Movie stars and plastic surgery


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2013
Washington State

These people are perfect examples of why not to have plastic surgery. Victoria Principle looks like a cartoon character of herself. This is not normal or natural aging and it's pretty sad.

She reminds me of the Mrs. Ida Lowry character in BRAZIL.

I would say this is probably natural aging:

She may look older, but she looks good and doesn't look like a freak.

My point is that these folks present a negative picture of plastic surgery: that is, it does not encourage one to get it based on most of the results you see in these Hollywood actors, who can affort the best plastic surgeons there are. That is the point, not to put the actors down.
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Susan Lucci??? also looks terrible. How many facelifts has that woman had over the years...
Susan Lucci??? also looks terrible. How many facelifts has that woman had over the years...

In this photo she doesn't look bad. Do you think she's had a lot of surgery? It's hard to tell what they really look like when they wear so much make up.
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They make their living based on their looks.

Who can blame them for trying to protect their best asset?

I think it doesn't work that well, but at least I understand their motive.
They make their living based on their looks.

Who can blame them for trying to protect their best asset?

I think it doesn't work that well, but at least I understand their motive.

I understand their motive, but it is a mostly Hollywood thing. If you look at most actors and actresses in the UK, for example, they don't do it, or at least not, so far, to the extent they do in Hollywood. These Hollywood people really look like freaks, and that is just in photos. When you see them in person, it's even worse. An actor or actress should be concerned with how well they can act, not how they look. Those who are the best actors are the ones who keep working. Look at Betty White. I doubt she has ever had plastic surgery. She relies on her talent and ability to get work, not on her looks.

But, anyway, my point, which you seemed have missed because of a knee jerk reaction to the OP, is that these folks present a negative picture of plastic surgery: that is, it does not encourage one to get it based on most of the results you see in these Hollywood actors, who can affort the best plastic surgeons there are. That was the point of the OP, not to put the actors down. You missed the point of the OP.
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Susan Lucci??? also looks terrible. How many facelifts has that woman had over the years...

In this photo she doesn't look bad. Do you think she's had a lot of surgery? It's hard to tell what they really look like when they wear so much make up.

Oh yeah, I believe she has had HEAPS of surgery. Fillers and botox, most certainly. A face lift is also likely.
Susan Lucci??? also looks terrible. How many facelifts has that woman had over the years...

In this photo she doesn't look bad. Do you think she's had a lot of surgery? It's hard to tell what they really look like when they wear so much make up.

Oh yeah, I believe she has had HEAPS of surgery. Fillers and botox, most certainly. A face lift is also likely.

Well, for her, at least in this photo, it doesn't look bad; she doesn't look freakish or not like her original self. The thing is, in person, they do look wierd. I guess they just don't see it.
...or Tori Spelling


No amount of make up or nice clothes could ever make that woman attractive. I'm sorry, but some people are just not attractive at all, and she's one of them - her breast implants are as bad as the ones Tara Reid got.

Another reason for not getting plastic surgery. Most of the time, surgically 'enhanced' breasts look wierd and not like normal, natural breasts.
I think Victoria Principal looks great. Looking at those pictures of her would give me incentive to get plastic surgery. In the first picture she looks tired and worn out. In the second she looks fresh and young. She's also fixed her hair up and applied eye makeup.

I can't for the life of me figure out what you find wrong with her in that second picture.

And who cares about "natural aging"? I'm not sure why you keep mentioning that, like it's something to aspire to. I'd rather look as young as I can as long as I can. When you look young, you feel young.
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They make their living based on their looks.

Who can blame them for trying to protect their best asset?

I think it doesn't work that well, but at least I understand their motive.

I understand their motive, but it is a mostly Hollywood thing. .

People all over the world - the vast, vast, vast majority NOT actors or actresses - get plastic surgery. If it's their money and their choice, what the hell do you care?
I'm kind of confused about that picture you posted of Victoria Principal, the second one. Are you sure that's a current picture??? Because I think this is what she actually looks like right now...which is still pretty good.

And regardless of which picture is the current one, do you really think she looks like a FREAK in either picture? Because I sure don't.


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They make their living based on their looks.

Who can blame them for trying to protect their best asset?

I think it doesn't work that well, but at least I understand their motive.

I understand their motive, but it is a mostly Hollywood thing. .

People all over the world - the vast, vast, vast majority NOT actors or actresses - get plastic surgery. If it's their money and their choice, what the hell do you care?

Jeez, we actually agree on something.
Most people get plastic surgery because they are pathologically insecure and have a deathly fear of aging. They associate looking youthful with success in life. They are basically the most fcked up people on the planet. Getting a nose job if you have a ridiculous nose is one thing but all the facelifts, puffy lips etc are just stupid. And the ones who shoot botulism poison into their brains are the most fcked up of all.
I'm kind of confused about that picture you posted of Victoria Principal, the second one. Are you sure that's a current picture??? Because I think this is what she actually looks like right now...which is still pretty good.

And regardless of which picture is the current one, do you really think she looks like a FREAK in either picture? Because I sure don't.

The second picture of her is about 20 or more years ago. She does not look like that today. The one you posted, which may be current, looks airbrushed or at least has special lighting. Google her images. There are plenty of pictures of her today, with the results of a lot of plastic surgery. My point is that she no longer resembles herself, as she looked when younger, and how she would look with natural aging. My opinion is that people who age naturally, gracefully as it is sometimes called, continue to look like themselves, albeit older. My opinion about most of those who get platic surgery is that they look freakish, not like real people, and no longer like themselves. Sometimes on film or in photographs you don't get the real picture (ironically). When you see them in person, the full impact of how abnormal and freakish they look is clear.

I don't care personally what anyone chooses to do with their money, or how they look. My point is, and it is expressed explicitly in the OP, is that these folks are not a good advertisement for plastic surgery as most of them just look worse than they would if they hadn't had it.

These people are perfect examples of why not to have plastic surgery. Victoria Principle looks like a cartoon character of herself. This is not normal or natural aging and it's pretty sad.

She reminds me of the Mrs. Ida Lowry character in BRAZIL.

I would say this is probably natural aging:

She may look older, but she looks good and doesn't look like a freak.

My point is that these folks present a negative picture of plastic surgery: that is, it does not encourage one to get it based on most of the results you see in these Hollywood actors, who can affort the best plastic surgeons there are. That is the point, not to put the actors down.

If I remember correctly Victoria Principle is married to a plastic surgeon.

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