Morning Joe condemns the DC crowd for booing Trump at game 5.

Everyone has opinions.
Most people who hate Trump have no idea why.
That's the power of propaganda and lies.

I know why I dislike him so much, as a matter of fact I kind of feel sorry for someone that is so insecure, vindictive and jealous and a pathological liar. All sociopath's have something missing that most people have.
What you're missing is that Trump probably really didn't want to be president.
But he won and he's just being himself, and many of us believe, doing a fine job especially under the circumstances of this ongoing 3 year - attempted coup against him..

So he should just step down, and himself if what the maj of people are against. There is no coup, he has only himself to blame. If he wasn't aiding and abetting the Russians + he was interfering in bipartisan support for Ukraine, and god knows what else he has done, apart from what we know already.

Offending you is not a crime Penny Jackboots

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