MSNBC Beats Fox News By Following Its Example

MSNBC and FOX are two sides of the same coin. Can't really stomach either of them.

No they are not.

MSNBC cherry picks.

FOX manufactures.

Big difference.

they do not cherry pick.

I watch them all and MSNBC reports stuff that CNN doesnt report.

that makes CNN limited

Oh fuck..they sure do.

Another difference between MSNBC and FOX is that MSNBC doesn't even try to say they are "news" or "fair and balanced".

Get your head out of the sand. Seriously.
MSNBC and FOX are two sides of the same coin. Can't really stomach either of them.

Just not true.

This election ois a perfect example.

MSNBC was correct on their reporting of the polls.

Fox lied and lied and lied about the polls so much the republicans were gobsmacked when the truth hit them.

I have yet to see one republican be mad at fox for lying to them.

Did you even watch Foxnews on election night? They were saying all night long what the key states were. They showed the polls and pretty much everyone except Rove felt that it would be a long shot for Romney. They kept explaining that it would be "exceedingly difficult for romney to win if these counties go this way as they normally do" for many states. Fox was also one of the first to call Ohio for Obama even when it had a 20k vote lead for Romney at the time.

So please, if you're going to hate, at least be factual.

That..was funny.

Rove had a meltdown on air..and FOX were trying to talk him down.
MSNBC and FOX are two sides of the same coin. Can't really stomach either of them.

Just not true.

This election ois a perfect example.

MSNBC was correct on their reporting of the polls.

Fox lied and lied and lied about the polls so much the republicans were gobsmacked when the truth hit them.

I have yet to see one republican be mad at fox for lying to them.

Did you even watch Foxnews on election night? They were saying all night long what the key states were. They showed the polls and pretty much everyone except Rove felt that it would be a long shot for Romney. They kept explaining that it would be "exceedingly difficult for romney to win if these counties go this way as they normally do" for many states. Fox was also one of the first to call Ohio for Obama even when it had a 20k vote lead for Romney at the time.

So please, if you're going to hate, at least be factual.

They don't watch anything but their silly little liberal outlets.
Another post that secures your crown as the least intelligent poster on USMB.

1. FNC
2. CNN
5. FBN
6. HLN

True to form, you're wrong... again.


The poster says the highlighted, and you claim to prove the poster wrong, and I'm wrong for saying the poster was wrong?

You are one dumb cracker.

And how about a link to your claim while you're at it, fatso.

Google it fucktard. You have heard of Google, right?

Now go stand on line for a gallon of $6 gas.

MSNBC and FOX are two sides of the same coin. Can't really stomach either of them.

Just not true.

This election ois a perfect example.

MSNBC was correct on their reporting of the polls.

Fox lied and lied and lied about the polls so much the republicans were gobsmacked when the truth hit them.

I have yet to see one republican be mad at fox for lying to them.

Did you even watch Foxnews on election night? They were saying all night long what the key states were. They showed the polls and pretty much everyone except Rove felt that it would be a long shot for Romney. They kept explaining that it would be "exceedingly difficult for romney to win if these counties go this way as they normally do" for many states. Fox was also one of the first to call Ohio for Obama even when it had a 20k vote lead for Romney at the time.

So please, if you're going to hate, at least be factual.

Fox was facing reality as the real votes came in after promoting the lies about the polls for weeks.
The "reality" is that we just re-elected the Paris Hilton of politics...a President who jets around the country making appearances but doesn't really "do" anything.

I'm happy for all of you progressives. Enjoy your maintaining of the status quo. My only question is how long it's going to take for it to finally dawn on you that we have a leader who voted "Present" as a State legislator and continues to pull that lever as President. Eight years of "Present"...let's hope we're strong enough to survive this...
1. FNC
2. CNN
5. FBN
6. HLN

True to form, you're wrong... again.


The poster says the highlighted, and you claim to prove the poster wrong, and I'm wrong for saying the poster was wrong?

You are one dumb cracker.

And how about a link to your claim while you're at it, fatso.

Google it fucktard. You have heard of Google, right?

Now go stand on line for a gallon of $6 gas.


I did.

Fox 1, MSNBC 2, CNN 3

ESPN Number One in Cable Primetime Adults 18-49, FOX News Wins in Primetime Total Viewers & Total Day For Week Ending November 4, 2012 - Ratings | TVbytheNumbers
The "reality" is that we just re-elected the Paris Hilton of politics...a President who jets around the country making appearances but doesn't really "do" anything.

I'm happy for all of you progressives. Enjoy your maintaining of the status quo. My only question is how long it's going to take for it to finally dawn on you that we have a leader who voted "Present" as a State legislator and continues to pull that lever as President. Eight years of "Present"...let's hope we're strong enough to survive this...

The fact that you idiots are still talking about the 'present' votes is good evidence as to how far behind the Right has fallen.
Thats ok, CNN is too fair and balanced anyway. We need "the Anti-Fox News." MSNBC to counter Fox News as the unchallenged propaganda GOP mouthpiece.

CNN revealed itself as a left-leaning cheer squad for Obama. Not much point in bothering with them. If you are an Obamabot, may as well drool in front of MSNBC. CNN is redundant.
CNN isn't doing as well because they still have a shred of integrity left. Who wants to hear a truely fair network when you can live in an echo chamber instead?

I think it's because CNN only spends about half their time talking about the country, the other half talking about... I dunno, baby pandas in China.

I've always noticed that CNN tries to stay the hell away from anything to do in the States unless it's huge news.
The "reality" is that we just re-elected the Paris Hilton of politics...a President who jets around the country making appearances but doesn't really "do" anything.

I'm happy for all of you progressives. Enjoy your maintaining of the status quo. My only question is how long it's going to take for it to finally dawn on you that we have a leader who voted "Present" as a State legislator and continues to pull that lever as President. Eight years of "Present"...let's hope we're strong enough to survive this...

The fact that you idiots are still talking about the 'present' votes is good evidence as to how far behind the Right has fallen.

The fact that we ever elected a leader who would do that in the first place speaks volumes about who was an "idiot", Carbineer. Barry always was an empty suit. The last four years simply proved what I suspected all along yet a fawning main stream media got our very own political Paris Hilton elected again.

Which means I get to spend the next four years reminding you of just how much of an idiot you were. :)
AHA! First Obama gets re-elected and now we discover MSNBC overtaking Fox News. Is this country great, or what? Thank you Jesus! There is a God! :eusa_clap:

MSNBC beats Fox News by following its example

Brian Stelter of The New York Times reports that MSNBC is finally starting to catch up to Fox News in the rating game, mainly by becoming the left-wing answer to Fox's conservative cheerleaders. Stelter says MSNBC, which normally trails Fox News in overall ratings, managed to best their cable rival in the key 25-54 year-old demographic on three straight nights after last week's election. MSNBC still trails behind Fox and CNN in the number of overall viewers, but has closed the gap considerably in the recent years, by accepting their role as "the Anti-Fox News." The re-election of Barack Obama will only help MSNBC keep the ball rolling, as hosts like Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews have become unapologetic supporters of "Obama's America" and stand to benefit from four more years of his liberal politics.

This idiot thinks a mental midget like Chris Matthews will "keep the ball rolling" for MSNBC?

For the past couple of months, Matthews has been spewing some weird shit. First it was "Challenging Obama is unconstitutional", then it was "White People who criticize Obama have a sickness" and then a couple days after the election it was "Thank God for Hurricane Sandy".
I would argue that the people most likely to benefit from a win is the opposition to whoever won the Presidency. From the way things have during the first Obama term, Fox News will be blessed with a myriad of "scandals" and policy shortcomings associated with this Administration. MSNBC on the other hand gets stuck playing defense of Barack Obama which has usually meant diverting the discussion to OTHER topics. The problem that MSNBC will run into is that large numbers of Americans actually DO want to know what happened and why it happened in Benghazi and will tune into whoever DOES report on it.
The liberal New York Times reports the liberal MSNBC is catching Fox.
AHA! First Obama gets re-elected and now we discover MSNBC overtaking Fox News. Is this country great, or what? Thank you Jesus! There is a God! :eusa_clap:

MSNBC beats Fox News by following its example

Brian Stelter of The New York Times reports that MSNBC is finally starting to catch up to Fox News in the rating game, mainly by becoming the left-wing answer to Fox's conservative cheerleaders. Stelter says MSNBC, which normally trails Fox News in overall ratings, managed to best their cable rival in the key 25-54 year-old demographic on three straight nights after last week's election. MSNBC still trails behind Fox and CNN in the number of overall viewers, but has closed the gap considerably in the recent years, by accepting their role as "the Anti-Fox News." The re-election of Barack Obama will only help MSNBC keep the ball rolling, as hosts like Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews have become unapologetic supporters of "Obama's America" and stand to benefit from four more years of his liberal politics.

Total Day P2+ (000s) 25-54 (000s) 35-64 (000s)
  • FNC 1,337 284 538
  • CNN 493 166 230
  • MSNBC 864 271 419
  • CNBC 171 43 91
  • FBN 63 17 32
  • HLN 206 81 110

Cable News Ratings for Friday, November 9, 2012 - Ratings | TVbytheNumbers
CNN is the one dropping like a rock now. And it appears MSNBC is benefiting from it while Fox is still the one to catch.

Funniest thing about CNN's poor ratings is that they are actually the most fair and unbiased of all the news networks. While they still lean a little left, they do give pretty fair coverage to the right. Despite that, their numbers continue to drop. It just goes to show how the extremes have taken over.
For some reason, I dont think telling the truth will ever catch on at MSNBC.

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