Moving The Goalposts: IPCC Secretly Redefines what ‘Climate’ means

Of course they did. The narrative must remain, there’s money to be made!

It is no longer the last 30 years of hard data, but the last 15 years of hard data and the next 15 years of fantasy they want the numbers to be to keep the scam alive.

Moving The Goalposts: IPCC Secretly Redefines what ‘Climate’ means
Snipets that remove natural variation are all they can have. Anything else disproves their lies..

Got to love the slight of hand these pieces of shit do daily to keep the lie alive.
Of course they did. The narrative must remain, there’s money to be made!

It is no longer the last 30 years of hard data, but the last 15 years of hard data and the next 15 years of fantasy they want the numbers to be to keep the scam alive.

Moving The Goalposts: IPCC Secretly Redefines what ‘Climate’ means

GOOD data only back about 60 years anyways. And GREAT data starts about 30 years ago.. So -- it's pretty much been 1/2 reality 1/2 fantasy since the IPCC Show debuted.
They got tired of my letters the past 20 years telling them their data was crap.

The IPCC redefined Total Solar Irradiance to their advantage -- so it's nothing new for them. NOAA revived "ship intake" measurements from 19th century to make things sketchier. Seems to happen a LOT..
Great...15 years of questionable data and 15 years predicted by the crystal ball gazing of the high priests of CAGW.
IPCC 5 had to add in warming trapped -- like a rat! - in the deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep dark oceans to make their fictitious math work. That's an accounting fiction that would have kept Bernie Madoff in the Fund business
The amazing thing is the effort that the heat supposedly generated by extra atmospheric CO2 has to exert to worm itself 800m in the oceans. It simply defies logic, and science
limbaugh spraycan.jpg
Climate "scientists" now say the deep oceans are warming far faster than they first invented to make their numbers work
Of course they did. The narrative must remain, there’s money to be made!

It is no longer the last 30 years of hard data, but the last 15 years of hard data and the next 15 years of fantasy they want the numbers to be to keep the scam alive.

Moving The Goalposts: IPCC Secretly Redefines what ‘Climate’ means

Given that the meaning of "the present climate" is clearly explained in the Summary for Policy Makers and that the term differs syntactically from "climate", what is it that you and Tony Watts believe to be a "secret"?
Taking the Oceans’ Temperature, Scientists Find Unexpected Heat

"Climate change is rapidly warming the world’s oceans, killing off aquatic organisms — like coral reefs and kelp forests — that anchor entire ecosystems. The warmer waters also cause sea levels to rise and make extreme weather events like hurricanes more destructive."

^ Wild speculation presented as fact

"The study, led by Laure Resplandy, a biogeochemical oceanographer at Princeton University, found that between 1991 and 2016 the oceans warmed an average of 60 percent more per year than the panel’s official estimates."

Translation: Yeah, we looked at the land data and we realized we're totally fucked, so we had to go back and retroactively adjust the ocean temperatures to show the "warming" in manmade global climate warming change


But now in the oceans.
Taking the Oceans’ Temperature, Scientists Find Unexpected Heat

"Climate change is rapidly warming the world’s oceans, killing off aquatic organisms — like coral reefs and kelp forests — that anchor entire ecosystems. The warmer waters also cause sea levels to rise and make extreme weather events like hurricanes more destructive."

^ Wild speculation presented as fact

"The study, led by Laure Resplandy, a biogeochemical oceanographer at Princeton University, found that between 1991 and 2016 the oceans warmed an average of 60 percent more per year than the panel’s official estimates."

Translation: Yeah, we looked at the land data and we realized we're totally fucked, so we had to go back and retroactively adjust the ocean temperatures to show the "warming" in manmade global climate warming change


But now in the oceans.
The global LSM jumped on this piece of fiction fast... I was listening to ABC this morning and they were all over it even though they had no real science to back it up.. The Paper is massive conjecture and not worth the paper to print it off on..
The data just wasn't showing enough warming to make our numbers work, never mind generating the fear and panic we need to get Americans to accept a Socialist World Government, so we had to make some adjustments. It was almost Denier Data, it had it coming
Of course they did. The narrative must remain, there’s money to be made!

It is no longer the last 30 years of hard data, but the last 15 years of hard data and the next 15 years of fantasy they want the numbers to be to keep the scam alive.

Moving The Goalposts: IPCC Secretly Redefines what ‘Climate’ means

Given that the meaning of "the present climate" is clearly explained in the Summary for Policy Makers and that the term differs syntactically from "climate", what is it that you and Tony Watts believe to be a "secret"?

The difference skidmark, is that present climate used to mean the climate for the past 30 years.....the ipcc found that they had to redefine climate to mean the past 15 years plus their best wild assed biased guess about what the next 15 years might look is clear that the actual climate wasn't cooperating so they needed a way to inject 50% fantasy into the mix in an effort to at least keep people fooled for another decade and a to get those trillions of dollars out there and they don't have a chance if they can't keep the anxiety level high.
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Bernie Madoff tells investors, "Your money is not lost, oh no, I moved it to the safety in the deep ocean. Can we count on you to re-up your $25 million investment in our new equity fund? It's in the ocean so you know it's liquid"
Of course they did. The narrative must remain, there’s money to be made!

It is no longer the last 30 years of hard data, but the last 15 years of hard data and the next 15 years of fantasy they want the numbers to be to keep the scam alive.

Moving The Goalposts: IPCC Secretly Redefines what ‘Climate’ means

Given that the meaning of "the present climate" is clearly explained in the Summary for Policy Makers and that the term differs syntactically from "climate", what is it that you and Tony Watts believe to be a "secret"?

The difference skidmark, is that present climate used to mean the climate for the past 30 years.....the ipcc found that they had to redefine climate to mean the past 15 years plus their best wild assed biased guess about what the next 15 years might look is clear that the actual climate was cooperating so they needed a way to inject 50% fantasy into the mix in an effort to at least keep people fooled for another decade and a to get those trillions of dollars out there and they don't have a chance if they can't keep the anxiety level high.

Face it, the data HAD to be adjusted; it was DENIER DATA
Bernie Madoff tells investors, "Your money is not lost, oh no, I moved it to the safety in the deep ocean. Can we count on you to re-up your $25 million investment in our new equity fund? It's in the ocean so you know it's liquid"
Our computer models prove your money will triple soon!
Bernie Madoff tells investors, "Your money is not lost, oh no, I moved it to the safety in the deep ocean. Can we count on you to re-up your $25 million investment in our new equity fund? It's in the ocean so you know it's liquid"
Our computer models prove your money will triple soon!

Actually the models did not show the returns to be awesome enough, so we adjusted your current returns to be 40% higher than we originally estimated. Don't spend it all in one place

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