Moscow: Bombali Ebolavirus in Guinea


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2016
There were two other locations previously for Bombali virus (Sierra Leone and Kenya), though this recent strain was found in Gueckedou, the site of the original 2014 case. However, Bombali virus has not yet been proven pathogenic for man.

Sept 2019 Moscow, Bombali Ebola Virus in Guinea
Bombali Virus in Mops condylurus Bats, Guinea
The original ebola case was assumed to be the 2-year-old boy from Meliandu, Gueckedou Prefecture. The report by Karan et al, is @ post #1. The discrepancy is that the Russian (Karan et al) report does not mention Gueckedou Prefecture, but N'Zerekore Prefecture, whereas this UC Davis, California report for Bombali in Guinea does mention it at Gueckedou. Thus, there appears to be three separate findings of Bombali in Guinea.

Thu 5 Sept 2019 UC Davis, California: Bombali in Guinea
'....In addition to findings reported by Karan et al (2019) the virus was also found in 2 live captured Angolan free-tailed bats roosting inside people's houses in Gueckedou and Kissidougou, Guinea.'

The epidemiological team that made these findings at Gueckedou (town?) and Kissidougou (town?) is not named nor cited in the UC Davis report of 5 Sept 2019. Meliandu is in Gueckedou Prefecture, N'Zerekore is a town in N'Zerekore Prefecture, and Kissidougou is a town in Kissidougou Prefecture. Thus, apparently three separate locations for Bombali ebolavirus in Guinea.

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