Mr. Cruz and his many affairs with other women ....

Oh man, the Glen Beck/Cruz religious nutters are gonna lose it over this one. Beck and his wingnut followers have anointed Cruz 'The Messiah.' This is gonna be fun. Stay tuned.

You really should listen to Beck before you say stupid stuff about him. Just saying

I used to until he had a nervous breakdown. He never got the treatment he needed. He's completely lost it. All that weird crying on air stuff. And now going off the deep end with the religious fanaticism. I seriously believe the man needs psychiatric care. I hope his family and friends urge him to get it.

Like I said id you don't listen you should claim he says things he doesn't say.

Btw what happened to you? You used to argue for the constitution now you are arguing for the billionaire tyrant?

Sorry, but religious weirdos scare the shite outta me. I really could see Cruz starting WWIII because 'God told him to.' Trump has his faults, but he's no religious zealot.

Cruz campaign is pretty quiet today...

How could "affairs" be a bombshell for a republican when the democrat front runner spent her entire adult life covering up her husband's affairs and punishing his victims? Does the political double standard still work?

Let me answer-----------> Not a bombshell for any other candidate but Cruz if true. He has wrapped himself in religious liberty, and evangelical faith, making him a phony baloney. He will appear to be the Jim Baker of politics, proclaiming to do as I say, and not as I do.

That is of course, if even 1/3rd of it is true. In fact, if ANY of it is true, Trump was just handed the nomination on a silver platter. Stay tuned!
Does anyone who is not a brain dead Trumpster or liberal shill really think Cruz didnt consider this before getting into the race?

What I find amusing is the hypocrisy they have. We know Trump has had affairs. Not a big deal. But if its Cruz it's the end of everything!

Thinking about it if true what does that give us. It gives us two candidates who had affairs. One of which stands for the constitution. One of which doesn't.

But we don't have to worry about it. This is nonsense. Funny how they just happen to alleged he had an affair with women who have been going after trump.

Hey, Cruz is the religious nutball. So it is a bit more interesting. It is what it is.

Nothing nuts about him
Oh man, the Glen Beck/Cruz religious nutters are gonna lose it over this one. Beck and his wingnut followers have anointed Cruz 'The Messiah.' This is gonna be fun. Stay tuned.

You really should listen to Beck before you say stupid stuff about him. Just saying

I used to until he had a nervous breakdown. He never got the treatment he needed. He's completely lost it. All that weird crying on air stuff. And now going off the deep end with the religious fanaticism. I seriously believe the man needs psychiatric care. I hope his family and friends urge him to get it.

Like I said id you don't listen you should claim he says things he doesn't say.

Btw what happened to you? You used to argue for the constitution now you are arguing for the billionaire tyrant?

Sorry, but religious weirdos scare the shite outta me. I really could see Cruz starting WWIII because 'God told him to.' Trump has his faults, but he's no religious zealot.

One fault being he retaliates against people for offenses real or imagined. Wait till Putin insults him and he starts world war three. That's far more likely than God telling Cruz to go to war.

I'll stick with the constitution over a despot any day
Nothing nuts about him

It is his show so he can do what he wants, but I get angry when anyone in the public eye uses christian faith to gain in the political world.
So you were angry at Obama and Jimmy Carter, both of whom touted their Christianity?

I find it appalling when anyone uses faith to gain in money or power. The sad thing is if they crumble so do the many who put them up on a pedestal crumble down with them..

Nothing nuts about him

It is his show so he can do what he wants, but I get angry when anyone in the public eye uses christian faith to gain in the political world.
So you were angry at Obama and Jimmy Carter, both of whom touted their Christianity?

I find it appalling when anyone uses faith to gain in money or power. The sad thing is if they crumble so do the many who put them up on a pedestal crumble down with them..

So you were angry at Obama and Jimmy Carter, both of whom touted their Christianity?

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