Msnbc’s andrea mitchell tries her hardest to defend debunked attacks on romney, hilar would think MSNBC would hire folks with a better hand on details. Clearly all she knew was what she read in left-leaning newspapers and websites.
The Governor made the obvious point, and one that she just as obviously was not going to address and that is even if the rumors were true, which they are not, but if they were ALL true - Obama via the stimulus sent more jobs overseas than Romney.
It has back-fired on the Obama camp - who frankly are surprising the daylights out of me since they ran such a spectacular campaign last year. This is twice now they have stuck their foot in their mouths and we are only beginning the real campaigns.
Mean old Mr. Sununu wasn't very kind to the ignorant pizza-faced midget, or however that translates into political correctness of the day.
That was :lol: "bu but it must be (outsourcing) a better issue for the WH?" Sununu laughs* reads off 29 billion in outsourced work from Obama in the 'stimulus'. Mrs Greenspan and her fellow Democrats will hang themselves with lies and double talk. Romney should sit back and let them go awhile its like Christmas for him lol
Huurrr...hurrr...herderp....competing claims....hurrrr...hurrr...wharrrgarble....

Mitchell is making Contessa Brewer look competent. :lmao:
Her low IQ and arrogance set herself for an ass whooping on TV.

She probably thought he was some squishy moderate that would play along with her lies or downplay her lies about Romney.
You couldn't help but feel sorry for her. She probably expected a call from the chief after that. I imagine her days are numbered.
[ame=]Andrea Mitchell Struggles To Defend Claim Obama Outsourced Jobs Via Stimulus - YouTube[/ame]

Thats how you clean someones clock. :badgrin:

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