Most mass shooters got their guns legally.

Please try and realize the First Shots in the 2nd American Civil War War were by that BLM Nutjob who ambushed the 6 Dallas Cops
The country needs to see just how unstable the cult has become. Please post often.
The supreme court disagrees with you. Obviously, you are an idiot.
No, I’m a highly trained ex-military shooter and bomb disposal expert. When firing a full auto, the first round hits center mass, the second hits at head height and the rest go higher and higher. A very well trained shooter like a Ranger or a SEAL can shoot more accurately than that, but most people won’t even get the first hit. That’s why the military changed from full auto to three round burst on its rifles. If anyone here is an idiot, it’s you. You constantly opine on matters you have to clue about.
The country needs to see just how unstable the cult has become. Please post often.
The Country needs to feel the pain of 25-30 Million Illegals / Visa Overstayers / Getaways /Afghan / Paleostinian Refugees .
No, I’m a highly trained ex-military shooter and bomb disposal expert. When firing a full auto, the first round hits center mass, the second hits at head height and the rest go higher and higher. A very well trained shooter like a Ranger or a SEAL can shoot more accurately than that, but most people won’t even get the first hit. That’s why the military changed from full auto to three round burst on its rifles. If anyone here is an idiot, it’s you. You constantly opine on matters you have to clue about.
Interesting, but if you think any of that has anything to do with how most mass shooters get their weapons, then you're nuts.
The Country needs to feel the pain of 25-30 Million Illegals / Visa Overstayers / Getaways /Afghan / Paleostinian Refugees .
That's it. Get it all out. You'll feel better, and sane people will see just how fucked up your head is.

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