Moveon goes after Romney in New Hampshire in new add.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Well it looks like the heat is going to get turned up in Romney's own kitchen. Moveon another political action group has decided to see how much damage they can do to Romney in New Hampshire. This one over Bain capital.

The political wing of liberal advocacy group is going on the air in New Hampshire with an ad using Mitt Romney's top talking point — his private-sector prowess — against him.

The 30-second ad will air on cable networks CNN and MSNBC in New Hampshire starting Friday and continuing through the first-in-the-nation primary on Tuesday. The group's political action committee is not releasing the size of the buy.

In the ad, steel worker Donny Box tells of working in a mill that was taken over by Bain Capital, the private equity firm where Romney spent much of his business career. As shots of vacant properties are interspersed with rusting mill signs, Box tells how his 32-year tenure at the mill came to an abrupt halt when Romney's team shuttered it.

"We lost our jobs; they made millions. Businesses — they were all gone, jobs we'll never see again," Box says. "Mitt Romney doesn't care about jobs. He cares about money."

MoveOn ad in NH blames Romney for layoff of steel worker - The Hill's Ballot Box
Romney's toast with crap like this hanging over his head, does the GOP think America is stupid enough to vote in a guy like that? A wheeler dealer paper trader? His kind sent more jobs out of this country than any other single factor. If our foreign competitors are our economic enemies in the fight for decent employment then you can call Romney what he is, a collaborator.

Things that make you want to go Hmmm---

Frankly I am surprised that no other GOP candidate has brought up the federal taxpayer bailout of the pension fund of Bain capital--that's very interesting--and interesting also that Romney did not support TARP 1? I thought he did?

I'm sure he was both for and against it...


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