Move over Colonel, Chick-fil-A now #1 fast food chicken

The Chick-fil-A CEO has flip-flopped and now wishes to tell everyone how gay-friendly Chick-fil-A is.

Chick fil A CEO Regrets Same-Sex Marriage Debacle - TIME

You conservatives will now have to decide if you're going to financially support a pro-gay restaurant like Chick-fil-A. (And when DriftingSand gets back from lunch and reads this, he'll have to decide whether to vomit up the pro-gay meal he just ate.)
Chick-Fil-A doesn't hate gay folks nor deny them service, never did. Many of it's employees are in fact gay. It however does not support nor acknowledge gay marriage due to religious beliefs which are protected under the first amendment.
Libs won't be liking this !:lol:

Chick-fil-A Stole KFC's Chicken Crown with a Fraction of the Stores


Why would anyone care in terms of politics?

Why is this even a story? Are you a stockholder?
I wouldn't be. Fast fried food is a death trap. Being at the head of that class isn't exactly something to brag about.
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At six bucks for a nasty, greasy sandwich I'm not surprised but totally support Chick-fil-a.

It won't be long before the teabaggers start dropping from heart attacks brought on by clogged arteries.

Yeah ... the original "tea baggers."

The one on the left is ESPECIALLY healthy looking. Hahahahahahahahaha. Cholesterol anyone?

Goddamn... somewhere I imagine novasteve cleaning off his monitor and buckling up after seeing this post.
At six bucks for a nasty, greasy sandwich I'm not surprised but totally support Chick-fil-a.

It won't be long before the teabaggers start dropping from heart attacks brought on by clogged arteries.

Yeah ... the original "tea baggers."

The one on the left is ESPECIALLY healthy looking. Hahahahahahahahaha. Cholesterol anyone?

Goddamn... somewhere I imagine novasteve cleaning off his monitor and buckling up after seeing this post.

He's not here right now. Gone out shopping for a new gown.
What is really amazing is that you all take this so seriously. A fast food franchise. I think this may be an 'only in America' thing.

Lol, if the boycott work you would be having a screaming orgasm right now, but it didn and your sad. Lol, liberals are a hoot.

oh yeah

when the leftists rolled out the boycott of CFA it was a national news maker

then the lines started to appear

long lines

ever growing lines

not in protest but rather support

then the cameras went dark

the news buried it
It's National Fried Chicken Day!

You don't need to tell me twice. I'm going to convince my husband that a family trip to Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles is in order. If you're not in the LA area, there are other quick and easy options that don't require you dusting off your deep fat fryer to celebrate this delicious day.

1) KFC

I'll admit I have a soft spot for the Colonel. Mostly due to fond memories of those parfait and mashed potato cups that kind of look the same, but also his original recipe is always satisfying without being overpowering. While I may be convinced the "secret blend of 11 herbs and spices" is actually salt and pepper, it's still a perfect combo. And since Kentucky Fried Chicken stopped using trans fats, it's not quite as bad for you as it used to be. (Let's not discuss the Double Down.)

2) BBQ Chicken

Slowly spreading across the nation, BBQ Chicken says it best, "It's not barbecue, it's Best of the Best Quality Chicken." This international fried chicken company has just hit the States, but I predict fried chicken domination in a matter of a few years. BBQ cooks its fried chicken in extra virgin olive oil, making it healthier (I realize healthy fried chicken is a contradiction in terms) and incredibly delicious.

3) Popeyes

A Cajun transplant, I appreciate the sides a little bit more than the chicken from Popeyes. Still, the crispy chicken is super-juicy and will give you a fab fried chicken fix. The spices are a little more flavorful than KFC, as they should be when hailing from Louisiana. Still, the real star is a side of red beans and rice.

4) Church's Chicken

While Church's was always second to KFC in my book, I still have fond memories of chowing down on fried okra and chicken strips. Church's is also less expensive than the Colonel, which meant my family dropped in more often than not. If you have a Church's in your area, celebrate by trying their own artery choker -- the Double Chicken and Cheese -- and let me know how it is in the comments.

Top 4 Fast Food Fried Chicken Restaurants | The Stir

BBQ Chicken. East coast menu, west coast menu, AND they deliver!! But they are so very far away. :(
Top notch? :lmao:

I'd hate to see what you consider bottom shelf.

If you haven't eaten there they you likely don't really know what you're talking about.

I don't need to have experienced the "culinary majesty" of Chicfila to know that their food sucks. "Top notch" is reserved for 4 star restaraunts; not fast food joints. They may be the best when it comes to heart-stopping greasy chicken - I don't know and I don't care - but to call them "top notch" is beyond ridiculous.

One man's junk is another man's treasure (no reference to THAT kind of "junk"). I've eaten at "4 star restaurants" that had itty bitty portions and the meat was undercooked. For some reason "well done" to a 4 star chef means "dripping with blood." Anyway, when you're in a hurry and really hungry CFL becomes a 5 star joint. Mmmmmmm yummy.
What is really amazing is that you all take this so seriously. A fast food franchise. I think this may be an 'only in America' thing.

Lol, if the boycott work you would be having a screaming orgasm right now, but it didn and your sad. Lol, liberals are a hoot.

oh yeah

when the leftists rolled out the boycott of CFA it was a national news maker

then the lines started to appear

long lines

ever growing lines

not in protest but rather support

then the cameras went dark

the news buried it

funny how that works, isn't it?
Said CEO was contributing millions each year to some seriously nasty anti-gay groups. That was always the issue. Not that he said something, but that he was funneling customer money to openly anti-gay organizations. That means declaring the CEO was never anti-gay is a steaming pile. When someone contributes millions to anti-gay groups, it defines them as anti-gay.

He's no longer doing that. At least not so openly. Chick-fil-A caved under the pressure from all the decent people in America. That's not just a liberal win, but a win for all of America. But then, that's kind of redundant, given how wins for liberals are almost always wins for America.

Its amazing how dumb-shits like you try to make a loss look like a win.
I've never tried Popeye's but I used to like Church's.
That is my go-to move right there, Popeye's.

KFC is okay, Chick-fil-A I can take it or leave it, but man to me Popeye's is easily the best fast food chicken around.


Put them all on the same street and I would go to Popeyes then Church's

Chick-fil-A is OK but nothing special

KFC is just too damned greasy and repeats on me
I don't give my fast food options much thought.

For whatever reasons---the Chik Fil A and the MacDonald's near me seem to have above average customer service.

I suppose I have been fortunate--until Friday I had never had any experience with fast food that would be worth mentioning--not great food, when I purchase it --I know that.

I have been able to order and purchase from drive thrus for over half a century.

On Friday, at a local Wendy's my 'lucky streak' ended. The individual taking orders could apparently not understand me and I couldn't understand her. I placed my order--there was a unintelligible question and I raised my voice to respond. I didn't yell--who knows how it sounded on the other end? Or what other issues may have been taking place on the other end?

A male voice admonished me --'You don't need to yell at Us'. When I picked up the order I said it seemed that it was difficult to understand what was being said. He said that it was not a problem with the equipment. I suppose he was a shift manager---with such authority. At any rate---he will not have to 'deal' with me again. I liked their chocolate frosty---but can live without it.

I have worked in retail. The adversarial --'US v Them' approach is generally not accepted as effective in customer service.

I don't doubt for one minute that some customers are rude--I suppose I was rude, too --but if you cannot understand what is being said--it seems reasonable to me that related factors be examined.

I am certain that I have successfully ordered fast food longer than most of the employees have been alive. fwiw.

How or why the Chik Fil A and the MacDonalds near me resolve the issues connected with ordering fast food --I don't know. Both managed this feat during redesign of their drive thrus---now have 2 lanes --and do high volume business each day.

They can and that is the experience I want--too difficult for the local Wendy's? Ok.
Chick-Fil-A is tops in my book. A little while ago they provided free food to motorists that were stranded due to a snowstorm. :thup:

KFC is ok, but Church's or Popeye's is better.

Fast Food chicken I go with the Chicken Planet in Chicago (it's the best grilled chicken on the planet, hence the name). Chain-wise, I go with Boston Market. I love that chicken. If you are talking about fried chicken, then popeye's wins easily.
Chick-Fil-A is tops in my book. A little while ago they provided free food to motorists that were stranded due to a snowstorm. :thup:

KFC is ok, but Church's or Popeye's is better.

Fast Food chicken I go with the Chicken Planet in Chicago (it's the best grilled chicken on the planet, hence the name). Chain-wise, I go with Boston Market. I love that chicken. If you are talking about fried chicken, then popeye's wins easily.

I think the fried chicken at Publix is the best that can be purchased.

Actually I think their fried chicken is as good as it gets.

I do fairly well with grilling chicken but not as well with frying it.
Chick-Fil-A is tops in my book. A little while ago they provided free food to motorists that were stranded due to a snowstorm. :thup:

KFC is ok, but Church's or Popeye's is better.

Fast Food chicken I go with the Chicken Planet in Chicago (it's the best grilled chicken on the planet, hence the name). Chain-wise, I go with Boston Market. I love that chicken. If you are talking about fried chicken, then popeye's wins easily.
Boston Market is good for rotisserie style chicken. They have a real good selection of sides.
Has anyone tried zaxbys chicken, it is the best in all reality. They have chicken tenders, wings, and great salads. Also chicken sandwiches.
Has anyone tried zaxbys chicken, it is the best in all reality. They have chicken tenders, wings, and great salads. Also chicken sandwiches.

Zaxby's is good. I like the chicken w/garden salad. Their salad dressings are good.

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