Even a liberal at MSNBC questions the fairness of the huge judgment against Trump

Well, here you go.

It is so refreshing to see a liberal question other liberals.

It happens almost never........

from the site

The host began by explaining Engoron’s decision here, noting that the statute does not require a prosecutor "to show that anybody was hurt by your practices – there’s nobody you defrauded specifically." So, Engoron was within legal scope with the ruling.

However, she went on to explain that – after looking back at how the statute was used – "there was no case where there was a ban on doing business where there wasn’t harm shown."


In other words: HOW



However, the America-hating libs, which is something like 90% of them

won't care

'Lock Hillary up, Trump' learned a little too late that dems don't play games.

dems too strong reps too weak.jpeg
One thing is for sure: NY, including the bulk of that state, not just the city, are dead as far as business is concerned. All bets are off and debts are being closed or sold off as defaulted bad. The blue wave is upon us, and even here, a day's drive away, the shockwave is being felt. This is what happens when government loses its bearings. Putin has better credit after that decision.
Another candidate for Ignore... so many posters to Ignore, so little time!

I don't like wasting my time reading stupid posts that say NOTHING

If you don't like wasting time reading posts, then why did you read it. As for wasting time. You're right. You are a waste of time. I also told the truth
One judge who ripped this idiot Dem judge clown to shreds agrees, this is like convicting someone of murder yet nobody was killed.
Trump could never get a fair trial in NYC.
Ah, poster Trogcat, ain't that what defense attorneys are for?
What voir dire is for?
After all, using your own graphs.... and Google...it appears there is a pool of about 2,745,000 registered Republicans in New York, so with that big of a population to sift through couldn't competent attorneys find Trump some Trump friendly or Trump neutral jurors to choose from?
I could be persuaded that you are underselling the competency of Don T.'s legal representation.


And NY will suffer due to the loss of tax revenue
That may be a loss from Don Trump's check-book if he sells completely out and moves to Arkansa, but........but if it is mostly real-estate then he still gotta pay taxes on it, and if he sells his buildings and parking lots then the new owners will pay real estate and income tax. Just like Trump was supposed to.
Doesn't seem like there would be much of a net loss whatsoever. Not to mention wrining $350,000,000 outta DonT. could mitigate any short term losses. I'm absolutely convinced of that, I think.


Another candidate for Ignore... so many posters to Ignore, so little time! I don't like wasting my time reading stupid posts
Don't mean to put poster Misery on the spot, but......but my own avatar believes any poster who puts another poster or posters on Ignore is, well, is a great big chicken. A wimp. A wuss. Someone frazzled by pushback, or even just opinions or facts that are contra to one's own is limp-wristed weakling. IMHO

Whadahell do people like that come on to a internet social media site for? What makes them think this is a kumbaya campfire. It is adult discussion. With pros and cons, fors and against.....even some 'on-the-other-hands'.
An alternative tactic, Misery, is.....do this: Simply don't read the posts of posters who upset you. Duh!!!

With no desire to be offensive I would advise any who put others on "Ignore" to.....well, to grow the hell up and quit being a scaredy cat.

Other than that I'm pretty neutral on those sissies.
'Lock Hillary up, Trump' learned a little too late that dems don't play games.
yeh, kind of weird, too, because he taught his children well, about not trusting anyone, including HIM

so strange. I hope things are vastly different next time vis a vis deep state and how they all need to be replaced.. or most of them anyhow. Maybe Trump could look up their voting record... Is that legal?

well, maybe he'd have to fire all of them to make sure he got the right ones...

Well, here you go.

It is so refreshing to see a liberal question other liberals.

It happens almost never........

from the site

The host began by explaining Engoron’s decision here, noting that the statute does not require a prosecutor "to show that anybody was hurt by your practices – there’s nobody you defrauded specifically." So, Engoron was within legal scope with the ruling.

However, she went on to explain that – after looking back at how the statute was used – "there was no case where there was a ban on doing business where there wasn’t harm shown."


In other words: HOW



However, the America-hating libs, which is something like 90% of them

won't care
Not me, I think it's more than fair, so far donald pork hit with $441 million, next stop the Georgia election workers that he abused and defamed, also worth 100's of millions$$$$, and possibly the over 2 dozen women that he raped, not to mention the over 100 criminal charges he faces, ha, ha ha...
Excellent observation, 1MI. You're right when you say there was no harm shown.
And typically the fine is some multiple of the harm caused (e.g. million in harm, fine is 3 million). In this case, the $350M is completely unmoored.

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