MSM Cat Fight


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
The Washington Post today reported acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire threatened to resign because he is worried that Trump may try to compel him to stonewall Congress when he is scheduled to testify before them on the intelligence community whistleblower’s complaint tomorrow.

In a shocking development CNN reports that both Maguire and the WH deny the Post's story.

Intelligence director denies Washington Post report that he threatened to resign
I never thought I'd see the day when the National Enquirer is a more credible news source than WAPO. We live in interesting times.
I never thought I'd see the day when the National Enquirer is a more credible news source than WAPO. We live in interesting times.
The tragedy for our MSM and America is that it isn't the Enquirer that has gained respectability but rather that even our once most prestigious media has fallen into the pits.
The fact that anyone thinks that the NYTIMES or The Post were ever actually credible is troubling.

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