Motherhood in Tents: Photos of Syrian Refugees


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Hopefully some day these mothers will be able to leave the tents and live in decent housing to raise their children.

Motherhood in Tents: Photos of Syrian Refugees
AP photographer Muhammed Muheisen revisited Syrian refugees he photographed during their pregnancies, now raising babies in tent settlements.

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Motherhood in Tents: Photos of Syrian Refugees?
Poor lil' fella...

Refugee crisis: Haunting images of a dead child
Sep 2, 2015, If these extraordinarily powerful images of a dead child washed up on a beach don’t change Europe’s attitude to refugees, what will?
The pictures show a small boy lying face down in the sand on a Turkish beach as an official stands over him. The child, who is thought to be Syrian, has drowned in an apparent attempt to flee the war ravaging his country. They are extraordinary images and serve as a stark reminder that, as European leaders increasingly try to prevent refugees and migrants from settling in the continent, more and more refugees are dying in their desperation to flee persecution and reach safety. It was decided to publish these images because, among the often glib words about the "ongoing migrant crisis", it is all too easy to forget the reality of the desperate situation facing many refugees.

The boy, pictured below being carried by the official, is one of 11 Syrian refugees feared dead after they drowned trying to cross the Mediterranean on two boats bound for the Greek island of Kos. One of the boats was carrying six Syrians when it sank after leaving Akyarlar, in a desperate attempt to cross the 5km Aegean straight to Kos that represented their best chance of entering the EU. According to Turkey's Dogan news agency, three children and a woman from the small boat drowned. Two people survived after swimming back to shore in life jackets. Along with Afghan citizens, Syrians make up the bulk of the people fleeing conflict in their homeland to seek a safer home in Europe.

But while images of desperate refugees emerge almost every day, the attitude of Europe's policymakers and much of the public have continued to harden. In Britain, David Cameron and Philip Hammond have been criticised for the "dehumanising" language they use to describe refugees. The Prime Minister described migrants coming to the UK as a "swarm", and later said he would not "allow people to break into our country". Hammond, the foreign secretary, said migrants were "marauding" around Calais. Amnesty International called his comments "shameful".

Hungary has continued to build its razor-wire fence blocking off the 170km length of its border with Serbia, and on Wednesday police in Budapest blocked migrants from boarding trains to Germany for a second day running. In the Czech Republic, some 200 migrants with valid train tickets were hauled off a train bound for Germany and given registration numbers, in permanent marker, written on their arms. In the Netherlands, the government has announced a toughening of its rules that would see failed asylum-seekers cut off from food and shelter within "a few weeks" of being handed a decision.

Syrians speak Arabic-----they are generally muslims----some Christians----I vote that the arab countries-----get themselves
together and TAKE CARE OF THEIR OWN -------lots of oil money over there and LOTS OF SPACE
Syrians speak Arabic-----they are generally muslims----some Christians----I vote that the arab countries-----get themselves
together and TAKE CARE OF THEIR OWN -------lots of oil money over there and LOTS OF SPACE

I keep on reading about the UAE and Qatar giving a lot of money to help those Muslim countries like Jordan with the refugees, but I haven't seen that they are actually taking in the refugees. Why not? As you say, the Syrian refugees speak Arabic. All over the Emirates, Saudi Arabia, etc., they are importing foreign workers from places such as India and the Philippines. Would it really be that difficult for them to import people who speak their language and follow the same religious beliefs? Maybe they feel is would be beneath Muslims to do the scut work like these foreigners do, so if these Muslim refugees settle in European countries, there will be unending benefits awaiting them.
Syrians speak Arabic-----they are generally muslims----some Christians----I vote that the arab countries-----get themselves
together and TAKE CARE OF THEIR OWN -------lots of oil money over there and LOTS OF SPACE

I keep on reading about the UAE and Qatar giving a lot of money to help those Muslim countries like Jordan with the refugees, but I haven't seen that they are actually taking in the refugees. Why not? As you say, the Syrian refugees speak Arabic. All over the Emirates, Saudi Arabia, etc., they are importing foreign workers from places such as India and the Philippines. Would it really be that difficult for them to import people who speak their language and follow the same religious beliefs? Maybe they feel is would be beneath Muslims to do the scut work like these foreigners do, so if these Muslim refugees settle in European countries, there will be unending benefits awaiting them.

Sally----the answer is in recent history-------and is very simple---"they"----'they' meaning their arab muslim bretheren-----do not want them. "THEY" 'they' meaning their arab muslim bretheren-----murdered them in Syria and in Jordan and they persecuted and expelled them in Kuwait-------"their" Egyptian
bretheren DESPISE them (personal account---Egyptian muslims I have encountered in the course of my interactions---
say the word "BALESTINIAN" with an expression of intense bitter distaste-----so imagine what they would do with the word '"SYRIAN". Iran does not want them either.

The situation is Macabre-------in the 1930s -----jews---whether in Palestine or the rest of the world were DESPERATE to get their bretheren OUT of Germany-----and ALSO desperate to get them OUT of arab countries--------"JUST GIVE THEM TO US" My mother's family lived in a very small one bedroom apartment in New York-------my grandfather was DESPERATE
to get his brothers and their wives and children OUT of Austria--------and my grandmother and grandfather would have dangled themselves from the ceiling in order to provide space for them in that tiny little apartment-----if they could have rescued the family members--------but GIANT IRAN and all the OIL SATURATED arab muslim countries just DON'T want the Syrian refugees. They don't even want to feed them-----just shove them upon the welfare systems of Germany and Sweden and Denmark --------
Syrians speak Arabic-----they are generally muslims----some Christians----I vote that the arab countries-----get themselves
together and TAKE CARE OF THEIR OWN -------lots of oil money over there and LOTS OF SPACE

I keep on reading about the UAE and Qatar giving a lot of money to help those Muslim countries like Jordan with the refugees, but I haven't seen that they are actually taking in the refugees. Why not? As you say, the Syrian refugees speak Arabic. All over the Emirates, Saudi Arabia, etc., they are importing foreign workers from places such as India and the Philippines. Would it really be that difficult for them to import people who speak their language and follow the same religious beliefs? Maybe they feel is would be beneath Muslims to do the scut work like these foreigners do, so if these Muslim refugees settle in European countries, there will be unending benefits awaiting them.

Sally----the answer is in recent history-------and is very simple---"they"----'they' meaning their arab muslim bretheren-----do not want them. "THEY" 'they' meaning their arab muslim bretheren-----murdered them in Syria and in Jordan and they persecuted and expelled them in Kuwait-------"their" Egyptian
bretheren DESPISE them (personal account---Egyptian muslims I have encountered in the course of my interactions---
say the word "BALESTINIAN" with an expression of intense bitter distaste-----so imagine what they would do with the word '"SYRIAN". Iran does not want them either.

The situation is Macabre-------in the 1930s -----jews---whether in Palestine or the rest of the world were DESPERATE to get their bretheren OUT of Germany-----and ALSO desperate to get them OUT of arab countries--------"JUST GIVE THEM TO US" My mother's family lived in a very small one bedroom apartment in New York-------my grandfather was DESPERATE
to get his brothers and their wives and children OUT of Austria--------and my grandmother and grandfather would have dangled themselves from the ceiling in order to provide space for them in that tiny little apartment-----if they could have rescued the family members--------but GIANT IRAN and all the OIL SATURATED arab muslim countries just DON'T want the Syrian refugees. They don't even want to feed them-----just shove them upon the welfare systems of Germany and Sweden and Denmark --------

I was just reading an interesting article. As you can see stated in the article: "
  • Muslim men residing in Germany routinely take advantage of the social welfare system by bringing two, three or four women from across the Muslim world to Germany, and then marrying them in the presence of an imam. Once in Germany the women request social welfare benefits, including the cost of a separate home for themselves and for their children, on the claim of being a "single parent with children." — From an exposé broadcast by RTL television."
The same thing probably happens here in the U.S. Do you remember that fire in the Bronx several years ago? A man from Mali lost about half a dozen of his own kids and one of the women in the house (maybe he brought her over as his cousin). You can't tell m that a man working as a taxi driver with a dozen children and two women in his home doesn't need help from the Welfare Department. It isn't really cheap to live in the Bronx.
Syrians speak Arabic-----they are generally muslims----some Christians----I vote that the arab countries-----get themselves
together and TAKE CARE OF THEIR OWN -------lots of oil money over there and LOTS OF SPACE

I keep on reading about the UAE and Qatar giving a lot of money to help those Muslim countries like Jordan with the refugees, but I haven't seen that they are actually taking in the refugees. Why not? As you say, the Syrian refugees speak Arabic. All over the Emirates, Saudi Arabia, etc., they are importing foreign workers from places such as India and the Philippines. Would it really be that difficult for them to import people who speak their language and follow the same religious beliefs? Maybe they feel is would be beneath Muslims to do the scut work like these foreigners do, so if these Muslim refugees settle in European countries, there will be unending benefits awaiting them.

Sally----the answer is in recent history-------and is very simple---"they"----'they' meaning their arab muslim bretheren-----do not want them. "THEY" 'they' meaning their arab muslim bretheren-----murdered them in Syria and in Jordan and they persecuted and expelled them in Kuwait-------"their" Egyptian
bretheren DESPISE them (personal account---Egyptian muslims I have encountered in the course of my interactions---
say the word "BALESTINIAN" with an expression of intense bitter distaste-----so imagine what they would do with the word '"SYRIAN". Iran does not want them either.

The situation is Macabre-------in the 1930s -----jews---whether in Palestine or the rest of the world were DESPERATE to get their bretheren OUT of Germany-----and ALSO desperate to get them OUT of arab countries--------"JUST GIVE THEM TO US" My mother's family lived in a very small one bedroom apartment in New York-------my grandfather was DESPERATE
to get his brothers and their wives and children OUT of Austria--------and my grandmother and grandfather would have dangled themselves from the ceiling in order to provide space for them in that tiny little apartment-----if they could have rescued the family members--------but GIANT IRAN and all the OIL SATURATED arab muslim countries just DON'T want the Syrian refugees. They don't even want to feed them-----just shove them upon the welfare systems of Germany and Sweden and Denmark --------

I was just reading an interesting article. As you can see stated in the article:
  • "Muslim men residing in Germany routinely take advantage of the social welfare system by bringing two, three or four women from across the Muslim world to Germany, and then marrying them in the presence of an imam. Once in Germany the women request social welfare benefits, including the cost of a separate home for themselves and for their children, on the claim of being a "single parent with children." — From an exposé broadcast by RTL television."
The same thing probably happens here in the U.S. Do you remember that fire in the Bronx several years ago? A man from Mali lost a half a dozen of his own kids and one of the women in the house (maybe he brought her over as his cousin). You can't tell me that a man working as a taxi driver with a dozen children and two women in his home doesn't need help from the Welfare Department. It isn't really cheap to live in the Bronx.

Germany's Muslim Demographic Revolution
Sally----not only do I know it is happening------I even know of specific cases -------arab men who put the OTHER wife in a nice welfare country like GERMANY-------and then visit about once per year to make more kids-----before coming back to the USA to resume life with the wife who lives here with him.
Sally----not only do I know it is happening------I even know of specific cases -------arab men who put the OTHER wife in a nice welfare country like GERMANY-------and then visit about once per year to make more kids-----before coming back to the USA to resume life with the wife who lives here with him.

I wish I could find the site where Muslim women were commiserating with each other over the fact that their husbands took on a second wife. They thought that by coming to America, they would be the only wife.
Sally----not only do I know it is happening------I even know of specific cases -------arab men who put the OTHER wife in a nice welfare country like GERMANY-------and then visit about once per year to make more kids-----before coming back to the USA to resume life with the wife who lives here with him.

Here's an article about polygamy in the U.S. that you might find interesting.

Some Muslims in U.S. Quietly Engage in Polygamy

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