MSNBC playing the race card AGAIN - but people fight back!


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

Trucking “is an industry populated by a lot of white men over the age of 55. This group of people overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Some people have talked about, you know, aggressive truck drivers cutting them off or not being helpful.”

Imagine if someone said the same thing but changed "White" to "Black" and changed "Trump" to "Biden" would that look? Amazing how its different rules for different people based on ideology. Hate is hate no matter how you spin it.

Fortunately the truck drivers fired back!


Leftists find racism in everything. What pathetic people. No wonder MSNBC ratings suck.
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They only have two modes: You're racist and You're sexist. They realize that they can't win any logical debate so the resort to idiocy to crap on their opposition. It isn't good for this society at all.
MSNBC has always been an embarrassment. Full blown socialists who hate America First, capitalism and your Constitution to their core.

Imagine injecting race into every issue they speak of? Did their parents teach them to be racist or did they learn it as they aged?
I bet a lot of truckers did vote for trump. There are minorities who voted for trump, you can see them at trump rallies.
Any network that hires Joy Reid is just waving their "RACIST" flag. That ignorant fool just needs a punch to her ugly mug. I've tried to watch her racist spewing but it becomes unbearable after only a few min. The last time she was complaining about white people with dreadlocks as if they were stealing "Afro-Hair", she is NUTS and now she has lightened and straightened her "hair". MSPMS deservers her.
someone should have asked Joy Reid how a tucker on the highway would know who you voted for ? aint seeing to many Biden bumper stickers for some strange reason anymore .

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