Morgan Freeman: ‘Jailing Hillary’ Best Way To ‘Restore Public Faith In Govt’

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Morgan Freeman is one of the few Hollywood stars than can get away with not kowtowing to the liberal left's PC agenda. Clint Eastwood is also another star that is not afraid to state his conservative views. ..... :cool:

Sunni Man

You fell for this too?

No wonder trukmp got elected.

RWNJs have become (or always were) blithering idiots.
“Hillary should be in jail for her unlawful deeds and President Trump should absolutely, absolutely make sure this happens to send the very strong message that no-one, and I mean no-one, is above the law in the United States of America,” Morgan Freeman said in New York while promoting National Geographic’s new docu-series The Story of Us.

Responding to a question about why he thinks President Trump has not yet fulfilled this particular campaign promise, Freeman laughed and said and looked up at the heavens before saying, “Goddamnit man, you were elected for this very reason, lock that bitch up!”

After being accused of political incorrectness, Freeman laughed again, saying “It’s all about being loving and caring these days, isn’t it?“

“The most loving and caring thing we as a society can do for Hillary Clinton is lock her up where she can get professional and institutional help and prevent her hurting herself or anyone else.”

Morgan Freeman: 'Jailing Hillary' Best Way To 'Restore Trust In Govt'

Last few of Hollywood that can think for themselves and not terrified to let everyone else know they can.

I am not surprised that Morgan Freeman so believes-----but I am surprised that he DECLARED his thoughts

No matter how many times RWNJs are told they fell for a lie, they just keep on believing it.

How many of you have already copy/pasted this and sent it along to all your idiot friends?
How do you know a liberal is lying?

Their mouths are open...

Oh the irony.

You fell for this lie too.

I heard Bigfoot is also calling for Hillary to be locked up.

It was on
“Hillary should be in jail for her unlawful deeds and President Trump should absolutely, absolutely make sure this happens to send the very strong message that no-one, and I mean no-one, is above the law in the United States of America,” Morgan Freeman said in New York while promoting National Geographic’s new docu-series The Story of Us.

Responding to a question about why he thinks President Trump has not yet fulfilled this particular campaign promise, Freeman laughed and said and looked up at the heavens before saying, “Goddamnit man, you were elected for this very reason, lock that bitch up!”

After being accused of political incorrectness, Freeman laughed again, saying “It’s all about being loving and caring these days, isn’t it?“

“The most loving and caring thing we as a society can do for Hillary Clinton is lock her up where she can get professional and institutional help and prevent her hurting herself or anyone else.”

Morgan Freeman: 'Jailing Hillary' Best Way To 'Restore Trust In Govt'

Last few of Hollywood that can think for themselves and not terrified to let everyone else know they can.

I am not surprised that Morgan Freeman so believes-----but I am surprised that he DECLARED his thoughts

No matter how many times RWNJs are told they fell for a lie, they just keep on believing it.

How many of you have already copy/pasted this and sent it along to all your idiot friends?

oh---it's a lie-------well thanks for letting me know-----are you
sure? seemed a bit startling to me------but I did believe it-------did you actually believe that Bush claimed that Saddam had atom bombs? --------he didn't-----but YOU still believe that Bush claimed that Saddam has atom bombs. I did not and do not believe that Bush claimed that Saddam had atom bombs--------because he did not make that claim. He correctly stated that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction-------as does ASSAD-----lots of the poison gases from SADDAM-----lots of that stuff shipped to Lebanon. Lots stashed in the hills between Lebanon and Syria Your idiot friends deny it still. DID I mention the "poisons" created
by the USA -----when the USA bombed a "baby milk factory" in Syria?
Morgan Freeman endorses Hillary Clinton - CNNPolitics

Hahahaha sure he did, sure.....

Morgan Freeman Said Hillary Clinton "Belongs In Prison"?

A new report claiming Morgan Freeman told a group of journalists that Hillary Clinton “belongs in prison” is entirely made-up. The actor simply never made such comments about the former presidential candidate. Gossip Cop can set the record straight.

According to Neon Nettle, a site that often peddles fiction and wild conspiracy theories, the actor recently called on President Donald Trump to lock up his former rival because “it’s the only way to end corruption amongst the American elites and restore the public’s faith in real justice.” Freeman’s alleged diatribe is said to have been made during a press event in New York for his new National Geographic documentary series, but the site fails to provide any additional details about when or where this took place.
He may have simply been acting, and playing "make believe"and in the case of Hollyweird, nothing they say or do, or don't do is real. So no matter what your position is on this, you'd always be right.

Isn't that a great feeling to know that's how things are when you are dealing with Liberal Fantasy Land?

he may not have said it at all
Old age finally got the guy.
Hillary cannot make a Black man into a slave in these days. They has been freed from the chains of the Dems.


Except the quote is bogus:crybaby:

You know, this whole Trump-Russia thing might just have been a hoax all along, and the Trumpeters might be stupid enough to have fallen pray to a giant hoax by hackers/pranksters ....... Well no, Putin had to know they were idiots from his prior dealings with them, so he just played them.

You kool aid drinking, goose stepping, low information, mind numbed, useful idiots just don't know when to let it go, do you?

View attachment 157685

Thats a new one. You got duped and defend the phoney quote because liberals? lol...alright buddy
Old age finally got the guy.
Hillary cannot make a Black man into a slave in these days. They has been freed from the chains of the Dems.


Except the quote is bogus:crybaby:

You know, this whole Trump-Russia thing might just have been a hoax all along, and the Trumpeters might be stupid enough to have fallen pray to a giant hoax by hackers/pranksters ....... Well no, Putin had to know they were idiots from his prior dealings with them, so he just played them.

You kool aid drinking, goose stepping, low information, mind numbed, useful idiots just don't know when to let it go, do you?

View attachment 157685

Thats a new one. You got duped and defend the phoney quote because liberals? lol...alright buddy

Hillary duped them. So UFAIR
“Hillary should be in jail for her unlawful deeds and President Trump should absolutely, absolutely make sure this happens to send the very strong message that no-one, and I mean no-one, is above the law in the United States of America,” Morgan Freeman said in New York while promoting National Geographic’s new docu-series The Story of Us.

Responding to a question about why he thinks President Trump has not yet fulfilled this particular campaign promise, Freeman laughed and said and looked up at the heavens before saying, “Goddamnit man, you were elected for this very reason, lock that bitch up!”

After being accused of political incorrectness, Freeman laughed again, saying “It’s all about being loving and caring these days, isn’t it?“

“The most loving and caring thing we as a society can do for Hillary Clinton is lock her up where she can get professional and institutional help and prevent her hurting herself or anyone else.”

Morgan Freeman: 'Jailing Hillary' Best Way To 'Restore Trust In Govt'

Last few of Hollywood that can think for themselves and not terrified to let everyone else know they can.

It would mean that this is a banana republic. You cannot jail your political enemies just because you want to.
This thread has 9 winner labels attached to a phoney quote. Tell me again fake Russian news didnt influence these goofy sons of bitches
This thread has 9 winner labels attached to a phoney quote. Tell me again fake Russian news didnt influence these goofy sons of bitches
My question is - are the Trumsky's this gullible, or do they just grab onto it because its a shiny object that they think distracts from the Oranguton?
Old age finally got the guy.
Hillary cannot make a Black man into a slave in these days. They has been freed from the chains of the Dems.


Except the quote is bogus:crybaby:

You know, this whole Trump-Russia thing might just have been a hoax all along, and the Trumpeters might be stupid enough to have fallen pray to a giant hoax by hackers/pranksters ....... Well no, Putin had to know they were idiots from his prior dealings with them, so he just played them.

You kool aid drinking, goose stepping, low information, mind numbed, useful idiots just don't know when to let it go, do you?

View attachment 157685

Thats a new one. You got duped and defend the phoney quote because liberals? lol...alright buddy

Here is how duped you have been.. Democrats say they are against guns because you libfucks don't like it when normal people can defend themselves.
Gun and ammo manufacturers contribute to the campaigns of Democrats, so the Democrats will help them make profits.
Democrats say they will ban guns and ammo, which ends up driving up gun and ammo sales, thus making profits for the manufacturers.
Manufacturers once again contribute more money to the Democrats so those Democrats say they will ban more..
Don't you see how duped you fuckers are? Plain as the nose on your face.
Matt Vespa - Confirmed: Obama Is The Best ‘Gun Salesman Of The Decade’
Gun production has more than doubled over the course of the Obama administration, according to a new report from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Keep on drinking that liberal kool aid and watch more of you libtards being duped.

“Hillary should be in jail for her unlawful deeds and President Trump should absolutely, absolutely make sure this happens to send the very strong message that no-one, and I mean no-one, is above the law in the United States of America,” Morgan Freeman said in New York while promoting National Geographic’s new docu-series The Story of Us.

Responding to a question about why he thinks President Trump has not yet fulfilled this particular campaign promise, Freeman laughed and said and looked up at the heavens before saying, “Goddamnit man, you were elected for this very reason, lock that bitch up!”

After being accused of political incorrectness, Freeman laughed again, saying “It’s all about being loving and caring these days, isn’t it?“

“The most loving and caring thing we as a society can do for Hillary Clinton is lock her up where she can get professional and institutional help and prevent her hurting herself or anyone else.”

Morgan Freeman: 'Jailing Hillary' Best Way To 'Restore Trust In Govt'

Last few of Hollywood that can think for themselves and not terrified to let everyone else know they can.

It would mean that this is a banana republic. You cannot jail your political enemies just because you want to.
No but when you break the law, you need to punished for your crimes. Right now there is a 2 teir justice system, where some poor smuch who mishandles classified information goes to jail for 5 years, while a crooked bitch gets to run for the Democrat party..
Hillary cannot make a Black man into a slave in these days. They has been freed from the chains of the Dems.


Except the quote is bogus:crybaby:

You know, this whole Trump-Russia thing might just have been a hoax all along, and the Trumpeters might be stupid enough to have fallen pray to a giant hoax by hackers/pranksters ....... Well no, Putin had to know they were idiots from his prior dealings with them, so he just played them.

You kool aid drinking, goose stepping, low information, mind numbed, useful idiots just don't know when to let it go, do you?

View attachment 157685

Thats a new one. You got duped and defend the phoney quote because liberals? lol...alright buddy

Here is how duped you have been.. Democrats say they are against guns because you libfucks don't like it when normal people can defend themselves.
Gun and ammo manufacturers contribute to the campaigns of Democrats, so the Democrats will help them make profits.
Democrats say they will ban guns and ammo, which ends up driving up gun and ammo sales, thus making profits for the manufacturers.
Manufacturers once again contribute more money to the Democrats so those Democrats say they will ban more..
Don't you see how duped you fuckers are? Plain as the nose on your face.
Matt Vespa - Confirmed: Obama Is The Best ‘Gun Salesman Of The Decade’
Gun production has more than doubled over the course of the Obama administration, according to a new report from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Keep on drinking that liberal kool aid and watch more of you libtards being duped.


Thank you for answering my question.
Hillary cannot make a Black man into a slave in these days. They has been freed from the chains of the Dems.


Except the quote is bogus:crybaby:

You know, this whole Trump-Russia thing might just have been a hoax all along, and the Trumpeters might be stupid enough to have fallen pray to a giant hoax by hackers/pranksters ....... Well no, Putin had to know they were idiots from his prior dealings with them, so he just played them.

You kool aid drinking, goose stepping, low information, mind numbed, useful idiots just don't know when to let it go, do you?

View attachment 157685

Thats a new one. You got duped and defend the phoney quote because liberals? lol...alright buddy

Here is how duped you have been.. Democrats say they are against guns because you libfucks don't like it when normal people can defend themselves.
Gun and ammo manufacturers contribute to the campaigns of Democrats, so the Democrats will help them make profits.
Democrats say they will ban guns and ammo, which ends up driving up gun and ammo sales, thus making profits for the manufacturers.
Manufacturers once again contribute more money to the Democrats so those Democrats say they will ban more..
Don't you see how duped you fuckers are? Plain as the nose on your face.
Matt Vespa - Confirmed: Obama Is The Best ‘Gun Salesman Of The Decade’
Gun production has more than doubled over the course of the Obama administration, according to a new report from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Keep on drinking that liberal kool aid and watch more of you libtards being duped.


Obama was the “best gunsalesman “ because the nra and cons preyed on the racists fear of a black man being president.

Obama never even targeted guns until new town happened .
Hillary cannot make a Black man into a slave in these days. They has been freed from the chains of the Dems.


Except the quote is bogus:crybaby:

You know, this whole Trump-Russia thing might just have been a hoax all along, and the Trumpeters might be stupid enough to have fallen pray to a giant hoax by hackers/pranksters ....... Well no, Putin had to know they were idiots from his prior dealings with them, so he just played them.

You kool aid drinking, goose stepping, low information, mind numbed, useful idiots just don't know when to let it go, do you?

View attachment 157685

Thats a new one. You got duped and defend the phoney quote because liberals? lol...alright buddy

Here is how duped you have been.. Democrats say they are against guns because you libfucks don't like it when normal people can defend themselves.

How do you know a liberal is lying?

Their mouths are open...

Oh the irony.

You fell for this lie too.


“Hillary should be in jail for her unlawful deeds and President Trump should absolutely, absolutely make sure this happens to send the very strong message that no-one, and I mean no-one, is above the law in the United States of America,” Morgan Freeman said in New York while promoting National Geographic’s new docu-series The Story of Us.

Responding to a question about why he thinks President Trump has not yet fulfilled this particular campaign promise, Freeman laughed and said and looked up at the heavens before saying, “Goddamnit man, you were elected for this very reason, lock that bitch up!”

After being accused of political incorrectness, Freeman laughed again, saying “It’s all about being loving and caring these days, isn’t it?“

“The most loving and caring thing we as a society can do for Hillary Clinton is lock her up where she can get professional and institutional help and prevent her hurting herself or anyone else.”

Morgan Freeman: 'Jailing Hillary' Best Way To 'Restore Trust In Govt'

Last few of Hollywood that can think for themselves and not terrified to let everyone else know they can.

It would mean that this is a banana republic. You cannot jail your political enemies just because you want to.
No but when you break the law, you need to punished for your crimes. Right now there is a 2 teir justice system, where some poor smuch who mishandles classified information goes to jail for 5 years, while a crooked bitch gets to run for the Democrat party..

That has never been trump's goal or the goal of such slime as Michael Flynn or the RWNJs like you.

And every one of you know it.
“Hillary should be in jail for her unlawful deeds and President Trump should absolutely, absolutely make sure this happens to send the very strong message that no-one, and I mean no-one, is above the law in the United States of America,” Morgan Freeman said in New York while promoting National Geographic’s new docu-series The Story of Us.

Responding to a question about why he thinks President Trump has not yet fulfilled this particular campaign promise, Freeman laughed and said and looked up at the heavens before saying, “Goddamnit man, you were elected for this very reason, lock that bitch up!”

After being accused of political incorrectness, Freeman laughed again, saying “It’s all about being loving and caring these days, isn’t it?“

“The most loving and caring thing we as a society can do for Hillary Clinton is lock her up where she can get professional and institutional help and prevent her hurting herself or anyone else.”

Morgan Freeman: 'Jailing Hillary' Best Way To 'Restore Trust In Govt'

Last few of Hollywood that can think for themselves and not terrified to let everyone else know they can.
Oh look a stone cold racist promoting a black guy because you agree with him.
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