Mr. Biden, Are You OK???

lol ,than that there's the problem . You think we're brainwashed and nuts and we think you on the left have the same affliction . At one time we used to be able to discuss it ,have a beer ,and laugh it off by thinking our politicians were the problem and were shitheads .
Now , sorry to say, the politicians have successfully extended themselves by making us hate each other and it's irreparable .
So now we drink our beer with like-minded citizens and we don't laugh off the hatred any more .
it's too bad cause we were all American before the pols enlightened ttus .
before the lying scumbag GOP propaganda machine and the GOP war on the middle class and give away to the rich-nothing like this has happened before. End of story everything you know is wrong. Fox and Rush etc are now running the GOP and they are totally full of s*** LOL. Poor America.argue the facts. No Democrat has been arrested for any of the phony scandals you believe and every journalist and law enforcement in the world thinks you people are nuts. Lovely people but totally brainwashed on politics.... Breaking for you, we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and that is a giveaway to the rich. That is why our infrastructure and middle-class is falling apart through lack of investment. End of story.the worst any quality and upward mobility in our history and in the modern world by far is not trivia....
Rush and Fox against Soros , Clinton , Obama, Brennan , Comey , that scank from the IRS, CBS,ABC ,NBC, CNN, The Liar Shiff , and Hollywood and you don't see a problem ? Well congratulations , you passed the brainwashing with flying colors . I hate to inform you but View attachment 285656
And the BBC and France 24 and every respected newspaper journalist and law enforcement around the world dingbat all you have is bought off high-school grad x cokehead DJs and the biggest hypocrite politicians ever seen in the modern world. Everything you know is wrong, you GOP voters are the worst in the modern world by far. You have an imaginary planet. dupe. See we have laws and innocent until proven guilty. OMG poor America. Enjoy hell
As always, no argument, just garbage psychobabble. You're on your way out super duper..... The injustice and hypocrisies are just too obvious except for total brainwashed functional morons are you.... And as a gun dealer you are also bought off by the scumbag NRA GOP.... Not to worry about the country falling apart for 35 years now, the super rich greedy idiot GOP billionaires are doing fine right, idiot? Screaming at morons is such fun, you got me all wrong, dingbat.
You believe so much garbage propaganda you are technically insane.
View attachment 285636
Mark Twain hated conservatives.
Democrats hate America yet they live here .
No evidence for that. we would just like to stop being brainwashed fools of the greedy idiot GOP rich. Everyone outside your bubble of brainwash thinks you are nuts.
lol ,than that there's the problem . You think we're brainwashed and nuts and we think you on the left have the same affliction . At one time we used to be able to discuss it ,have a beer ,and laugh it off by thinking our politicians were the problem and were shitheads .
Now , sorry to say, the politicians have successfully extended themselves by making us hate each other and it's irreparable .
So now we drink our beer with like-minded citizens and we don't laugh off the hatred any more .
it's too bad cause we were all American before the pols enlightened us .
Yeah you do hate us, we just hate your propaganda and misinformation and Hate. Because the brainwashed should remember it's only politics or should be...Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty, or conspiracies without any evidence are stupid...
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It seems that at that moment Mr. Biden forgot the name of the President of Turkey,
I'm sure Biden remember the names of his corrupt Ukrainian buddies a lot better than the names of presidents of other country. Except for Trump, I hope. :badgrin:

I was looking at his eyes lately, they literally look dead.

Diagnosis? Just a corrupt son of the bi*ch and a non-stop liar. Just like Hillary and a lot of other Dem "leaders".
Too bad you have no actual evidence of all your garbage beliefs.... Poor America. All your phony scandals have been investigated and there is nothing to any of them. Comprende?

There ARE facts. I PERSONALLY contacted a detective agency in Kiev and it "digs". And if we talk about INDIRECT proof, then such an impetious and furious attack on the President, when it became known he had made an OFFICIAL request in Ukraine about the alegedly criminal activities of the Bidens in the country, is an INDIRECT confirmation of the corruption activity of this political rogue




It seems that at that moment Mr. Biden forgot the name of the President of Turkey,
I'm sure Biden remember the names of his corrupt Ukrainian buddies a lot better than the names of presidents of other country. Except for Trump, I hope. :badgrin:

I was looking at his eyes lately, they literally look dead.

Diagnosis? Just a corrupt son of the bi*ch and a non-stop liar. Just like Hillary and a lot of other Dem "leaders".
Too bad you have no actual evidence of all your garbage beliefs.... Poor America. All your phony scandals have been investigated and there is nothing to any of them. Comprende?

There ARE facts. I PERSONALLY contacted a detective agency in Kiev and it "digs". And if we talk about INDIRECT proof, then such an impetious and furious attack on the President, when it became known he had made an OFFICIAL request in Ukraine about the alegedly criminal activities of the Bidens in the country, is an INDIRECT confirmation of the corruption activity of this political rogue




It is been investigated and neither Ukrainian government believes there is any reason to believe there's any corruption going on, super duper. just another phony scandal from the GOP propaganda machine and the corrupt mobbed-up Orange idiot.
It seems that at that moment Mr. Biden forgot the name of the President of Turkey,
I'm sure Biden remember the names of his corrupt Ukrainian buddies a lot better than the names of presidents of other country. Except for Trump, I hope. :badgrin:

I was looking at his eyes lately, they literally look dead.

Diagnosis? Just a corrupt son of the bi*ch and a non-stop liar. Just like Hillary and a lot of other Dem "leaders".
Too bad you have no actual evidence of all your garbage beliefs.... Poor America. All your phony scandals have been investigated and there is nothing to any of them. Comprende?

There ARE facts. I PERSONALLY contacted a detective agency in Kiev and it "digs". And if we talk about INDIRECT proof, then such an impetious and furious attack on the President, when it became known he had made an OFFICIAL request in Ukraine about the alegedly criminal activities of the Bidens in the country, is an INDIRECT confirmation of the corruption activity of this political rogue




It seems that at that moment Mr. Biden forgot the name of the President of Turkey,
I'm sure Biden remember the names of his corrupt Ukrainian buddies a lot better than the names of presidents of other country. Except for Trump, I hope. :badgrin:

I was looking at his eyes lately, they literally look dead.

Diagnosis? Just a corrupt son of the bi*ch and a non-stop liar. Just like Hillary and a lot of other Dem "leaders".
Too bad you have no actual evidence of all your garbage beliefs.... Poor America. All your phony scandals have been investigated and there is nothing to any of them. Comprende?

There ARE facts. I PERSONALLY contacted a detective agency in Kiev and it "digs". And if we talk about INDIRECT proof, then such an impetious and furious attack on the President, when it became known he had made an OFFICIAL request in Ukraine about the alegedly criminal activities of the Bidens in the country, is an INDIRECT confirmation of the corruption activity of this political rogue




The GOP is the swamp. And so is Putin and whoever he supports. Corrupt oligarchs and thieves. Good luck to you. I like your new president in Ukraine Trump should be thrown out of office for screwing around with him. At any rate the GOP is the swamp. And oligarchs are the swamp wherever you go conservative oligarchs and fascists. Communists of course are swine also. Authoritarians are corrupt assholes take my word for it.
It seems that at that moment Mr. Biden forgot the name of the President of Turkey,
I'm sure Biden remember the names of his corrupt Ukrainian buddies a lot better than the names of presidents of other country. Except for Trump, I hope. :badgrin:

I was looking at his eyes lately, they literally look dead.

Diagnosis? Just a corrupt son of the bi*ch and a non-stop liar. Just like Hillary and a lot of other Dem "leaders".
Too bad you have no actual evidence of all your garbage beliefs.... Poor America. All your phony scandals have been investigated and there is nothing to any of them. Comprende?

There ARE facts. I PERSONALLY contacted a detective agency in Kiev and it "digs". And if we talk about INDIRECT proof, then such an impetious and furious attack on the President, when it became known he had made an OFFICIAL request in Ukraine about the alegedly criminal activities of the Bidens in the country, is an INDIRECT confirmation of the corruption activity of this political rogue




Maybe he just doesn't like being lied about. Unbelievable garbage innuendo propaganda.

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