Most Brutal Chapters in American History

Islam didn't sell anything. There were Muslim slave traders who sold slaves to Christian slave traders who sold them to Christian slave owners. There were also Christian slave traders who bought slaves directly from native tribes and then sold them to Christian slave owners.

And then of course there were also good Christian slave traders here in the United States happily selling slaves to Christians and Jews in the United States.
/----/ And there were Christians who spilled their blood and spent their fortunes to end slavery. And there are Africans who enslave fellow Africans to this day.

This is true. It was Christians who not only spearheaded the movement worldwide to abolish slavery, they CREATED it. No one saw slavery as unusual, it having been part of human history since forever, until Christians began whipping up public sentiment against it and pushing for it to disappear.
/----/ Those people Black, Persian, Arab and White who traded in slavery were not Christians, Muslims or any other religion. Yeah they hid behind it but no true Christian would hold or sell slaves.

*sigh* I didn't say that Christians held or sold slaves. I said they led the movement to ABOLISH slavery. And I said it in extremely clear English, so I fail to see how you could so utterly have misunderstood it.
/——/ I was responding to this statement: “And then of course there were also good Christian slave traders here in the United States happily selling slaves to Christians and Jews in the United States.”

Then you might perhaps want to respond to THAT post, rather than to MY response to it.
/----/ And there were Christians who spilled their blood and spent their fortunes to end slavery. And there are Africans who enslave fellow Africans to this day.

This is true. It was Christians who not only spearheaded the movement worldwide to abolish slavery, they CREATED it. No one saw slavery as unusual, it having been part of human history since forever, until Christians began whipping up public sentiment against it and pushing for it to disappear.
/----/ Those people Black, Persian, Arab and White who traded in slavery were not Christians, Muslims or any other religion. Yeah they hid behind it but no true Christian would hold or sell slaves.

*sigh* I didn't say that Christians held or sold slaves. I said they led the movement to ABOLISH slavery. And I said it in extremely clear English, so I fail to see how you could so utterly have misunderstood it.
/——/ I was responding to this statement: “And then of course there were also good Christian slave traders here in the United States happily selling slaves to Christians and Jews in the United States.”

Then you might perhaps want to respond to THAT post, rather than to MY response to it.
/----/ For crying out loud, I wan't addressing you in particular, you attention whore. I was participating in the thread. It's not all about you.
As a newcomer, I am delighted that US Message Board allows more freedom of speech than any other website.

As a result, I have read posters who have been allowed to express a broad range of views regarding African Americans.

In my opinion, however, I think that we ALL can admit that the most brutal thing in our country's history was, indeed, slavery and segregation (de jure in the South and de facto in the North).


When I was a teenager in the 1950s, I used to wince when I read the annual "Travel" section of Ebony magazine. It would list the names of hotels (in each state) that accepted African American guests. As you might guess, some states may have had only one listing! The past humiliation of African Americans in American society is something that younger people simply cannot comprehend in 2018.
This is true. It was Christians who not only spearheaded the movement worldwide to abolish slavery, they CREATED it. No one saw slavery as unusual, it having been part of human history since forever, until Christians began whipping up public sentiment against it and pushing for it to disappear.
/----/ Those people Black, Persian, Arab and White who traded in slavery were not Christians, Muslims or any other religion. Yeah they hid behind it but no true Christian would hold or sell slaves.

*sigh* I didn't say that Christians held or sold slaves. I said they led the movement to ABOLISH slavery. And I said it in extremely clear English, so I fail to see how you could so utterly have misunderstood it.
/——/ I was responding to this statement: “And then of course there were also good Christian slave traders here in the United States happily selling slaves to Christians and Jews in the United States.”

Then you might perhaps want to respond to THAT post, rather than to MY response to it.
/----/ For crying out loud, I wan't addressing you in particular, you attention whore. I was participating in the thread. It's not all about you.

For crying out loud, you WERE addressing me in particular because you can't figure out how the "reply" function works and "participate in the thread" effectively.

There's no amount of deflection and name-calling that's going to erase the fact that you fucked up, so give it up.

Maybe Mommy needs to explain things to YOU in words you can understand.
As a newcomer, I am delighted that US Message Board allows more freedom of speech than any other website.

As a result, I have read posters who have been allowed to express a broad range of views regarding African Americans.

In my opinion, however, I think that we ALL can admit that the most brutal thing in our country's history was, indeed, slavery and segregation (de jure in the South and de facto in the North).


When I was a teenager in the 1950s, I used to wince when I read the annual "Travel" section of Ebony magazine. It would list the names of hotels (in each state) that accepted African American guests. As you might guess, some states may have had only one listing! The past humiliation of African Americans in American society is something that younger people simply cannot comprehend in 2018.

Well, I hate to break it to you, but while slavery was one of the most brutal aspects of American history, I don't think "we ALL agree" that it was THE most. I think there are several things that run neck-and-neck with it. The near-genocide of the suppression of the American Indian tribes, for example.
Slavery was on the list correct? To mistreat and abuse others because one is too lazy and cheap to do the labor themselves. Plantation owners were rotten to the core. The ones that used slaves that is.
Most Brutal Chapters in our history.

1) Slavery
2) Brutal repression of Native Americans
3) Women's Right to vote
4) Japanese Internment during WWII
5) Nixon's Southern Strategy followed by the Republican descent into a white fascist party
6) Prohibition

1) Slavery


2) Brutal repression of Native Americans

So what

3) Women's Right to vote

How was giving the rights to women wrong?

4) Japanese Internment during WWII


5) Nixon's Southern Strategy followed by the Republican descent into a white fascist party


6) Prohibition

Women did that


1) Slavery



2) Brutal repression of Native Americans

So what

again brought on by the democrats (Andrew Jackson)

4) Japanese Internment during WWII



6) Prohibition

Women did that

progressives did that

the democrat party has been and continues to be an evil and vile organization

Ah, the bloviated musings of the Party of Dumb

Truth hurts don't it kid..

What “truth” are you referring too?
Most Brutal Chapters in our history.

1) Slavery
2) Brutal repression of Native Americans
3) Women's Right to vote
4) Japanese Internment during WWII
5) Nixon's Southern Strategy followed by the Republican descent into a white fascist party
6) Prohibition

1) Slavery


2) Brutal repression of Native Americans

So what

3) Women's Right to vote

How was giving the rights to women wrong?

4) Japanese Internment during WWII


5) Nixon's Southern Strategy followed by the Republican descent into a white fascist party


6) Prohibition

Women did that


1) Slavery



2) Brutal repression of Native Americans

So what

again brought on by the democrats (Andrew Jackson)

4) Japanese Internment during WWII



6) Prohibition

Women did that

progressives did that

the democrat party has been and continues to be an evil and vile organization

Ah, the bloviated musings of the Party of Dumb

Truth hurts don't it kid..

What “truth” are you referring too?

What truth don't you get?
1) Slavery


2) Brutal repression of Native Americans

So what

3) Women's Right to vote

How was giving the rights to women wrong?

4) Japanese Internment during WWII


5) Nixon's Southern Strategy followed by the Republican descent into a white fascist party


6) Prohibition

Women did that


1) Slavery



2) Brutal repression of Native Americans

So what

again brought on by the democrats (Andrew Jackson)

4) Japanese Internment during WWII



6) Prohibition

Women did that

progressives did that

the democrat party has been and continues to be an evil and vile organization

Ah, the bloviated musings of the Party of Dumb

Truth hurts don't it kid..

What “truth” are you referring too?

What truth don't you get?

I get truth, I just don’t see it in any of your posts.
1) Slavery



2) Brutal repression of Native Americans

So what

again brought on by the democrats (Andrew Jackson)

4) Japanese Internment during WWII



6) Prohibition

Women did that

progressives did that

the democrat party has been and continues to be an evil and vile organization

Ah, the bloviated musings of the Party of Dumb

Truth hurts don't it kid..

What “truth” are you referring too?

What truth don't you get?

I get truth, I just don’t see it in any of your posts.

1st grade drop out??????
Slavery was on the list correct? To mistreat and abuse others because one is too lazy and cheap to do the labor themselves. Plantation owners were rotten to the core. The ones that used slaves that is.

No, plantation owners were just people, living in a system they'd been born into, that had existed as long as human beings have existed. They were no more inherently evil than any other human being, now or ever. The rare few who can step outside their own society and time, look at it objectively, and rise above it are heroic visionaries, but that doesn't make the vast multitudes who are NOT heroic visionaries automatically evil, or even bad. Just . . . human.

You think that you are better than and superior to them, but the truth is, you are being exactly like them: a product of your own times and society. You believe that your awareness of the evil of slavery comes from your personal nobility and morality, but in truth, it comes from living in a society that was built on THEIR mistakes and THEIR struggle with the questions whose answers you take for granted.

It is human nature to try to divorce ourselves from that which is lowest in ourselves, to denounce others as "monsters" so as to convince ourselves that WE could never be like them. But it ultimately doesn't benefit us to do so; it only makes us that much more vulnerable to our own evils.
Well, I hate to break it to you, but while slavery was one of the most brutal aspects of American history, I don't think "we ALL agree" that it was THE most. I think there are several things that run neck-and-neck with it. The near-genocide of the suppression of the American Indian tribes, for example.

Yes, it is shameful how some Americans treated the people who originally "owned" this land.

To the best of my knowledge, however, there was no concerted effort to dehumanize Native Americans, as was done to African Americans (who were bought and sold as objects),

As you know, throughout our history, in fact, some prominent Americans have boasted (truthfully or not) to have Native American blood.

Have a nice day!
7. The Republican Overthrow of decades of Democrat-imposed Political Correctness and Public Shaming for disagreeing with Liberals?
...To the best of my knowledge, however, there was no concerted effort to dehumanize Native Americans, as was done to African Americans (who were bought and sold as objects),..
Yeah... it WAS tragic that African Tribesmen captured and enslaved their fellows and sold them to Muslim-Arab Slavers who, in turn, sold them to Euro-Slavers on the coast.

You know... those same Tribesmen and Muslim-Arab Slavers who had been making a fortune in African Human Trafficking for a thousand years before the Euro-Slavers showed up.
Most Brutal Chapters in our history.

1) Slavery
2) Brutal repression of Native Americans
3) Women's Right to vote
4) Japanese Internment during WWII
5) Nixon's Southern Strategy followed by the Republican descent into a white fascist party
/-----/ Mask your lie (#5) in the midst of truth and hope your victims won't notice and accept it. Saul Alinsky would be proud of you.

trump just didn't happen overnight in the republic party. White nationalism has been growing in the party since Nixon embraced it in the 68' election.

As for the Democratic Party, they were happy to move on the Dixiecrats as a morally bankrupt entity.

Trump would of never happened at all if the left didn't elect obozo...
...and BO wouldn't have happened had not W been elected...and W wouldn't have happened if Bubba hadn't been elected...and Bubba wouldn't have happened had HW not been elected....and round and round we go.
Most Brutal Chapters in our history.

1) Slavery
2) Brutal repression of Native Americans
3) Women's Right to vote
4) Japanese Internment during WWII
5) Nixon's Southern Strategy followed by the Republican descent into a white fascist party
/-----/ Mask your lie (#5) in the midst of truth and hope your victims won't notice and accept it. Saul Alinsky would be proud of you.

trump just didn't happen overnight in the republic party. White nationalism has been growing in the party since Nixon embraced it in the 68' election.

As for the Democratic Party, they were happy to move on the Dixiecrats as a morally bankrupt entity.

Trump would of never happened at all if the left didn't elect obozo...
...and BO wouldn't have happened had not W been elected...and W wouldn't have happened if Bubba hadn't been elected...and Bubba wouldn't have happened had HW not been elected....and round and round we go.

You don't get it or comprehend

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