MSNBC Beats Fox News By Following Its Example


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2012
AHA! First Obama gets re-elected and now we discover MSNBC overtaking Fox News. Is this country great, or what? Thank you Jesus! There is a God! :eusa_clap:

MSNBC beats Fox News by following its example

Brian Stelter of The New York Times reports that MSNBC is finally starting to catch up to Fox News in the rating game, mainly by becoming the left-wing answer to Fox's conservative cheerleaders. Stelter says MSNBC, which normally trails Fox News in overall ratings, managed to best their cable rival in the key 25-54 year-old demographic on three straight nights after last week's election. MSNBC still trails behind Fox and CNN in the number of overall viewers, but has closed the gap considerably in the recent years, by accepting their role as "the Anti-Fox News." The re-election of Barack Obama will only help MSNBC keep the ball rolling, as hosts like Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews have become unapologetic supporters of "Obama's America" and stand to benefit from four more years of his liberal politics.
MSNBC is last in ratings of all cable news shows. Before MSNBC catches Fox, it will have to beat CNN.
CNN is the one dropping like a rock now. And it appears MSNBC is benefiting from it while Fox is still the one to catch.
CNN is the one dropping like a rock now. And it appears MSNBC is benefiting from it while Fox is still the one to catch.

Thats ok, CNN is too fair and balanced anyway. We need "the Anti-Fox News." MSNBC to counter Fox News as the unchallenged propaganda GOP mouthpiece.
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There's no media outlets that reports the Liberal view point.


Even MSNBC is too right wing
CNN isn't doing as well because they still have a shred of integrity left. Who wants to hear a truely fair network when you can live in an echo chamber instead?
AHA! First Obama gets re-elected and now we discover MSNBC overtaking Fox News. Is this country great, or what? Thank you Jesus! There is a God! :eusa_clap:

MSNBC beats Fox News by following its example

Brian Stelter of The New York Times reports that MSNBC is finally starting to catch up to Fox News in the rating game, mainly by becoming the left-wing answer to Fox's conservative cheerleaders. Stelter says MSNBC, which normally trails Fox News in overall ratings, managed to best their cable rival in the key 25-54 year-old demographic on three straight nights after last week's election. MSNBC still trails behind Fox and CNN in the number of overall viewers, but has closed the gap considerably in the recent years, by accepting their role as "the Anti-Fox News." The re-election of Barack Obama will only help MSNBC keep the ball rolling, as hosts like Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews have become unapologetic supporters of "Obama's America" and stand to benefit from four more years of his liberal politics.

MSNBC is no where near FOX in ratings bud.

This is wishful thinking.

It's not even close, on election night more people watched FOX than MSNBC, CNN, and Network news combined.
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MSNBC and FOX are two sides of the same coin. Can't really stomach either of them.

Just not true.

This election ois a perfect example.

MSNBC was correct on their reporting of the polls.

Fox lied and lied and lied about the polls so much the republicans were gobsmacked when the truth hit them.

I have yet to see one republican be mad at fox for lying to them.
AHA! First Obama gets re-elected and now we discover MSNBC overtaking Fox News. Is this country great, or what? Thank you Jesus! There is a God! :eusa_clap:

MSNBC beats Fox News by following its example

Brian Stelter of The New York Times reports that MSNBC is finally starting to catch up to Fox News in the rating game, mainly by becoming the left-wing answer to Fox's conservative cheerleaders. Stelter says MSNBC, which normally trails Fox News in overall ratings, managed to best their cable rival in the key 25-54 year-old demographic on three straight nights after last week's election. MSNBC still trails behind Fox and CNN in the number of overall viewers, but has closed the gap considerably in the recent years, by accepting their role as "the Anti-Fox News." The re-election of Barack Obama will only help MSNBC keep the ball rolling, as hosts like Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews have become unapologetic supporters of "Obama's America" and stand to benefit from four more years of his liberal politics.

Leave it to the NY Times to think that conservatives not wanting to watch the news following the debacle that just took place, while liberals DID want to watch means that MSNBC is suddenly challenging FOX News. They base that conclusion on the first three night FOLLOWING the election? What were the viewer numbers on the last three night BEFORE the election? My guess is that they will tell a totally different story.

One more example of why the NY Times has become such a liberal mouthpiece that their journalistic "integrity" is almost non-existent and why THEIR readership keeps dropping like a stone year after year.
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MSNBC and FOX are two sides of the same coin. Can't really stomach either of them.

Just not true.

This election ois a perfect example.

MSNBC was correct on their reporting of the polls.

Fox lied and lied and lied about the polls so much the republicans were gobsmacked when the truth hit them.

I have yet to see one republican be mad at fox for lying to them.

Did you even watch Foxnews on election night? They were saying all night long what the key states were. They showed the polls and pretty much everyone except Rove felt that it would be a long shot for Romney. They kept explaining that it would be "exceedingly difficult for romney to win if these counties go this way as they normally do" for many states. Fox was also one of the first to call Ohio for Obama even when it had a 20k vote lead for Romney at the time.

So please, if you're going to hate, at least be factual.
MSNBC is last in ratings of all cable news shows. Before MSNBC catches Fox, it will have to beat CNN.

Another post that secures your crown as the least intelligent poster on USMB.

1. FNC
2. CNN
5. FBN
6. HLN

True to form, you're wrong... again.


The poster says the highlighted, and you claim to prove the poster wrong, and I'm wrong for saying the poster was wrong?

You are one dumb cracker.

And how about a link to your claim while you're at it, fatso.

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