Moscow Humiliating Defeat in Azerbaijan, The Eastern Moldova is the next one


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017

Win- Win situation for Armenian and Azerbaijan, Moscow empire is leaving Southern Caucasus , Moldova is the next on the line!​

Moscow Humiliating Defeat in Azerbaijan, The Eastern Moldova is the next one​

Moscow horde´s war record :-1856 defeated by Britain and France1905 defeated by Japan1917 defeated by Germany1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states 1939 defeated by Finland1969 defeated by China1989 defeated by Afghanistan 1989 defeated in the Cold War. 1996 defeated by Chechnya 2022 defeated by UkraineWW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-a) Hungary 1956b) Czechoslovakia 1968c) Moldova 1992d) Georgia 2008 ...
Of course Litloser and globalist scum side with the Muslims that are slaughtering Armenian Christians.

Azerbaijan has oil so the globalist will slob their knobs. The Armenians have nothing so…..oh well.
Russia shows complete disrespect for the United Nations, being a permanent member of the Security Council, - US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken at a meeting of the UN Security Council."The war that Russian President Vladimir Putin unleashed in Ukraine was from the very beginning aimed at erasing Ukraine from the earth as a sovereign state and restoring the lost Russian empire. In this war there is an aggressor and there is a victim.One side attacks the basic principles of the UN Charter, the other chooses to protect them.For more than a year and a half, Russia has been violating the basic provisions of the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, international humanitarian law, and disrespecting one Security Council resolution after another.Russia's invasion itself violates the main principle of the UN Charter — respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states.Russia commits war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ukraine almost every day.By continuing to use Europe's largest nuclear power plant and its employees as a shield for its aggression, Russia poses a nuclear threat with catastrophic consequences," said Blinken.
Russia shows complete disrespect for the United Nations, being a permanent member of the Security Council, - US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken at a meeting of the UN Security Council."The war that Russian President Vladimir Putin unleashed in Ukraine was from the very beginning aimed at erasing Ukraine from the earth as a sovereign state and restoring the lost Russian empire. In this war there is an aggressor and there is a victim.One side attacks the basic principles of the UN Charter, the other chooses to protect them.For more than a year and a half, Russia has been violating the basic provisions of the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, international humanitarian law, and disrespecting one Security Council resolution after another.Russia's invasion itself violates the main principle of the UN Charter — respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states.Russia commits war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ukraine almost every day.By continuing to use Europe's largest nuclear power plant and its employees as a shield for its aggression, Russia poses a nuclear threat with catastrophic consequences," said Blinken.
Why would I give a shit what Blinken has to say? He is a fucking idiot warmonger.
i am 100% sure, that Armenians are that STUPID ! THEY KNOW WHAT GAME PLAY MOSCOW´S poodles 🐖 🐐 🇷🇺


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