Morning Joe condemns the DC crowd for booing Trump at game 5.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
And the anti-Trump snowflake 'resistance' doesn't approve.

Anti-Trump MSNBC host gets destroyed on Twitter for implying ‘lock him up!’ is a bit much

The #Resistance has turned on MSNBC host Joe Scarborough after the staunchly anti-Trump pundit slammed the audience at a baseball game as “un-American” for chanting “lock him up!” when the president was shown on TV.

It’s un-American,” Scarborough complained on Monday’s “Morning Joe” show, referring to the audience’s decision to chant “lock him up!” after the president was shown on the large TV screen at the fifth World Series game in Washington, DC. “We are Americans, and we do not do that.
We like the show House Hunters International... there are times we toy with the idea of moving out of the states because of the nonsense here anymore.
You see people in other countries all over, are proud of their country, town etc.
But in America, it is actually taboo to show any national pride.
Corporatism has taken over everything. Anytown USA is the name of most cities no matter what state.
What's that?... Oh..Olive Garden, over by Starbucks, McDonalds and Home Depot or Lowes. And there are the same half dozen gas stations, Walmart... CVS... Walgreens etc. etc.
I sure do miss all the mom and pops that use to be everywhere.
We like the show House Hunters International... there are times we toy with the idea of moving out of the states because of the nonsense here anymore.
You see people in other countries all over, are proud of their country, town etc.
But in America, it is actually taboo to show any national pride.
Corporatism has taken over everything. Anytown USA is the name of most cities no matter what state.
What's that?... Oh..Olive Garden, over by Starbucks, McDonalds and Home Depot or Lowes. And there are the same half dozen gas stations, Walmart... CVS... Walgreens etc. etc.
I sure do miss all the mom and pops that use to be everywhere.
Thom Hartmann framed it pretty well a few years ago. ( he's since lost his mind to TDS like 95% of the left )
Harriet's Department Store was the place in Chicago when I was a child. I could find anything there, and if it wasn't there, then Sears was the next stop.

Now, you could blindfold someone and take them to any town in America. Remove the blindfold, and if there are no "known" architectural structures in view to identify the city, (example: The St. Louis Arch) the person most likely will not be able to tell you where he is.
Nice try, but America is what it is now, because of the infestation of liberalism in America in the early 60's. Welfare, food stamps, entitlements, political correctness, the removal of God from our schools, bussing, forced integration, and the list goes on and on.

If you doubt me, then you are not being honest with yourself.
Nice try, but America is what it is now, because of the infestation of liberalism in America in the early 60's. Welfare, food stamps, entitlements, political correctness, the removal of God from our schools, bussing, forced integration, and the list goes on and on.

If you doubt me, then you are not being honest with yourself.
I don't blame Reagan.
I don't think he could fry an egg without help.
But the policies others* had him sign into law led to Clinton's dergegulation phase which eventually
gave us GW Bush, the crash of 2008 and a $23 trillion debt.

* by others I mean the neocons, oil and military giants and Wall Street.
Bush Sr and Clinton took care of the rest - NAFTA, the Telecommunications Act of 1996, etc...
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And the anti-Trump snowflake 'resistance' doesn't approve.

Anti-Trump MSNBC host gets destroyed on Twitter for implying ‘lock him up!’ is a bit much

The #Resistance has turned on MSNBC host Joe Scarborough after the staunchly anti-Trump pundit slammed the audience at a baseball game as “un-American” for chanting “lock him up!” when the president was shown on TV.

It’s un-American,” Scarborough complained on Monday’s “Morning Joe” show, referring to the audience’s decision to chant “lock him up!” after the president was shown on the large TV screen at the fifth World Series game in Washington, DC. “We are Americans, and we do not do that.

It is unamerican as far as Democrats go, the Republicans can't get enough of the Lock her up chants (still), or send them back.
Everyone has opinions.
Most people who hate Trump have no idea why.
That's the power of propaganda and lies.

I know why I dislike him so much, as a matter of fact I kind of feel sorry for someone that is so insecure, vindictive and jealous and a pathological liar. All sociopath's have something missing that most people have.
And the anti-Trump snowflake 'resistance' doesn't approve.

Anti-Trump MSNBC host gets destroyed on Twitter for implying ‘lock him up!’ is a bit much

The #Resistance has turned on MSNBC host Joe Scarborough after the staunchly anti-Trump pundit slammed the audience at a baseball game as “un-American” for chanting “lock him up!” when the president was shown on TV.

It’s un-American,” Scarborough complained on Monday’s “Morning Joe” show, referring to the audience’s decision to chant “lock him up!” after the president was shown on the large TV screen at the fifth World Series game in Washington, DC. “We are Americans, and we do not do that.
Wow you know the TDS is getting out of hand when one of the nation's leading Trump haters is torn apart for having a moment of clarity. I'm sure he won't do that again!
Everyone has opinions.
Most people who hate Trump have no idea why.
That's the power of propaganda and lies.

I know why I dislike him so much, as a matter of fact I kind of feel sorry for someone that is so insecure, vindictive and jealous and a pathological liar. All sociopath's have something missing that most people have.
What you're missing is that Trump probably really didn't want to be president.
But he won and he's just being himself, and many of us believe, doing a fine job especially under the circumstances of this ongoing 3 year - attempted coup against him..
Wow you know the TDS is getting out of hand when one of the nation's leading Trump haters is torn apart for having a moment of clarity. I'm sure he won't do that again!
Mika gave him the whip and the strap-on for this one probably.
We like the show House Hunters International... there are times we toy with the idea of moving out of the states because of the nonsense here anymore.
You see people in other countries all over, are proud of their country, town etc.
But in America, it is actually taboo to show any national pride.
Corporatism has taken over everything. Anytown USA is the name of most cities no matter what state.
What's that?... Oh..Olive Garden, over by Starbucks, McDonalds and Home Depot or Lowes. And there are the same half dozen gas stations, Walmart... CVS... Walgreens etc. etc.
I sure do miss all the mom and pops that use to be everywhere.
Thom Hartmann framed it pretty well a few years ago. ( he's since lost his mind to TDS like 95% of the left )

This goes back to the propaganda mentioned above.
Any idiot that thinks Ronald Reagan killed the American Dream, is either mentally disabled, or a pathological liar.
We like the show House Hunters International... there are times we toy with the idea of moving out of the states because of the nonsense here anymore.
You see people in other countries all over, are proud of their country, town etc.
But in America, it is actually taboo to show any national pride.
Corporatism has taken over everything. Anytown USA is the name of most cities no matter what state.
What's that?... Oh..Olive Garden, over by Starbucks, McDonalds and Home Depot or Lowes. And there are the same half dozen gas stations, Walmart... CVS... Walgreens etc. etc.
I sure do miss all the mom and pops that use to be everywhere.
Thom Hartmann framed it pretty well a few years ago. ( he's since lost his mind to TDS like 95% of the left )

This goes back to the propaganda mentioned above.
Any idiot that thinks Ronald Reagan killed the American Dream, is either mentally disabled, or a pathological liar.

Reagan is not the guy, he wasn't that smart. Not that he was dumb, but he didn't posses 1/8th the needed financial brain to pull off what was done in the 80s/90s
Alan Greenspan
Larry Summers
Robert Rubin
Ben Bernanke
These are your top guys who were the most instrumental in vertical launching the investment banks/financial system globalism etc.
And what you SHOULD notice about those names... 2 are Democrat and 2 are Republican
This goes back to the propaganda mentioned above.
Any idiot that thinks Ronald Reagan killed the American Dream, is either mentally disabled, or a pathological liar.
4 minutes of truth too much for you inside your
'liberals fucked up everything' bubble ??
Reagan is not the guy, he wasn't that smart. Not that he was dumb, but he didn't posses 1/8th the needed financial brain to pull off what was done in the 80s/90s
Alan Greenspan
Larry Summers
Robert Rubin
Ben Bernanke
These are your top guys who were the most instrumental in vertical launching the investment banks/financial system globalism etc.
And what you SHOULD notice about those names... 2 are Democrat and 2 are Republican
And don't forget who they wanted for president , they made VP.
Ex CIA director Poppy Bush, who brought in Cheney, Rummy, Wolfowitz and the neocons and their Saudi friends.
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Poor Joe and Mika...they let loose the vipers and now they don't like their "behavior".

Too bad, own it libs
Everyone has opinions.
Most people who hate Trump have no idea why.
That's the power of propaganda and lies.

I know why I dislike him so much, as a matter of fact I kind of feel sorry for someone that is so insecure, vindictive and jealous and a pathological liar. All sociopath's have something missing that most people have.
What you're missing is that Trump probably really didn't want to be president.
But he won and he's just being himself, and many of us believe, doing a fine job especially under the circumstances of this ongoing 3 year - attempted coup against him..

So he should just step down, and himself if what the maj of people are against. There is no coup, he has only himself to blame. If he wasn't aiding and abetting the Russians + he was interfering in bipartisan support for Ukraine, and god knows what else he has done, apart from what we know already.

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