Motion to expel Adam Schiff from the House is filed.

Yes, all Republicans really do suckle at the anus of corruption, and the GOP really is just a criminal gang.

Democrats have been undeniably proven to be criminals and traitors, and gaslighting, Drmocrat sac-licking trolls like this moron tries to flip the script to accuse others of being who DEMOCRATS are and of doing what DEMOCRATS have been proven to have done / do.

Climb back under your bridge, troll, or back up the asses of your traitorous masters.
Once again, Republicans engage in petty retaliation when one of their own is held responsible for their actions
As do the Dems, Schiff lied and prodded a false narrative and helped undermine a President, Trump lied and helped undermine a President, Santos needs to go as well. If you were more concerned about what is right and upright instead of being partisan lemmings our country would be a lot stronger and a better place to live, you and those like you on both sides of the aisle are destroying our nation.
Republicans need to stop with their attempts to defend George Santos
He is an embarrassment to not just the Republican Party but to the United States
He fabricated an identity to win election. On further investigation, he has participated in theft, misused campaign funds for personal expenses and engaged in fraud.

Now it seems Republicans are just playing…..If you expel one of ours, we will expel one of yours
The more worrisome reality is that when he was propagating his lies, some in front of the entire world when broadcast for the impeachment and he stated lies about what Trump said; no one in his own party or in media questioned or chastised it, let alone took corrective action.

The disallowing of balanced legal representation for Trump, the inability to question, on and on the U.S system was flaunted and disregarded. I watched Nunez reaction during that period and he was flabberghast, trying to maintain his composure at the old Soviet-like display.

Remember, the world was watching. Intelligence agencies and people with average and above i.Qs who were critical thinkers said, "wait a minute here..."

There was a time good men took an oath to themselves, God and country to be men of sacrifice and commitment. Country over Party etc.

This is why I say, find more military members who are leaders and elect them to government. If someone is willing to risk their life for their nation, not wealth or power; they are the type of people you want in your communities and in government.
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Democrats have been undeniably proven to be criminals and traitors, and gaslighting, Drmocrat sac-licking trolls like this moron tries to flip the script to accuse others of being who DEMOCRATS are and of doing what DEMOCRATS have been proven to have done / do.
Awwww. It looks like the Trump cult losers are upset because their criminal pals are going to jail.

I see why they're in pain. The Trump cultists have been ordered to smooch criminal keisters, but how can they obey that command if those criminal keisters are all in prison? It causes them mental anguish if they can't fulfill their masters' commands.
Democrats have been undeniably proven to be criminals and traitors, and gaslighting, Drmocrat sac-licking trolls like this moron tries to flip the script to accuse others of being who DEMOCRATS are and of doing what DEMOCRATS have been proven to have done / do.

Climb back under your bridge, troll, or back up the asses of your traitorous masters.
And leave you MAGAs to your pussy grabbing, like God intended, right?
He knew it wasn't true, when he tried to cover his ass by claiming he was paraphrasing.
You will have to prove that anyone, not just Schiff knew it was not true. Multiple Trump staffers were indicted and went to jail for Russian collusion
Nobody knew the extent of Trumps involvement

Even Mueller makes it clear he was unable to prove Trump colluded with Russia but that he can’t exonerate him either

That shows Schiff did not lie
You will have to prove that anyone, not just Schiff knew it was not true. Multiple Trump staffers were indicted and went to jail for Russian collusion
Nobody knew the extent of Trumps involvement

Even Mueller makes it clear he was unable to prove Trump colluded with Russia but that he can’t exonerate him either

That shows Schiff did not lie
Multiple Trump staffers were indicted and went to jail for Russian collusion

More lies from the troll.
I'll ignore your moronic whataboutism and simply ask you if Schifferbrains lied?
Well, no.

Only the most desperate fascist traitors say he did, those condemned to the deepest pit in Hell for the severity of their loies.

That's you.

Why do you fascist liars pretend that Trump's Russia ties weren't proven? Your mentors Goebbels and Alinsky would be angry at how stupid that lie is. You've been trained to lie better than that, and you've had years of practice, so you all have no excuse for sucking so badly at lying.

(Also, I see the "The FBI is corrupt" talking point is soooooooo yesterday. The Trump cult parrots have been issued a new stupid talking point, and they're running with it.)
So you are claiming when Adumb Schifferbrians went in front of cameras dozens of times claiming he had hard evidence Trump colluded with Russia he didn't really know he had no evidence.

Interesting legal theory. Would get laughed out of court, but interesting.
Link to where he said he had hard evidence
You are making shit up again
Well, no.

Only the most desperate fascist traitors say he did, those condemned to the deepest pit in Hell for the severity of their loies.

That's you.

Why do you fascist liars pretend that Trump's Russia ties weren't proven? Your mentors Goebbels and Alinsky would be angry at how stupid that lie is. You've been trained to lie better than that, and you've had years of practice, so you all have no excuse for sucking so badly at lying.

(Also, I see the "The FBI is corrupt" talking point is soooooooo yesterday. The Trump cult parrots have been fed a new stupid talking point, and they're running with it.)

Republicans are claiming that if someone is not convicted of a crime, that proves that those who charged him must have lied
Santos has been indicted on multiple charges with more coming

Holding Trump accountable for his actions is not treason
1. True. I'm no Santos fan.

2. Schiff LIED about the "evidence" he saw that Trump colluded with Russia. Participating in a coup against Trump's legitimate presidency is treason.
Thread summary:

Democrats voted to expel the open criminal George Santos.

Each Republican, being aware of their own criminal nature, understands that someday it might be themselves being held accountable for their crimes. That means each Republican in congress must defend other Republican criminals tooth-and-nail. That's why they're protecting their criminal pal Santos with this deflection.

Yes, all Republicans really do suckle at the anus of corruption, and the GOP really is just a criminal gang.
Dumbfuckery and mendacity, both hallmarks of your posting, full speed ahead.
Your link
What Schiff claimed

Russia had interfered in the election
Russia had contacted members of Trumps staff
Trump had asked Russia for help

All true
Republicans have to man up

Santos is a stain on their party
Now that Santos has been indicted, they need to unanimously expel him

Santos is a bad seed

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