Movies that are widely popular that you just don't like.

Anything starring Jim Carrey
Artifical Intelligence: AI
All Mission Impossible movies that have been or ever will be made
All slasher movies
American Beauty
Groundhog Day (though I love Bill Murray;the story drove me crazy)

P.S. Though I too, like Mom, didn't quite buy the romance, I loved Titanic.
I would watch Titanic again and again. I agree the acting & plot were HORRIBLE, even the love story didn't do it for me (and THAT is unusual!), but the imagery was so spectacular, I just like to LOOK at it. :)
then buy the 3-disc anniversary edition complete with the ORIGINAL ending that was supposed to be in the film. I totally see why they changed it though.
Plus you can listen to 3 different commentaries, production notes, behind the scenes, interviews with the cast/ $25 I have spent on a movie.
then buy the 3-disc anniversary edition complete with the ORIGINAL ending that was supposed to be in the film. I totally see why they changed it though.

What was it? Did Titantic and the iceberg have a dance-off?
What was it? Did Titantic and the iceberg have a dance-off?


Aww man. That reminds me of a whole other genre of movies that i consider crap. Anything to do with a dance off or Dancing instead of fighting. Dating all the way back to West Side Story. All the way up to this phase of "Hip-Hop" dance off movies. That has to be the dumbest genre in the history of movie making and yet it all makes money because idiot kids eat it up for some reason. I dont get, i'll never get it and im glad that i wont. Its garbage.
What was it? Did Titantic and the iceberg have a dance-off?

No, no. Winslet shuns di Caprio's attention, so he decides to take her hostage. Obviously a full scale manhunt ensures aboard the ship, where they get into all kinds of wacky prediciments. They still fall in love after they realize they have many things in common, such as a love for fish and chips. In the end, both jump overboard when surrounded on the poop deck (as well they should). There's no ice berg in that version.
What was it? Did Titantic and the iceberg have a dance-off?

no, ha ha ha...

but it was funny, so it didn't fit too well with the theme of the movie. Without spoiling it, I'll just say the end had more people than just 'old' Rose when she drops the diamond.
What's more of a kid's movie: Star Wars or Harry Potter?

HP...the first two are very tame so I would say kids', but the 3rd & 4th are up there for more toward teen/young adult...Hell, the 4th netted a PG13 rating for a book series that is supposed to be "children's".

#5 and 6 are definitely not going to be kids movies.
Aww man. That reminds me of a whole other genre of movies that i consider crap. Anything to do with a dance off or Dancing instead of fighting. Dating all the way back to West Side Story. All the way up to this phase of "Hip-Hop" dance off movies. That has to be the dumbest genre in the history of movie making and yet it all makes money because idiot kids eat it up for some reason. I dont get, i'll never get it and im glad that i wont. Its garbage.

Insein, we all know you own the Platinum Edition of You Got Served, don't even try it....
Three words: Jar Jar Binks.

Also, the Ewoks, C-3PO and R2-D2, the pod race.....

On a more focused level, the Harry Potter movies exist in a dark world where people really die and the heroes really are fighting for their lives. The Star Wars movies are set up in such a manner that you know Luke and Han can never die because they're the heroes and it's a movie. Episode III is the only thing that didn't seem geared toward 8 year olds, and that was geared toward 12 year olds.

You know, Obi-Wan and Yoda both die in Star Wars. The reason Leia is Luke's twin sister is to prevent the scenario where there's no question that Luke lives. I also can't visualize a world where humans are called 'muggles' as being darker than one where a guy whose face is rotting off can kill you by shooting lightning from his fingertips and crime lords have methods of execution that take 1000 years. Then there's this whole blowing up a planet with a single shot thing. Don't get me wrong, Harry Potter gets pretty dark later on, but the series' target audience ages with the main character. The original Star Wars trilogy and, to a certain extent, Episode III, exist in a setting that's far grittier than Hogwart's.

While I'm at it, I think Episodes I & II just lost the vision of what made the originals so great. I still think they're good, just not as good.

Oh, and anybody who is 'afraid' of criticizing Star Wars, get over it. Ever since Episode I came out, it's been trendy to call anything Star Wars 'crap.'

Anyway, back to the original topic, I thought Star Trek: The Motion Picture was overrated. It wasn't that bad, but through much of the movie, I was bored to tears.
What was it? Did Titantic and the iceberg have a dance-off?

No. It still hits the iceberg, but Democrats start a campaign to try to blame it all on George Bush. When that doesn't work, scientists decide that if it weren't for global warming (caused entirely by evil capitalists), the iceberg never would have broken off and floated to that spot in the North Atalantic.

The final scene juxtaposes scenes of the graves of Titanic victims, with scenes of oil company execs spending their filthy lucre on giant SUVs. ;)
Saturday night fever
Top Gun
Dirty Dancing
Girl interrupted
Supersize me
Honey I blew up the kids

to name but a few:tinfoil:
Im so glad you said Star Wars, I wasn't brave enough to add that to my list.. I figured all the men would pelt me with rocks, for some reason men LOVE those movies. The effects were okay but the storylines and characters seem so juvenile and much more suited for little boys not grown men.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Bonnie again.

Yeah, so my list is this:
(ALL) Star Wars
Napoleon Dynamite
The Incredibles
Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back (with people my age it was popular)
Loved Titanic. Hated Passion of the Christ. Only good part was when the lead actor gets nailed to the wooden cross. That was beautiful. I hate most of Ahnuld's movies (he can't act) except the Terminator series (#3 excluded). I'm a fan of James Cameron.

Definitely. It's weird that quite a few guys I know around my age absolutely refuse to believe Tom Cruise is gay simply because they think Top Gun is kick-ass. There's no hiding that he's a religious kook now, though.
Girl interrupted
I actually liked this, but it was overrated. And, I'd imagine the book is probably way better than the movie. But, Winona Ryder and Angelina Jolie are both VERY high on my list, so I couldn't help but enjoy it.
Supersize me
I didn't even bother watching this. Eating McDonald's three times a day for thirty days will negatively affect your health?! Surely, you kid!
Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back (with people my age it was popular)
I must say, I got caught up in the JSBSB hoopla for a long time. I even have an autographed DVD and a poster. For me, it was really just a matter of being such a HUGE Kevin Smith fan, the movie seemed like it was made just for us, with its constant inside jokes and references. Now, looking back, a very good amount of it is pretty hacky, and I like Jay and Silent Bob much better as realistic drug dealers a la Clerks or Chasing Amy, rather than the cartoon versions of themselves here.

But, that said, Clerks II was probably one of Smith's best movies, so all is forgiven.

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