Most efficient health care

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011

Among advanced economies, the U.S. spends the most on health care on a relative cost basis with the worst outcome.

See more graphics at the second link.

What's the point in this kind of post? No one really disputes how fucked the health care market is in the US. The questions is, why, and how do we fix it?
Amazingly, I've read posts here that maintain there's nothing wrong with US healthcare.
Amazingly, I've read posts here that maintain there's nothing wrong with US healthcare.

Yeah, those are people with insurance. The scam of group insurance obliterates market balance. The people who are 'in on it' make out fine, in the short term. But like all pyramid scams, late adopters never get their money's worth. Which is why more and more people don't want (or want much less) insurance. That's a sane, 'healthy' response to an insane status quo.

Sadly, we're doubling down on the status quo forcing everyone on board the sinking ship. Oh well, it least the insurance industry will be able to milk us for a few more years while everything collapses. Go team!
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