MSNBC fake news lies

Here's what Trump actually said........................

Donald Trump says he’s smarter than your average president — so he doesn’t need daily intelligence briefings.

“I get it when I need it,” Trump told “Fox News Sunday,” explaining that he refuses the opportunity to be briefed daily by security professionals on classified threats the way President Obama is.

“I’m, like, a smart person. I don’t have to be told the same thing in the same words every single day for the next eight years – could be eight years. … I don’t need that.”

Trump: I’m smart, I don’t need intelligence briefings every day | New York Post

And..............if you don't trust the NY Post, here's another one from Business Insider.................

TRUMP: I'm a 'smart person,' don't need intelligence briefings every single day

And remember, this was said during an interview on FOX News with Chris Wallace.
Today on the MSNBC Thomas Roberts show MSNBC claimed Trump said QUOTE!!!!!! "He's too smart' to have daily NC daily briefings.
Flat out fucking LIE!!!!'
Watch for the lawsuit!
There is VIDEO PROOF showing Trump saying he was "a smart person' and he is available at a minutes notice if anything happens he needs to know about.
ANOTHER case of MSNBC fucking filthy lies.
Note to EVERY MSNBC employee: After inauguration day you all better 'pack light'. President Trump is going to be able to sue your corrupt asses off when the slander laws are changes to STOP you fucking pigs!!!!!!!

He is not even president yet and he is being a couch potato, addicted to twitter..

A moments notice is not getting the daily briefings like we hired him to do...
You know obummer doesn't either?
Today on the MSNBC Thomas Roberts show MSNBC claimed Trump said QUOTE!!!!!! "He's too smart' to have daily NC daily briefings.
Flat out fucking LIE!!!!'
Watch for the lawsuit!
There is VIDEO PROOF showing Trump saying he was "a smart person' and he is available at a minutes notice if anything happens he needs to know about.
ANOTHER case of MSNBC fucking filthy lies.
Note to EVERY MSNBC employee: After inauguration day you all better 'pack light'. President Trump is going to be able to sue your corrupt asses off when the slander laws are changes to STOP you fucking pigs!!!!!!!

It's what they do. MSNBC lies. Period.
More progressive fake news....

There’s just one issue: The Southern Poverty Law Center didn’t confirm these “nearly 900” incidents actually happened.

“The 867 hate incidents described here come from two sources—submissions to the #ReportHate page on the SPLC website and media accounts,” the SPLC report states. “We have excluded incidents that authorities have determined to be hoaxes; however, it was not possible to confirm the veracity of all reports.”

In other words, who has any idea if these incidents actually happened or not?

Yet, the fact that there was no verification of these incidents didn’t stop the media from covering this “study.”

Hate Crimes ‘Study’ Coverage Shows Media’s Fake News Problem

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