most important election!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
.....that's what I hear........but, it's not--not really's the most talked about, maybe.....with so much BULLSHIT in the MSM....... will go on, the same, no matter who wins .......the states have their own laws/etc ..... might start a downward trend for the US into an African-like shithole---with Harris and other blacks in positions = they LOVE criminality and hate law and order
----but I'll be dead before then
Yeah...."this election is for the soul of america. It's so important". All lies. Lies lies lies. Because this is going to be a razor close election people are actually nervous and cannot believe that someone would vote for the other guy. The fact is close elections are the key to a strong country.
this is going to be a razor close election
Id be willing to bet a dollar to a dog biscuit, Trump will win by a massive landslide.
Feel free to write my name down and remind me after the election, if Im wrong.
.....there are a lot of 18 year olds and college age KIDS who don't know what real life is about, that will vote for, I'm not sure of anything
..and a lot of other youngsters [ 25, even 30 ] that have fallen for the BLM myth and lies
.....there are a lot of 18 year olds and college age KIDS who don't know what real life is about, that will vote for, I'm not sure of anything
..and a lot of other youngsters [ 25, even 30 ] that have fallen for the BLM myth and lies
Great point.
The only viable rebuttal I can express is Turning Point USA, Candice Owens, and many more, they have been working night and day, as to have a huge impact on the younger generations...I hope
I have never seen this country more polarized than I have over the last 4 years.
I heard Biden wants a commission to look at the possibility to resolve the Supreme Court issue.
Seems that he doesn't think it's fair. Personally, I think it's cover to pack the Court without actually saying it.
......a lot of the polarization is from the MSM bullshit/lies
......RACE RACE RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--when race has nothing to do with any of it
It won't be a landslide. It will be a nail biter. Here is a current projection. If one state flips...not good.
It won't be a landslide. It will be a nail biter. Here is a current projection. If one state flips...not good.
View attachment 405270
Minnesota will more than likely go to TRump because of the governor
Arizona is a pro-second amendment state can't see it going to Biden
Look to Nevada going to Trump also
and Virginia No frack Joe will lose Pennsylvania
Why It’s Important for Trump to Win

a summary by the author: Finally, the #1 reason to want a Trump victory would be simply to see massive crowds of Trump haters weeping on TV, a repeat of 2016, but much worse. I would just love to see the likes of Nicole Wallace, Joy Reid, Chris Hayes, Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon, and Lawrence O’Donnell, their faces grim, lashing out at Trump voters as racists, misogynists, haters, etc. Get out the popcorn!

preciate the opportunity to post this- since most of you fucking crack heads refuse to read- but, I try- more than zI can say for most political message boards crack heads- yes, that's what y'all are partisan political junkies that don't know squat but think you do- so, you made your mind up with subjective analysis and call it a day

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