Most mass shooters got their guns legally.

So... we remove the right to keep and bear arms because an infinitesimal number of citizens use legally purchased guns to commit murders? That's a lot like saying that because a few assholes use their free speech to offend some group, we should remove that right from everyone to keep that group from being offended. Uh... no...
WTF is wrong with you. Gun nuts are the only ones talking about removing the right to have guns. You've convinced the brain dead among you that is something that might really happen.
The U.S. Justice Dept. conservatively estimates that guns are used to save lives 1.5 millions times per year.

Now you figure out how many will be killed if you take guns away from law abiding people.
What have I said to make you think I want to remove all guns?
Leftists like BULLDOG want to do that, as well.

They can't be given an inch, based on their well-documented history of abusing every morsel of power they've ever achieved.
Perhaps you can point to where I said I want to do either of those things.
So regulating fully auto weapons is not infringing, but regulating AR15s in the same way would be? That's the dumb part.
both are in violation of the constitution

"to regulate" as per the 2nd A means for them to be readily available and in working order,,
What have I said to make you think I want to remove all guns?
Where did I say you said that?

I asked you to make a rhetorical guess in response to your comment re waiting for bad guys to kill somebody before taking their guns. If they have no criminal record and buy the gun legally, there is no way to take the mass shooter's gun before the fact without taking all guns.

There is usually no way to know a person intends to commit a crime until the crime is in progress.

So unless we take all the guns--pretty much a physical impossibility in a country our size without making it a police state--the next best thing to protect us against crime is law abiding citizens who have guns and know how and when to use them coupled with a return to basic sensible values of right and wrong that we all teach our children..
WTF is wrong with you. Gun nuts are the only ones talking about removing the right to have guns. You've convinced the brain dead among you that is something that might really happen.
Like a large group of miscreants taking over 6 square blocks of a Major US City and holding it for almost 6 weeks ?
I see what you did there. Smear the 99.9999% of legal guns owners with the 1 in a million NUT CASE that goes on a shooting spree. Focus on mental illness, there's your common denominator.
I think you could add about fifteen more nines after the decimal point.
So how do you feel about fully auto weapons? Constitutionally protected?
In my opinion, yes, a full auto weapon is no more dangerous that a semi-auto, or single shot one. In fact in most hands, a full auto weapon is LESS dangerous because it takes a great deal of training to hit anything on full auto.
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Right wingers, and unstable gun enthusiasts often claim legal gun owners just don't commit crimes. Not sure why, but they are rarely corrected for such a huge lie. One thing almost all mass shooters have in common is how they legally got their AR15, which is the weapon of choice for most mass shooters. Mass shooters are known as Good Guys With A Gun, right up until they open fire. There is no doubt that shooters generally match a pattern, and enacting red flag laws and universal background checks would have denied many mass shooters the weapons used in their attacks. It's past time for reasonable gun control, and only a fool can't see that.

Over 1 million guns were bought in one month in 2023.

How many mass shootings have there been this entire year compared to that one month? I can say it's miniscule.

And yes, law abiding citizens do buy guns and use them responsibly. Criminals buy guns also.

Obviously guns aren't the problem. If they were then we would all be dead right now. The problem is criminals, dopeheads and crazy people, if we remove them from society then we wouldn't need any gun laws
Over 1 million guns were bought in one month in 2023.

How many mass shootings have there been this entire year compared to that one month? I can say it's miniscule.

And yes, law abiding citizens do buy guns and use them responsibly. Criminals buy guns also.

Obviously guns aren't the problem. If they were then we would all be dead right now. The problem is criminals, dopeheads and crazy people, if we remove them from society then we wouldn't need any gun laws
Lol there are more Firearms in Private ( Non Military / Non LEO ) Hands In Anchorage Alaska than there are Firearms in Private Hands In ALL OF CHINA .
Where did I say you said that?

I asked you to make a rhetorical guess in response to your comment re waiting for bad guys to kill somebody before taking their guns. If they have no criminal record and buy the gun legally, there is no way to take the mass shooter's gun before the fact without taking all guns.

There is usually no way to know a person intends to commit a crime until the crime is in progress.

So unless we take all the guns--pretty much a physical impossibility in a country our size without making it a police state--the next best thing to protect us against crime is law abiding citizens who have guns and know how and when to use them coupled with a return to basic sensible values of right and wrong that we all teach our children..
You certainly implied it. There are lots of ways to tell a person might intend to commit a mass murder. You didn't read the links in th OP? Gun nuts whine about having their guns being in danger of being comfiscated without a hint of being rhetorical. Absurd hyperbolic remarks like yours have become common place in the wake of MAGA crazy. Rediculous accusations that would once spawn ridicule for the nutbags utterng them have become normalized. You can thank your Orange Jesus for that.
In my opinion, yes, a full auto weapon is no more dangerous that a semi-auto, or single shot one. In fact in most hands, a full auto weapon is LESS dangerous because it takes a great deal of training to hit anything on full auto.

The supreme court disagrees with you. Obviously, you are an idiot.
Over 1 million guns were bought in one month in 2023.

How many mass shootings have there been this entire year compared to that one month? I can say it's miniscule.

And yes, law abiding citizens do buy guns and use them responsibly. Criminals buy guns also.

Obviously guns aren't the problem. If they were then we would all be dead right now. The problem is criminals, dopeheads and crazy people, if we remove them from society then we wouldn't need any gun laws
Su you're fine with mass shootings? Just something we have to put up with?

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