Mr. Cruz and his many affairs with other women ....

How could "affairs" be a bombshell for a republican when the democrat front runner spent her entire adult life covering up her husband's affairs and punishing his victims? Does the political double standard still work?
yes, of course it's all the wife's fault, and she's SUPPOSE to smear her husband in the public, about the affairs he had.... :rolleyes:

GUESS that means this is ALL Heidi Cruz's fault for not exposing her husband's affairs and sing praise for all the women he had affairs with....

you are nuts!
Man, Cruz really does strike me as the kind of weirdo who would gladly start WWIII because 'God told him to.' It's vital to our survival, we keep those kind of people far far away from the trigger.
Oh man, the Glen Beck/Cruz religious nutters are gonna lose it over this one. Beck and his wingnut followers have anointed Cruz 'The Messiah.' This is gonna be fun. Stay tuned.

You really should listen to Beck before you say stupid stuff about him. Just saying

I used to until he had a nervous breakdown. He never got the treatment he needed. He's completely lost it. All that weird crying on air stuff. And now going off the deep end with the religious fanaticism. I seriously believe the man needs psychiatric care. I hope his family and friends urge him to get it.
This coming from the poster who blames society for his inability to succeed in the fast food industry?

Beck's a loon. Nuff said. :cuckoo:
How could "affairs" be a bombshell for a republican when the democrat front runner spent her entire adult life covering up her husband's affairs and punishing his victims? Does the political double standard still work?

Let me answer-----------> Not a bombshell for any other candidate but Cruz if true. He has wrapped himself in religious liberty, and evangelical faith, making him a phony baloney. He will appear to be the Jim Baker of politics, proclaiming to do as I say, and not as I do.

That is of course, if even 1/3rd of it is true. In fact, if ANY of it is true, Trump was just handed the nomination on a silver platter. Stay tuned!
Does anyone who is not a brain dead Trumpster or liberal shill really think Cruz didnt consider this before getting into the race?

What I find amusing is the hypocrisy they have. We know Trump has had affairs. Not a big deal. But if its Cruz it's the end of everything!

Thinking about it if true what does that give us. It gives us two candidates who had affairs. One of which stands for the constitution. One of which doesn't.

But we don't have to worry about it. This is nonsense. Funny how they just happen to alleged he had an affair with women who have been going after trump.
How could "affairs" be a bombshell for a republican when the democrat front runner spent her entire adult life covering up her husband's affairs and punishing his victims? Does the political double standard still work?

Let me answer-----------> Not a bombshell for any other candidate but Cruz if true. He has wrapped himself in religious liberty, and evangelical faith, making him a phony baloney. He will appear to be the Jim Baker of politics, proclaiming to do as I say, and not as I do.

That is of course, if even 1/3rd of it is true. In fact, if ANY of it is true, Trump was just handed the nomination on a silver platter. Stay tuned!
Does anyone who is not a brain dead Trumpster or liberal shill really think Cruz didnt consider this before getting into the race?

What I find amusing is the hypocrisy they have. We know Trump has had affairs. Not a big deal. But if its Cruz it's the end of everything!

Thinking about it if true what does that give us. It gives us two candidates who had affairs. One of which stands for the constitution. One of which doesn't.

But we don't have to worry about it. This is nonsense. Funny how they just happen to alleged he had an affair with women who have been going after trump.

Hey, Cruz is the religious nutball. So it is a bit more interesting. It is what it is.
Oh man, the Glen Beck/Cruz religious nutters are gonna lose it over this one. Beck and his wingnut followers have anointed Cruz 'The Messiah.' This is gonna be fun. Stay tuned.

You really should listen to Beck before you say stupid stuff about him. Just saying

I used to until he had a nervous breakdown. He never got the treatment he needed. He's completely lost it. All that weird crying on air stuff. And now going off the deep end with the religious fanaticism. I seriously believe the man needs psychiatric care. I hope his family and friends urge him to get it.

Like I said id you don't listen you should claim he says things he doesn't say.

Btw what happened to you? You used to argue for the constitution now you are arguing for the billionaire tyrant?
How could "affairs" be a bombshell for a republican when the democrat front runner spent her entire adult life covering up her husband's affairs and punishing his victims? Does the political double standard still work?

Let me answer-----------> Not a bombshell for any other candidate but Cruz if true. He has wrapped himself in religious liberty, and evangelical faith, making him a phony baloney. He will appear to be the Jim Baker of politics, proclaiming to do as I say, and not as I do.

That is of course, if even 1/3rd of it is true. In fact, if ANY of it is true, Trump was just handed the nomination on a silver platter. Stay tuned!
Does anyone who is not a brain dead Trumpster or liberal shill really think Cruz didnt consider this before getting into the race?

What I find amusing is the hypocrisy they have. We know Trump has had affairs. Not a big deal. But if its Cruz it's the end of everything!

Thinking about it if true what does that give us. It gives us two candidates who had affairs. One of which stands for the constitution. One of which doesn't.

But we don't have to worry about it. This is nonsense. Funny how they just happen to alleged he had an affair with women who have been going after trump.
Trump was never a politician preaching. Yeah he's been divorced. But who cares since he's been settled down for years now.
The Enquire can't be dismissed. They broke the John Edwards affair as well as the Bill Cosby fiasco. This looks to have legs. I bet Katrina Pierson has already admitted her affair with Cruz to Trump and he's been sitting on it waiting for the right time to expose it
They had 2 successes out of the thousands of fake stories so we have to believe everything? It is exactly what a shithead racist and bigot like you would say.

This is the first time I've ever agreed with one of your postings. I'm gonna get drunk tonight.
Katrina Pearson just assured her rumors are false. I believe her mainly but feel like Cruz did try something to upset her by leaving his campaign.

So we already have denials. But despite zero evidence you still want there to be something there. Feeling that insecure about trump?
Like I said id you don't listen you should claim he says things he doesn't say.

Btw what happened to you? You used to argue for the constitution now you are arguing for the billionaire tyrant?

I think we finally understand why Trump Steaks existed. It was the vehicle through which Leviathan Donald Trump spread additive 3.0 in preparation for his one day Presidential run.
What I find amusing is the hypocrisy they have. We know Trump has had affairs. Not a big deal. But if its Cruz it's the end of everything!

Thinking about it if true what does that give us. It gives us two candidates who had affairs. One of which stands for the constitution. One of which doesn't.

But we don't have to worry about it. This is nonsense. Funny how they just happen to alleged he had an affair with women who have been going after trump.

If this came out about Obama, I am sure it wouldn't just slide by.
Cruz has been very loud about the holiness of marriages between a man and women... I am sure the people he condemned are being the loudest now.

There's something about Ted's personal life that is very disturbing. We need to know what it its.

i'm pretty sure whatever it is isn't as disturbing as the donald being fixated on his own daughter
and this katrina person ,,worked for cruz ,now trump??? Isn't that like prostituting yourself? guess drumpf paid more like he got his 3 wives
Katrina Pearson just assured her rumors are false. I believe her mainly but feel like Cruz did try something to upset her by leaving his campaign.

So we already have denials. But despite zero evidence you still want there to be something there. Feeling that insecure about trump?

Like anyone would willingly admit to anything...Did Monica Lewinsky and Clinton lie until they were cornered?
Breitbart News has been sitting on this story for a month. Why? Because the new owner is a Cruz supporter.

This is the same Breitbart where three of their top writers just quit because of pro Trump bias in the organization?
They quit because one of them claimed she was assaulted by Trump's manager and Breitbart wouldn't back up her phony story.

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