Mr. Biden, Are You OK???

More like he takes Bribes and was Obama’s personal butt puppet. He’s a corrupt senile fart, who will do whatever his handlers tell him until he strokes out two years in.

Daniel Henninger in his article "Joe Biden Isn't Going to Make It" (The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, October 17)
He expressed doubt that Biden had the characteristics necessary for the FIRST person in the state (it is one thing to fulfill the instructions of the President or agree with Ukrainian corrupt officials or Chinese "partners" on the "employment" of his son, Hunter, whom he is "very proud of" and quite another to accept, without exaggeration to say, HISTORICAL, fateful decisions for the country and the world)
Judge for yourself:

On Erdogan’s decision to launch a military operation against the allies of the United States - the Kurds:

"What I would do is I would be making it real to (!!!) Assad that, in fact, where he's going to have a problem - because Turkey is a real problem here.And I would be having a real lockdown conversation with Erdogan and letting him know that he's going to pay a heavy price for what he has done now. Pay the price ".

And THAT is the wording of the possible President of the United States of America?

Has Mr. Biden heard anything about the letter that had been sent by Mr. President to Erdogan???

It seems that at that moment Mr. Biden forgot the name of the President of Turkey,
dragged in by the head and shoulders the President of Syria , and, most likely, was thinking in which country and in which corporation to find another cushi job for his son, he is very proud of...

Talking abouth health insurance:

Mr. Biden:

"The plan we're hearing discussed is the Biden plan".

THEN (!!!):

"The plan is going to cost at least $30 trillion over 10 years" - with NO INDICATION that NOW he was talking about Elizabeth Warrens' plan.

My diagnosis:

"Early senility as a result of probable behind-the-scenes business activities and fear of legal prosecution"


What is your diagnosis?
the ol health scare tactic is old and used. They tried it in Hillary, they tried it in Trump. Don’t bother with Biden. Move on to the next ridiculous smear
none of that is true. But thanks for playing and spreading more fake news.
Daniel Henninger in his article "Joe Biden Isn't Going to Make It" (The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, October 17)
He expressed doubt that Biden had the characteristics necessary for the FIRST person in the state (it is one thing to fulfill the instructions of the President or agree with Ukrainian corrupt officials or Chinese "partners" on the "employment" of his son, Hunter, whom he is "very proud of" and quite another to accept, without exaggeration to say, HISTORICAL, fateful decisions for the country and the world)
Judge for yourself:

On Erdogan’s decision to launch a military operation against the allies of the United States - the Kurds:

"What I would do is I would be making it real to (!!!) Assad that, in fact, where he's going to have a problem - because Turkey is a real problem here.And I would be having a real lockdown conversation with Erdogan and letting him know that he's going to pay a heavy price for what he has done now. Pay the price ".

And THAT is the wording of the possible President of the United States of America?

Has Mr. Biden heard anything about the letter that had been sent by Mr. President to Erdogan???

It seems that at that moment Mr. Biden forgot the name of the President of Turkey,
dragged in by the head and shoulders the President of Syria , and, most likely, was thinking in which country and in which corporation to find another cushi job for his son, he is very proud of...

Talking abouth health insurance:

Mr. Biden:

"The plan we're hearing discussed is the Biden plan".

THEN (!!!):

"The plan is going to cost at least $30 trillion over 10 years" - with NO INDICATION that NOW he was talking about Elizabeth Warrens' plan.

My diagnosis:

"Early senility as a result of probable behind-the-scenes business activities and fear of legal prosecution"


What is your diagnosis?
You believe so much garbage propaganda you are technically insane.
View attachment 285636
Mark Twain hated conservatives.
Democrats hate America yet they live here .
No evidence for that. we would just like to stop being brainwashed fools of the greedy idiot GOP rich. Everyone outside your bubble of brainwash thinks you are nuts.
I love Russian and Ukrainian people.

The women are among the most beautiful in the world. But there has been political corruption in both countries just like we have in The Democrat Party and our own Deep State.

Both Ukraine and Russia are better now than they were 10 years ago.
During the Obama Administration Ukraine was basically owned by Russia, but Ukraine fought back and kicked the Ruskie sympathizers back to Russia. You are mixing topics though.

The Deep State Sold Putin our Uranium, gave Iran $150 Billion to buy Russian Weapons.

Why do you think The Deep State hates Trump? He don’t play that shit.

Ukraine Not Weak!
You think you know more about my country than myself? That's funny. Have you been to Ukraine? Have you been to Russia? I doubt that. You are just repeating what Soros Media has been stuffing your miserable head with: ABSURD.
Soros media, also known as journalism outside your bubble of boobery....
During the Obama Administration Ukraine was basically owned by Russia, but Ukraine fought back and kicked the Ruskie sympathizers back to Russia. You are mixing topics though.

The Deep State Sold Putin our Uranium, gave Iran $150 Billion to buy Russian Weapons.

Why do you think The Deep State hates Trump? He don’t play that shit.

Ukraine Not Weak!
You think you know more about my country than myself? That's funny. Have you been to Ukraine? Have you been to Russia? I doubt that. You are just repeating what Soros Media has been stuffing your miserable head with: ABSURD.
Wait Soros is left wing, the tree is off the wall right wing. He believes only Fox News and Rush Limbaugh Savage and probably much worse websites...
I love Russian and Ukrainian people.

The women are among the most beautiful in the world. But there has been political corruption in both countries just like we have in The Democrat Party and our own Deep State.

Both Ukraine and Russia are better now than they were 10 years ago.
During the Obama Administration Ukraine was basically owned by Russia, but Ukraine fought back and kicked the Ruskie sympathizers back to Russia. You are mixing topics though.

The Deep State Sold Putin our Uranium, gave Iran $150 Billion to buy Russian Weapons.

Why do you think The Deep State hates Trump? He don’t play that shit.

Ukraine Not Weak!
You think you know more about my country than myself? That's funny. Have you been to Ukraine? Have you been to Russia? I doubt that. You are just repeating what Soros Media has been stuffing your miserable head with: ABSURD.
Yes it is a huge conspiracy of the most admired law enforcement community in the world until you dopes came along with your mobbed-up scumbag orange hero. actually before that there were so many phony scandals that now they have to go with the biggest conspiracy Insanity of all, the deep state. Poor America.
Last edited:
He’s in consultations with Putin on how to win the 2020 Election.

He’s a Russian Asset.


A Russian Ass.

Daniel Henninger in his article "Joe Biden Isn't Going to Make It" (The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, October 17)
He expressed doubt that Biden had the characteristics necessary for the FIRST person in the state (it is one thing to fulfill the instructions of the President or agree with Ukrainian corrupt officials or Chinese "partners" on the "employment" of his son, Hunter, whom he is "very proud of" and quite another to accept, without exaggeration to say, HISTORICAL, fateful decisions for the country and the world)
Judge for yourself:

On Erdogan’s decision to launch a military operation against the allies of the United States - the Kurds:

"What I would do is I would be making it real to (!!!) Assad that, in fact, where he's going to have a problem - because Turkey is a real problem here.And I would be having a real lockdown conversation with Erdogan and letting him know that he's going to pay a heavy price for what he has done now. Pay the price ".

And THAT is the wording of the possible President of the United States of America?

Has Mr. Biden heard anything about the letter that had been sent by Mr. President to Erdogan???

It seems that at that moment Mr. Biden forgot the name of the President of Turkey,
dragged in by the head and shoulders the President of Syria , and, most likely, was thinking in which country and in which corporation to find another cushi job for his son, he is very proud of...

Talking abouth health insurance:

Mr. Biden:

"The plan we're hearing discussed is the Biden plan".

THEN (!!!):

"The plan is going to cost at least $30 trillion over 10 years" - with NO INDICATION that NOW he was talking about Elizabeth Warrens' plan.

My diagnosis:

"Early senility as a result of probable behind-the-scenes business activities and fear of legal prosecution"


What is your diagnosis?
screw Rupert Murdoch's and his Wall Street journal opinion page. Pathetic garbage character assassination. No evidence for any of it. Plenty of evidence that Trump is an asset and he knows it.
They could end the 35-year GOP rip off of the country for the rich. And your ridiculous garbage misinformation propaganda machine.
During the Obama Administration Ukraine was basically owned by Russia, but Ukraine fought back and kicked the Ruskie sympathizers back to Russia. You are mixing topics though.

The Deep State Sold Putin our Uranium, gave Iran $150 Billion to buy Russian Weapons.

Why do you think The Deep State hates Trump? He don’t play that shit.

Ukraine Not Weak!

Nah Russia and The Deep
State are Sympatico. They have the same enemies. They cooperate privately and bicker at each other publicly.

That’s Deep State Craft

Schiff, Pelosi, Waters, Axhummer are all Russian Assets!
That is complete absurd. They all have been making my country of Ukraine a spear to hurt Russia and we, the residents of Ukraine, all have been their hostages for that purpose.

Your posts just show you know nothing about Russia or Ukraine.

Democrats and RINOs are in Deep State pocket.

Deep State my ass. Your Heroes are crooks LOL. So is Putin.
During the Obama Administration Ukraine was basically owned by Russia, but Ukraine fought back and kicked the Ruskie sympathizers back to Russia. You are mixing topics though.

The Deep State Sold Putin our Uranium, gave Iran $150 Billion to buy Russian Weapons.

Why do you think The Deep State hates Trump? He don’t play that shit.

Ukraine Not Weak!

Nah Russia and The Deep
State are Sympatico. They have the same enemies. They cooperate privately and bicker at each other publicly.

That’s Deep State Craft

Schiff, Pelosi, Waters, Axhummer are all Russian Assets!
That is complete absurd. They all have been making my country of Ukraine a spear to hurt Russia and we, the residents of Ukraine, all have been their hostages for that purpose.

Your posts just show you know nothing about Russia or Ukraine.

Democrats and RINOs are in Deep State pocket.

Deep State my ass. Your Heroes are crooks LOL. So is Putin.

And that money was Iran's, confiscated in 1979 LOL. it was their money and we got a great treaty that made sure they wouldn't get nukes for at least 15 years, easily readministered in 15 years. The crap you believe....
Last edited:
He’s in consultations with Putin on how to win the 2020 Election.

He’s a Russian Asset.


A Russian Ass.

Daniel Henninger in his article "Joe Biden Isn't Going to Make It" (The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, October 17)
He expressed doubt that Biden had the characteristics necessary for the FIRST person in the state (it is one thing to fulfill the instructions of the President or agree with Ukrainian corrupt officials or Chinese "partners" on the "employment" of his son, Hunter, whom he is "very proud of" and quite another to accept, without exaggeration to say, HISTORICAL, fateful decisions for the country and the world)
Judge for yourself:

On Erdogan’s decision to launch a military operation against the allies of the United States - the Kurds:

"What I would do is I would be making it real to (!!!) Assad that, in fact, where he's going to have a problem - because Turkey is a real problem here.And I would be having a real lockdown conversation with Erdogan and letting him know that he's going to pay a heavy price for what he has done now. Pay the price ".

And THAT is the wording of the possible President of the United States of America?

Has Mr. Biden heard anything about the letter that had been sent by Mr. President to Erdogan???

It seems that at that moment Mr. Biden forgot the name of the President of Turkey,
dragged in by the head and shoulders the President of Syria , and, most likely, was thinking in which country and in which corporation to find another cushi job for his son, he is very proud of...

Talking abouth health insurance:

Mr. Biden:

"The plan we're hearing discussed is the Biden plan".

THEN (!!!):

"The plan is going to cost at least $30 trillion over 10 years" - with NO INDICATION that NOW he was talking about Elizabeth Warrens' plan.

My diagnosis:

"Early senility as a result of probable behind-the-scenes business activities and fear of legal prosecution"


What is your diagnosis?

Biden's political career is so fubar at this point, that I don't even think the Russians could salvage it.
According to brainwashed functional morons. We shall see. Still early and he still is a leader and still highly trusted oh, just the thing after your mobbed-up scumbag idiot Orange hero.
I asked you to provide evidence with links on what Trump did to get an Impeachment and I hear crickets.
Did not see that. obviously you can't ask foreign leaders to find dirt on your personal political opponents. It is a crime. Is also a mobbed-up scumbag and probably a Putin puppet to quite an extent. I think Putin has some film on him in Russia and Trump wants to build that tower in Russia. He's not too smart. And less patriotic LOL
Proof of your being a Russian Asset!

He’s in consultations with Putin on how to win the 2020 Election.

He’s a Russian Asset.


A Russian Ass.

Daniel Henninger in his article "Joe Biden Isn't Going to Make It" (The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, October 17)
He expressed doubt that Biden had the characteristics necessary for the FIRST person in the state (it is one thing to fulfill the instructions of the President or agree with Ukrainian corrupt officials or Chinese "partners" on the "employment" of his son, Hunter, whom he is "very proud of" and quite another to accept, without exaggeration to say, HISTORICAL, fateful decisions for the country and the world)
Judge for yourself:

On Erdogan’s decision to launch a military operation against the allies of the United States - the Kurds:

"What I would do is I would be making it real to (!!!) Assad that, in fact, where he's going to have a problem - because Turkey is a real problem here.And I would be having a real lockdown conversation with Erdogan and letting him know that he's going to pay a heavy price for what he has done now. Pay the price ".

And THAT is the wording of the possible President of the United States of America?

Has Mr. Biden heard anything about the letter that had been sent by Mr. President to Erdogan???

It seems that at that moment Mr. Biden forgot the name of the President of Turkey,
dragged in by the head and shoulders the President of Syria , and, most likely, was thinking in which country and in which corporation to find another cushi job for his son, he is very proud of...

Talking abouth health insurance:

Mr. Biden:

"The plan we're hearing discussed is the Biden plan".

THEN (!!!):

"The plan is going to cost at least $30 trillion over 10 years" - with NO INDICATION that NOW he was talking about Elizabeth Warrens' plan.

My diagnosis:

"Early senility as a result of probable behind-the-scenes business activities and fear of legal prosecution"


What is your diagnosis?

Biden's political career is so fubar at this point, that I don't even think the Russians could salvage it.
According to brainwashed functional morons. We shall see. Still early and he still is a leader and still highly trusted oh, just the thing after your mobbed-up scumbag idiot Orange hero.
At this point a Russian asset is anyone for Trump. Duh.
Are you going To ask Putin to make up another Dirty Russian Dossier for you Mr. Russian Ass?

Err Asset
The only thing Biden knew how to do was to bend over and take it up the ass from Putin, to
Kiss Obama’s Ass and to Take Bribes and enrich himself.


confirmed this.
Sure, make up any phony Scandal you like, brainwashed functional Moron. you have hundreds of them and they have all been investigated and it takes 5 minutes to realize they are all just garbage propaganda for conspiracy Nut Job ignoramuses like you.
That would be a crime duh.
Daniel Henninger in his article "Joe Biden Isn't Going to Make It" (The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, October 17)
He expressed doubt that Biden had the characteristics necessary for the FIRST person in the state (it is one thing to fulfill the instructions of the President or agree with Ukrainian corrupt officials or Chinese "partners" on the "employment" of his son, Hunter, whom he is "very proud of" and quite another to accept, without exaggeration to say, HISTORICAL, fateful decisions for the country and the world)
Judge for yourself:

On Erdogan’s decision to launch a military operation against the allies of the United States - the Kurds:

"What I would do is I would be making it real to (!!!) Assad that, in fact, where he's going to have a problem - because Turkey is a real problem here.And I would be having a real lockdown conversation with Erdogan and letting him know that he's going to pay a heavy price for what he has done now. Pay the price ".

And THAT is the wording of the possible President of the United States of America?

Has Mr. Biden heard anything about the letter that had been sent by Mr. President to Erdogan???

It seems that at that moment Mr. Biden forgot the name of the President of Turkey,
dragged in by the head and shoulders the President of Syria , and, most likely, was thinking in which country and in which corporation to find another cushi job for his son, he is very proud of...

Talking abouth health insurance:

Mr. Biden:

"The plan we're hearing discussed is the Biden plan".

THEN (!!!):

"The plan is going to cost at least $30 trillion over 10 years" - with NO INDICATION that NOW he was talking about Elizabeth Warrens' plan.

My diagnosis:

"Early senility as a result of probable behind-the-scenes business activities and fear of legal prosecution"


What is your diagnosis?
You believe so much garbage propaganda you are technically insane.
View attachment 285636
Mark Twain hated conservatives.
Democrats hate America yet they live here .
No evidence for that. we would just like to stop being brainwashed fools of the greedy idiot GOP rich. Everyone outside your bubble of brainwash thinks you are nuts.
lol ,than that there's the problem . You think we're brainwashed and nuts and we think you on the left have the same affliction . At one time we used to be able to discuss it ,have a beer ,and laugh it off by thinking our politicians were the problem and were shitheads .
Now , sorry to say, the politicians have successfully extended themselves by making us hate each other and it's irreparable .
So now we drink our beer with like-minded citizens and we don't laugh off the hatred any more .
it's too bad cause we were all American before the pols enlightened us .
Last edited:
You believe so much garbage propaganda you are technically insane.
View attachment 285636
Mark Twain hated conservatives.
Democrats hate America yet they live here .
No evidence for that. we would just like to stop being brainwashed fools of the greedy idiot GOP rich. Everyone outside your bubble of brainwash thinks you are nuts.
lol ,than that there's the problem . You think we're brainwashed and nuts and we think you on the left have the same affliction . At one time we used to be able to discuss it ,have a beer ,and laugh it off by thinking our politicians were the problem and were shitheads .
Now , sorry to say, the politicians have successfully extended themselves by making us hate each other and it's irreparable .
So now we drink our beer with like-minded citizens and we don't laugh off the hatred any more .
it's too bad cause we were all American before the pols enlightened ttus .
before the lying scumbag GOP propaganda machine and the GOP war on the middle class and give away to the rich-nothing like this has happened before. End of story everything you know is wrong. Fox and Rush etc are now running the GOP and they are totally full of s*** LOL. Poor America.argue the facts. No Democrat has been arrested for any of the phony scandals you believe and every journalist and law enforcement in the world thinks you people are nuts. Lovely people but totally brainwashed on politics.... Breaking for you, we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and that is a giveaway to the rich. That is why our infrastructure and middle-class is falling apart through lack of investment. End of story.the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history and in the modern world by far is not trivia....
Last edited:
Democrats hate America yet they live here .
No evidence for that. we would just like to stop being brainwashed fools of the greedy idiot GOP rich. Everyone outside your bubble of brainwash thinks you are nuts.
lol ,than that there's the problem . You think we're brainwashed and nuts and we think you on the left have the same affliction . At one time we used to be able to discuss it ,have a beer ,and laugh it off by thinking our politicians were the problem and were shitheads .
Now , sorry to say, the politicians have successfully extended themselves by making us hate each other and it's irreparable .
So now we drink our beer with like-minded citizens and we don't laugh off the hatred any more .
it's too bad cause we were all American before the pols enlightened ttus .
before the lying scumbag GOP propaganda machine and the GOP war on the middle class and give away to the rich-nothing like this has happened before. End of story everything you know is wrong. Fox and Rush etc are now running the GOP and they are totally full of s*** LOL. Poor America.argue the facts. No Democrat has been arrested for any of the phony scandals you believe and every journalist and law enforcement in the world thinks you people are nuts. Lovely people but totally brainwashed on politics.... Breaking for you, we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and that is a giveaway to the rich. That is why our infrastructure and middle-class is falling apart through lack of investment. End of story.the worst any quality and upward mobility in our history and in the modern world by far is not trivia....
Rush and Fox against Soros , Clinton , Obama, Brennan , Comey , that scank from the IRS, CBS,ABC ,NBC, CNN, The Liar Shiff , and Hollywood and you don't see a problem ? Well congratulations , you passed the brainwashing with flying colors . I hate to inform you but
Mark Twain hated conservatives.
Democrats hate America yet they live here .
No evidence for that. we would just like to stop being brainwashed fools of the greedy idiot GOP rich. Everyone outside your bubble of brainwash thinks you are nuts.
lol ,than that there's the problem . You think we're brainwashed and nuts and we think you on the left have the same affliction . At one time we used to be able to discuss it ,have a beer ,and laugh it off by thinking our politicians were the problem and were shitheads .
Now , sorry to say, the politicians have successfully extended themselves by making us hate each other and it's irreparable .
So now we drink our beer with like-minded citizens and we don't laugh off the hatred any more .
it's too bad cause we were all American before the pols enlightened ttus .
before the lying scumbag GOP propaganda machine and the GOP war on the middle class and give away to the rich-nothing like this has happened before. End of story everything you know is wrong. Fox and Rush etc are now running the GOP and they are totally full of s*** LOL. Poor America.argue the facts. No Democrat has been arrested for any of the phony scandals you believe and every journalist and law enforcement in the world thinks you people are nuts. Lovely people but totally brainwashed on politics.... Breaking for you, we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and that is a giveaway to the rich. That is why our infrastructure and middle-class is falling apart through lack of investment. End of story.the worst any quality and upward mobility in our history and in the modern world by far is not trivia....
Rush and Fox against Soros , Clinton , Obama, Brennan , Comey , that scank from the IRS, CBS,ABC ,NBC, CNN, The Liar Shiff , and Hollywood and you don't see a problem ? Well congratulations , you passed the brainwashing with flying colors . I hate to inform you but View attachment 285656
And the BBC and France 24 and every respected newspaper journalist and law enforcement around the world dingbat all you have is bought off high-school grad x cokehead DJs and the biggest hypocrite politicians ever seen in the modern world. Everything you know is wrong, you GOP voters are the worst in the modern world by far. You have an imaginary planet. dupe. See we have laws and innocent until proven guilty. OMG poor America. Enjoy hell
Democrats hate America yet they live here .
No evidence for that. we would just like to stop being brainwashed fools of the greedy idiot GOP rich. Everyone outside your bubble of brainwash thinks you are nuts.
lol ,than that there's the problem . You think we're brainwashed and nuts and we think you on the left have the same affliction . At one time we used to be able to discuss it ,have a beer ,and laugh it off by thinking our politicians were the problem and were shitheads .
Now , sorry to say, the politicians have successfully extended themselves by making us hate each other and it's irreparable .
So now we drink our beer with like-minded citizens and we don't laugh off the hatred any more .
it's too bad cause we were all American before the pols enlightened ttus .
before the lying scumbag GOP propaganda machine and the GOP war on the middle class and give away to the rich-nothing like this has happened before. End of story everything you know is wrong. Fox and Rush etc are now running the GOP and they are totally full of s*** LOL. Poor America.argue the facts. No Democrat has been arrested for any of the phony scandals you believe and every journalist and law enforcement in the world thinks you people are nuts. Lovely people but totally brainwashed on politics.... Breaking for you, we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and that is a giveaway to the rich. That is why our infrastructure and middle-class is falling apart through lack of investment. End of story.the worst any quality and upward mobility in our history and in the modern world by far is not trivia....
Rush and Fox against Soros , Clinton , Obama, Brennan , Comey , that scank from the IRS, CBS,ABC ,NBC, CNN, The Liar Shiff , and Hollywood and you don't see a problem ? Well congratulations , you passed the brainwashing with flying colors . I hate to inform you but View attachment 285656
And the BBC and France 24 and every respected newspaper journalist and law enforcement around the world dingbat all you have is bought off high-school grad x cokehead DJs and the biggest hypocrite politicians ever seen in the modern world. Everything you know is wrong, you GOP voters are the worst in the modern world by far. You have an imaginary planet. dupe. See we have laws and innocent until proven guilty. OMG poor America. Enjoy hell
I'll meet you there douchbag .
Democrats hate America yet they live here .
No evidence for that. we would just like to stop being brainwashed fools of the greedy idiot GOP rich. Everyone outside your bubble of brainwash thinks you are nuts.
lol ,than that there's the problem . You think we're brainwashed and nuts and we think you on the left have the same affliction . At one time we used to be able to discuss it ,have a beer ,and laugh it off by thinking our politicians were the problem and were shitheads .
Now , sorry to say, the politicians have successfully extended themselves by making us hate each other and it's irreparable .
So now we drink our beer with like-minded citizens and we don't laugh off the hatred any more .
it's too bad cause we were all American before the pols enlightened ttus .
before the lying scumbag GOP propaganda machine and the GOP war on the middle class and give away to the rich-nothing like this has happened before. End of story everything you know is wrong. Fox and Rush etc are now running the GOP and they are totally full of s*** LOL. Poor America.argue the facts. No Democrat has been arrested for any of the phony scandals you believe and every journalist and law enforcement in the world thinks you people are nuts. Lovely people but totally brainwashed on politics.... Breaking for you, we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and that is a giveaway to the rich. That is why our infrastructure and middle-class is falling apart through lack of investment. End of story.the worst any quality and upward mobility in our history and in the modern world by far is not trivia....
Rush and Fox against Soros , Clinton , Obama, Brennan , Comey , that scank from the IRS, CBS,ABC ,NBC, CNN, The Liar Shiff , and Hollywood and you don't see a problem ? Well congratulations , you passed the brainwashing with flying colors . I hate to inform you but View attachment 285656
And the BBC and France 24 and every respected newspaper journalist and law enforcement around the world dingbat all you have is bought off high-school grad x cokehead DJs and the biggest hypocrite politicians ever seen in the modern world. Everything you know is wrong, you GOP voters are the worst in the modern world by far. You have an imaginary planet. dupe. See we have laws and innocent until proven guilty. OMG poor America. Enjoy hell
hey Franco , sorry if I offended you with that last comment but I can't edit it ( that's a lie lol) but where are you from ol buddy ,ol pal ? Are you American , or are you here on some kind of lend lease program ?
Don't tell me !!!!! You put spaghetti in cans !
No evidence for that. we would just like to stop being brainwashed fools of the greedy idiot GOP rich. Everyone outside your bubble of brainwash thinks you are nuts.
lol ,than that there's the problem . You think we're brainwashed and nuts and we think you on the left have the same affliction . At one time we used to be able to discuss it ,have a beer ,and laugh it off by thinking our politicians were the problem and were shitheads .
Now , sorry to say, the politicians have successfully extended themselves by making us hate each other and it's irreparable .
So now we drink our beer with like-minded citizens and we don't laugh off the hatred any more .
it's too bad cause we were all American before the pols enlightened ttus .
before the lying scumbag GOP propaganda machine and the GOP war on the middle class and give away to the rich-nothing like this has happened before. End of story everything you know is wrong. Fox and Rush etc are now running the GOP and they are totally full of s*** LOL. Poor America.argue the facts. No Democrat has been arrested for any of the phony scandals you believe and every journalist and law enforcement in the world thinks you people are nuts. Lovely people but totally brainwashed on politics.... Breaking for you, we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and that is a giveaway to the rich. That is why our infrastructure and middle-class is falling apart through lack of investment. End of story.the worst any quality and upward mobility in our history and in the modern world by far is not trivia....
Rush and Fox against Soros , Clinton , Obama, Brennan , Comey , that scank from the IRS, CBS,ABC ,NBC, CNN, The Liar Shiff , and Hollywood and you don't see a problem ? Well congratulations , you passed the brainwashing with flying colors . I hate to inform you but View attachment 285656
And the BBC and France 24 and every respected newspaper journalist and law enforcement around the world dingbat all you have is bought off high-school grad x cokehead DJs and the biggest hypocrite politicians ever seen in the modern world. Everything you know is wrong, you GOP voters are the worst in the modern world by far. You have an imaginary planet. dupe. See we have laws and innocent until proven guilty. OMG poor America. Enjoy hell
hey Franco , sorry if I offended you with that last comment but I can't edit it ( that's a lie lol) but where are you from ol buddy ,ol pal ? Are you American , or are you here on some kind of lend lease program ?
Don't tell me !!!!! You put spaghetti in cans !
I was born in Buffalo. English mother. You?
Democrats hate America yet they live here .
No evidence for that. we would just like to stop being brainwashed fools of the greedy idiot GOP rich. Everyone outside your bubble of brainwash thinks you are nuts.
lol ,than that there's the problem . You think we're brainwashed and nuts and we think you on the left have the same affliction . At one time we used to be able to discuss it ,have a beer ,and laugh it off by thinking our politicians were the problem and were shitheads .
Now , sorry to say, the politicians have successfully extended themselves by making us hate each other and it's irreparable .
So now we drink our beer with like-minded citizens and we don't laugh off the hatred any more .
it's too bad cause we were all American before the pols enlightened ttus .
before the lying scumbag GOP propaganda machine and the GOP war on the middle class and give away to the rich-nothing like this has happened before. End of story everything you know is wrong. Fox and Rush etc are now running the GOP and they are totally full of s*** LOL. Poor America.argue the facts. No Democrat has been arrested for any of the phony scandals you believe and every journalist and law enforcement in the world thinks you people are nuts. Lovely people but totally brainwashed on politics.... Breaking for you, we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and that is a giveaway to the rich. That is why our infrastructure and middle-class is falling apart through lack of investment. End of story.the worst any quality and upward mobility in our history and in the modern world by far is not trivia....
Rush and Fox against Soros , Clinton , Obama, Brennan , Comey , that scank from the IRS, CBS,ABC ,NBC, CNN, The Liar Shiff , and Hollywood and you don't see a problem ? Well congratulations , you passed the brainwashing with flying colors . I hate to inform you but View attachment 285656
And the BBC and France 24 and every respected newspaper journalist and law enforcement around the world dingbat all you have is bought off high-school grad x cokehead DJs and the biggest hypocrite politicians ever seen in the modern world. Everything you know is wrong, you GOP voters are the worst in the modern world by far. You have an imaginary planet. dupe. See we have laws and innocent until proven guilty. OMG poor America. Enjoy hell
No evidence for that. we would just like to stop being brainwashed fools of the greedy idiot GOP rich. Everyone outside your bubble of brainwash thinks you are nuts.
lol ,than that there's the problem . You think we're brainwashed and nuts and we think you on the left have the same affliction . At one time we used to be able to discuss it ,have a beer ,and laugh it off by thinking our politicians were the problem and were shitheads .
Now , sorry to say, the politicians have successfully extended themselves by making us hate each other and it's irreparable .
So now we drink our beer with like-minded citizens and we don't laugh off the hatred any more .
it's too bad cause we were all American before the pols enlightened ttus .
before the lying scumbag GOP propaganda machine and the GOP war on the middle class and give away to the rich-nothing like this has happened before. End of story everything you know is wrong. Fox and Rush etc are now running the GOP and they are totally full of s*** LOL. Poor America.argue the facts. No Democrat has been arrested for any of the phony scandals you believe and every journalist and law enforcement in the world thinks you people are nuts. Lovely people but totally brainwashed on politics.... Breaking for you, we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and that is a giveaway to the rich. That is why our infrastructure and middle-class is falling apart through lack of investment. End of story.the worst any quality and upward mobility in our history and in the modern world by far is not trivia....
Rush and Fox against Soros , Clinton , Obama, Brennan , Comey , that scank from the IRS, CBS,ABC ,NBC, CNN, The Liar Shiff , and Hollywood and you don't see a problem ? Well congratulations , you passed the brainwashing with flying colors . I hate to inform you but View attachment 285656
And the BBC and France 24 and every respected newspaper journalist and law enforcement around the world dingbat all you have is bought off high-school grad x cokehead DJs and the biggest hypocrite politicians ever seen in the modern world. Everything you know is wrong, you GOP voters are the worst in the modern world by far. You have an imaginary planet. dupe. See we have laws and innocent until proven guilty. OMG poor America. Enjoy hell
As always, no argument, just garbage psychobabble. You're on your way out super duper..... The injustice and hypocrisies are just too obvious except for total brainwashed functional morons are you.... And as a gun dealer you are also bought off by the scumbag NRA GOP.... Not to worry about the country falling apart for 35 years now, the super rich greedy idiot GOP billionaires are doing fine right, idiot? Screaming at morons is such fun, you got me all wrong, dingbat.

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