Most Americans do not want to arm Israel

Whether someone supports Israel or not, don’t be a reactionary to this. Slow down and breathe and listen to what the American people are saying. Don’t call somebody anti Jewish and don’t call somebody a terrorist sympathizer it’s dumb. It’s no different than saying people who support Israel are terrorists.

While the results are somewhat partisan a large minority of Trump supporters 30% of them that is …oppose arming Israel. So for the people who believe Israel can do nothing wrong you folks have a problem here. And I am a Trump supporter and 30% of us do not want to arm Israel. Frankly Israel does not need American weapons. They have nuclear weapons and the people they are fighting in Palestine are armed with rocks and pistols. Hezbollah also appears to be a paper Tiger and plenty of people in Israel no longer want American aid. They want to be able to be more independent.

Our tax dollars should not go to arming Israel. That is because of the Will of the American people. As said before and many people would agree with the following ….Individual America should be allowed to go to join the Israeli or Palestinian armed forces or the Russian or Ukrainian ones. Personally I wouldn’t fight for any of these groups, but I believe this is the best course to follow what the USA did during the Spanish Civil War when Americans were allowed to fight for both sides.

So most Americans do not support arming Israel and interestingly enough 30% of Trump supporters do not support arming Israel. That is a huge number. Some would think that only 2% of Trump supporters don’t support arming Israel.

This coincides with a Gallup poll back in march showing majority of Americans, disapprove of Israel’s actions in Gaza.

Americans don't want to be complicit in genocide.
Looks like duck.
Waddles like a duck.
Quacks like a duck.
Must be a duck.

Substitute Leftist for Duck.

Quack, quack. :rolleyes:
You wrote
If you mean Left-wing leaning MSM "news", there lies your answer.
I begin to wonder if American English is your primary language. ???

See post #113 above for further explanation on my use of "fake news".
You posted it as if it were truth.
First off I am a fellow Trump supporter and I find it unfortunate that you clicked fake news on about six of my posts. I wonder if you took the time to read any of them. Because some of the points in there are real news and if you’re clicking fake news, you’re engaging in partisan politics.

It is not fake news when we have data. The data says 30% of Trump supporters do not agree with arming Israel. And now most Americans do not agree with arming Israel. This should be no surprise because Candace Owens for example who is critical of Israeli actions in Palestine and Lebanon is overwhelmingly loved by conservative people. She has a top three podcast in the entire country. Almost her entire listener base are Trump supporters.

Within conservatives, there is a split on arming countries like Ukraine or Israel.

Also it was the United States military industrial complex that blocked Israel from creating its own own military jet program in the 1980s. A lot of people in Israel do not want any weapons from America. They want to be able to maintain their own military which they have the power to do so. That issue is the fault of the US military industrial complex, so they need to reverse that policy. And right now, Israel has nuclear weapons they face no threat from the Palestinians in the sense of Palestine has no conventional military. They’re only real threat is the Iranian military as Israel is surrounded by allies in the Arab countries now because of the Trump Abraham accords and other things.

I’m actually not going to get into debating the Israel Palestine conflict with you. I simply hope that you stop clicking fake news on my posts cause you’re doing this to a fellow Trump supporter and I have never clicked fake news on any of your posts or giving you any kind of a negative feedback. But I digress there it actually doesn’t really affect me. You can do it all you want. I’m just hoping you don’t as a sign of mutual respect.

As Americans, we should be able to have civil disagreements about arming foreign countries. And I believe in putting the American people first. Now you can provide your opinion that you think Israel is some kind of a vanguard of democracy in the Middle East and is in the front line against “Muslim Terrorists”. I have a right to disagree with that without being personally attacked. Just like you have a right to support Israel without being personally attacked. A more positive environment should be fostered here especially if it’s between Trump supporters
That's a pretty high number of antisemites. I didn't realize we had that many Hamas supporters in this country.

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