Morti the Machine with two white girls one by eatch arm...

I hope you did not pay too much .
I suppose you tried the Loving and Caring Grandfather routine
That is a little too much even for you, because they are good people and friends, you said "paid" as if they are hookers, that is offensive, even for your standards i cannot leave that uncommented, apologise. You dont know who they are, so you cannot say that.
That is a little too much even for you,
Not at all .
You should see me in action when I am really serious.
You surprise me by not recognising my hard style of banter .You have had a three figure number of posts to learn from .
But perhaps attention seeking Morticia smelled a great opportunity to Virtue Signal and try and get me on the back foot .
As if ... rofl . Lighten up my fat friend .
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That is a little too much even for you, because they are good people and friends, you said "paid" as if they are hookers, that is offensive, even for your standards i cannot leave that uncommented, apologise. You dont know who they are, so you cannot say that.

You do realize "two white girls one by each arm" could be viewed as demeaning?
"Two White Girls, one on each arm" suggest a sexual relationship. Your bad.
True but it just a joke those two are almost family because their mum was married to a cousin of mine but they are not relatives but i like them so I would not demean them

But you did.

Cute girls, assuming that the software through which I ran your low-resolution image accurately reconstructed their faces.

I suppose I could say something gratuitously insulting and degrading toward them, but it seems that luiza has that well-enough covered, so I'll just leave it at saying that they're cute.

Morti needs to find Jesus, I am thinking... I mean, why does he talk about everything BUT our Lord?

not condemning, just saying

Besides, maybe he just handed them $10 to pose w/ him... ?
True but it just a joke those two are almost family because their mum was married to a cousin of mine but they are not relatives but i like them so I would not demean them
You did demean them by using them in one of your ill-considered posts with photos.

Seriously, your OP should be taken down.
You did demean them by using them in one of your ill-considered posts with photos.

Seriously, your OP should be taken down.

(no idea why I am LMAO... Maybe I'm as goofy as .. well, you know...)

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