Movies that are widely popular that you just don't like.

Gladiator was garbage, in my opinion, but I've yet to meet someone who didn't like it. I wasn't all that impressed with The Patriot or We Were Soldiers, either.

But, I loved all of the movies you named, Bonnie. Did you see ET when you were young? I think that's why I liked it so much, even though it honestly scared me a lot the first time I saw it (specifically, the first time Elliot sees ET in the cornfield).

I did see ET when I was young, but even then I can't say it was all that great, it was cute at best, but then I had very strange taste in movies as a kid. I liked Clint in those spaghetti westerns (Fistful of Dollars, High Plains Drifter), Eyes of Laura Mars, and Apocalypse Now.....
On the other hand, I though United 93 very good, along with Team America! :laugh:

I liked Team America. It was fun. Won't see movies like United 93 or WTC. I don't like getting attached to "real" characters knowing they're doomed. Besides, been there, done that, got the T-shirt. :tng:

Oh yeah... didn't like The Perfect Storm for the same reason. But loved Whale Rider.

I cant think of many others. Titanic just sticks in my craw cause it won all those awards and everyone you ever ask loves that movie and i think its the biggest piece of shit ever made. Too long. Bad acting. Bad plot. With "good" special effects. Way overated.

Worst script EVER, IMHO. Or at least one of them. :thumbdown:
Gladiator was garbage, in my opinion, but I've yet to meet someone who didn't like it. I wasn't all that impressed with The Patriot or We Were Soldiers, either.

But, I loved all of the movies you named, Bonnie. Did you see ET when you were young? I think that's why I liked it so much, even though it honestly scared me a lot the first time I saw it (specifically, the first time Elliot sees ET in the cornfield).

Really good book, but isn't that always the case.
I liked fargo too.

*I'm gonna get tagged a chic flick guy.*:eek2: ahhhh who cares.:p:

Marge: OK, I want you to tell me what these fellas looked like.
Hooker #1: Well, the little guy, he was kinda funny-looking.
Marge: In what way?
Hooker #1: I dunno, just funny-lookin'.
Marge: Can you be any more specific?
Hooker #1: I couldn't really say. He wasn't circumcised.
Marge: Was he funny lookin' apart from that?
Hooker #1: Yeah.
Marge: So - you were having sex with the little fella, then?
Hooker #1: Uh-huh.
Marge: Is there anything else you can tell me about him?
Hooker #1: No. Like I say, he was funny lookin'. More n' most people even.
Marge: Oh you betcha, yah.

the lord of the rings trilogy was nine hours of crap as well.


But anyway, I never thought much of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I was also turned off a bit by the SciFi Channel's version of Dune. I intended to like it. I really wanted to like it. I thought it captured the script of the books quite well. I couldn't, however, get past the wardrobe. Holy crap, it looked like they were trying to make me hate the costumes. The Sardukar, the most fearsome warriors in the galaxy, looked like velvet coneheads. I just can't be scared of that.
I know, the message is terrible, but it was SO my high school time. New Trier and York look very similar, same builder. ;)

oh, hell, skipping school isn't THAT bad...I did it (more often than you would think), still got my homework in on time, never studied, and still graduated a semester early with a A-/B+ average (depends on the grade curve used) on the work program.

hell, I still play hookie from work every so often.
the lord of the rings trilogy was nine hours of crap as well.

Yes!!! I forgot about those. In the words of Randal, "those movies were nothing but walking. Even the f*cking trees walked around."
so-called popular movies i cannot stand:

*Pulp Fiction (who cares what they call Mcd's food in Europe?)
*Kill Bill 1&2 ('nuff said)
*The Matrix (anyone who says they didn't leave the theater confused is a LIAR)
*The Fast & The Furious (aka Point Break but with stupid looking cars instead of surfboards, I also call this movie "The Gay & the Bi-Curious")
*Saving Private Ryan
*Star Wars Episodes 1 & 2 (first two sucked, so i never saw #3, don't care to)

i know there's more, but i can't think of them right now...
Gladiator was garbage, in my opinion, but I've yet to meet someone who didn't like it. I wasn't all that impressed with The Patriot or We Were Soldiers, either.

But, I loved all of the movies you named, Bonnie. Did you see ET when you were young? I think that's why I liked it so much, even though it honestly scared me a lot the first time I saw it (specifically, the first time Elliot sees ET in the cornfield).

Gladiator was way overrated. I can remember suggesting on Yahoo that it wasn't the greatest movie of all time and pointed out what I thought were some faults. People were crawling out of the woodwork, breaking from building their religious shrine to Russell Crowe, and symbolically pelted my with rocks and garbage.

Gotta disagree with the other two. I liked The Patriot, and We Were Soldiers is one of my favorite movies.

And, just for the record, I thought ET was a little overrated too.
so-called popular movies i cannot stand:

*Pulp Fiction (who cares what they call Mcd's food in Europe?)
*Kill Bill 1&2 ('nuff said)
*The Matrix (anyone who says they didn't leave the theater confused is a LIAR)
*The Fast & The Furious (aka Point Break but with stupid looking cars instead of surfboards, I also call this movie "The Gay & the Bi-Curious")
*Saving Private Ryan
*Star Wars Episodes 1 & 2 (first two sucked, so i never saw #3, don't care to)

i know there's more, but i can't think of them right now...

Didn't see Private Ryan or the Star Wars, but I agree, the other movies were awful. Well, Matrix was okay.

I would watch Titanic again and again. I agree the acting & plot were HORRIBLE, even the love story didn't do it for me (and THAT is unusual!), but the imagery was so spectacular, I just like to LOOK at it. :)

The Producers was terrible... The funniest thing about that movie was the pained look on my husband's face as he wondered how long I was going to make him sit there before I let him turn it off. :D

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