Mosquito Alert!


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
There are mosquito rare viruses that have been reported in Alabama and New York, and mosquitos carry Zika andWest Nile virus, and diseases such as encephalitis or malaria, and all are linked with infected mosquitos, and here's what you can do about it:

1. Drain any water puddles around your home or property​
2. Wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts​
3. use mosquito water-repellant insect spray when going outdoors if you live near a lake, pond, river, or seaside or if water collects in a drain near​
4. Invest in a solar mosquito lamp killer for each exit outside door from your home.​
5. Replace porchlight bulbs with bug bulbs at least until frost.​
6. There's a nutrition trick that can minimize succumbing to Covid virus if you take vitamin tablets every day, add zinc, Vitamin A, and Vitamin D3 supplements that are available in most, but not all grocery stores. Many people are deficient in one or more of those RDAs, and some people require more than what is delivered in their daily vitamin routine.​
7. If you are allergic to mosquitos, stay indoors if you are allergic to mosquito-repellant products.​
8. Inspect and fix any tears or holes in screens on windows or door.​
Take care of yourselves for the rest of the warm season. My warmest regards to all members of USMB. Love, beautress
Here is SW Wisconsin, it's been one of the best bug-free years I've seen in quite awhile. Gone are the usual skeeters, gnats, no-see-ums, and deer flies. Only had one tick on me too, and I've spent a lot of time out in the woods this Summer.

Although I did see some little squigglies when I dumped the water out of a kiddie pool we keep for the dog.
Here is SW Wisconsin, it's been one of the best bug-free years I've seen in quite awhile. Gone are the usual skeeters, gnats, no-see-ums, and deer flies. Only had one tick on me too, and I've spent a lot of time out in the woods this Summer.

Although I did see some little squigglies when I dumped the water out of a kiddie pool we keep for the dog.

Stay well, JGalt. :thup:
I just got over a virus that hung onto me for 6 weeks. The Dr. didn't classify it as any of the above, but I'm telling you, it was rough and started with a high feverm and in two weeks, I felt better one day and thought I was over it. Then it reinvented itself and I had a relapse that continued on and on and on. I live alone, and when I needed to go to the store for necessities, I'd stick to my list and get out of there asap.

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