us.

Responding to a question about why he thinks President Trump has not yet fulfilled this particular campaign promise, Freeman laughed and said and looked up at the heavens before saying, “Goddamnit man, you were elected for this very reason, lock that bitch up!”

After being accused of political incorrectness, Freeman laughed again, saying “It’s all about being loving and caring these days, isn’t it?“

“The most loving and caring thing we as a society can do for Hillary Clinton is lock her up where she can get professional and institutional help and prevent her hurting herself or anyone else.”

Morgan Freeman: 'Jailing Hillary' Best Way To 'Restore Trust In Govt'

Last few of Hollywood that can think for themselves and not terrified to let everyone else know they can.

???? Weatherman2020

I question this because Morgan Freeman has more faith in Science than in God.
And you'd have to believe in God and miracles
to believe Clinton is ever going to jail!

Morgan Freeman Tells CNN Anchor He is Not a “Man of God”
“Hillary should be in jail for her unlawful deeds and President Trump should absolutely, absolutely make sure this happens to send the very strong message that no-one, and I mean no-one, is above the law in the United States of America,” Morgan Freeman said in New York while promoting National Geographic’s new docu-series The Story of Us.

Responding to a question about why he thinks President Trump has not yet fulfilled this particular campaign promise, Freeman laughed and said and looked up at the heavens before saying, “Goddamnit man, you were elected for this very reason, lock that bitch up!”

After being accused of political incorrectness, Freeman laughed again, saying “It’s all about being loving and caring these days, isn’t it?“

“The most loving and caring thing we as a society can do for Hillary Clinton is lock her up where she can get professional and institutional help and prevent her hurting herself or anyone else.”

Morgan Freeman: 'Jailing Hillary' Best Way To 'Restore Trust In Govt'

Last few of Hollywood that can think for themselves and not terrified to let everyone else know they can.

Well he is God you know.
Morgan Freeman endorses Hillary Clinton - CNNPolitics

Hahahaha sure he did, sure.....

Morgan Freeman Said Hillary Clinton "Belongs In Prison"?

A new report claiming Morgan Freeman told a group of journalists that Hillary Clinton “belongs in prison” is entirely made-up. The actor simply never made such comments about the former presidential candidate. Gossip Cop can set the record straight.

According to Neon Nettle, a site that often peddles fiction and wild conspiracy theories, the actor recently called on President Donald Trump to lock up his former rival because “it’s the only way to end corruption amongst the American elites and restore the public’s faith in real justice.” Freeman’s alleged diatribe is said to have been made during a press event in New York for his new National Geographic documentary series, but the site fails to provide any additional details about when or where this took place.

Ahh, man..they got fooled again. Well by golly, what would they have to support if they didn't make it up.
“Hillary should be in jail for her unlawful deeds and President Trump should absolutely, absolutely make sure this happens to send the very strong message that no-one, and I mean no-one, is above the law in the United States of America,” Morgan Freeman said in New York while promoting National Geographic’s new docu-series The Story of Us.

Responding to a question about why he thinks President Trump has not yet fulfilled this particular campaign promise, Freeman laughed and said and looked up at the heavens before saying, “Goddamnit man, you were elected for this very reason, lock that bitch up!”

After being accused of political incorrectness, Freeman laughed again, saying “It’s all about being loving and caring these days, isn’t it?“

“The most loving and caring thing we as a society can do for Hillary Clinton is lock her up where she can get professional and institutional help and prevent her hurting herself or anyone else.”

Morgan Freeman: 'Jailing Hillary' Best Way To 'Restore Trust In Govt'

Last few of Hollywood that can think for themselves and not terrified to let everyone else know they can.
Freeman is a prime example of why old people should just go away and leave the future to those who are bright enough and wise enough to know ignorance when they see it. Old people are the reason we got Trump today, a fucked up congress and why this country stays stuck on stupid.
Then we have this famous discussion on race:

Mike Wallace: “Black History Month, you find?”

Morgan Freeman: “Ridiculous.”

Wallace: “Why?”

Freeman: “You’re going to relegate my history to a month?” ...

Wallace: “Oh, come on.”

Freeman: What do you do with yours? Which month is white history month? No, Come on, tell me.”

Wallace: “Well, I'm Jewish.”

Freeman: “Okay. Which month is Jewish history month?”

Wallace: “There isn't one.”

Freeman: “ Oh. Oh, why not? Do you want one?”

Wallace: “No. No.”

Freeman: “I don't either. I don't want a Black History Month. Black history is American history.”

Wallace: “How are we going to get rid of racism and ….”

Freeman: “Stop talking about it. I'm going to stop calling you a white man, and I'm going to ask you to stop calling me a black man. I know you as Mike Wallace. You know me as Morgan Freeman. You want to say, `Well, I know this white guy named Mike Wallace.' You know what I'm saying?”
That conversation outlines how to end racism!

Yes and no, JoeMoma
1. When you and everyone around you can really talk that way and mean it
that means fear of racial bias may have ended; but it doesn't mean that's what it takes to GET to that point.
2. Once people are engrained with race-based fears and past conflicts/injuries related,
it takes much more forgiveness, healing and understanding to remove the damage done
by fear and negative conditioning. If you look up the 5 stages of grief, or the 17 steps of forgiveness, there is a whole process of undoing all the layers of conditioning in any situation including race-related conflicts and injuries, especially generations of genocide.

The most effective ways of teaching healing and healthy dialogue I have found
on this issue are taught and facilitated by volunteers at the Center for the Healing of Racism.
Center For The Healing Of Racism | Internalize Oneness
It's not about calling other people racist and holding "others" accountable,
it's about reclaiming and resolving pains that people carry from the past
that get reinjured over and over if we don't address and heal these wounds inside each person.

That takes a lot of work, and a lot of freedom to share in words to resolve those issues.
It's not about limiting free speech but using it responsibly in healing way
to release the conditioning and pain associated with those thoughts, images and memories.

Then we can get to the point where we don't attach and make such issues
because there is no internalized pain or suffering to "project" when these
issues come up. The triggers are gone. That doesn't happen instantly overnight!
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“Hillary should be in jail for her unlawful deeds and President Trump should absolutely, absolutely make sure this happens to send the very strong message that no-one, and I mean no-one, is above the law in the United States of America,” Morgan Freeman said in New York while promoting National Geographic’s new docu-series The Story of Us.

Responding to a question about why he thinks President Trump has not yet fulfilled this particular campaign promise, Freeman laughed and said and looked up at the heavens before saying, “Goddamnit man, you were elected for this very reason, lock that bitch up!”

After being accused of political incorrectness, Freeman laughed again, saying “It’s all about being loving and caring these days, isn’t it?“

“The most loving and caring thing we as a society can do for Hillary Clinton is lock her up where she can get professional and institutional help and prevent her hurting herself or anyone else.”

Morgan Freeman: 'Jailing Hillary' Best Way To 'Restore Trust In Govt'

Last few of Hollywood that can think for themselves and not terrified to let everyone else know they can.
Freeman is a prime example of why old people should just go away and leave the future to those who are bright enough and wise enough to know ignorance when they see it. Old people are the reason we got Trump today, a fucked up congress and why this country stays stuck on stupid.
Young people who grow up not listening to their parents are reasons why their is a welfare state and Tig is a prime example of the welfare queen. There is a reason why, with age comes wisdom, you have to earn it..

“Hillary should be in jail for her unlawful deeds and President Trump should absolutely, absolutely make sure this happens to send the very strong message that no-one, and I mean no-one, is above the law in the United States of America,” Morgan Freeman said in New York while promoting National Geographic’s new docu-series The Story of Us.

Responding to a question about why he thinks President Trump has not yet fulfilled this particular campaign promise, Freeman laughed and said and looked up at the heavens before saying, “Goddamnit man, you were elected for this very reason, lock that bitch up!”

After being accused of political incorrectness, Freeman laughed again, saying “It’s all about being loving and caring these days, isn’t it?“

“The most loving and caring thing we as a society can do for Hillary Clinton is lock her up where she can get professional and institutional help and prevent her hurting herself or anyone else.”

Morgan Freeman: 'Jailing Hillary' Best Way To 'Restore Trust In Govt'

Last few of Hollywood that can think for themselves and not terrified to let everyone else know they can.
Of course the Trumpettes are so easily duped to believe this load of crap./
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