MSNBC's Anand Giridharadas: Americans' 'freedom obsession' blinds them to other 'threats'


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Oh how I would love to chat with this guy. He might have a different view of government and how broad, powerful and unaccountable it can become in the intimate details of citizens lives. When you trade your liberty and opportunity for false sense of comfort, you will live a mediocre existence while coddled by your abuser.

MSNBC's Anand Giridharadas: Americans' 'freedom obsession' blinds them to other 'threats'

MSNBC contributor Anand Giridharadas declared on Wednesday that Americans have a “freedom obsession” when speaking about the coronavirus pandemic during an appearance on “Morning Joe.”

“One of the fundamental questions to me is, what’s going to be our relationship to government, the idea of government after this? We kind of look at it at three levels this week,” Giridharadas said.

“There’s a primordial American tradition going back to the founders of being freedom-obsessed, even though we’re a country founded on slavery and genocide,” Giridharadas continued. “Being freedom-obsessed to the point where we’re always so afraid of the government coming for us that we’re blind to other types of threats, whether it’s a virus, whether it’s bank malfeasance, climate change, what have you.”

Giridharadas said a “more recent, kind of 40-year version” is the “Reagan war on government,” which he said is an idea that impacts Americans on both sides of the aisle.

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Government sheeple.

Their own personal freedoms don't matter, unless government decides what they are for them, and allows them to have them... temporarily.
Government sheeple.

Their own personal freedoms don't matter, unless government decides what they are for them, and allows them to have them... temporarily.
This is a clear case of the mainstream media promoting the globalists agenda.
Government sheeple.

Their own personal freedoms don't matter, unless government decides what they are for them, and allows them to have them... temporarily.
This is a clear case of the mainstream media promoting the globalists agenda.
The thing is, people like him will never hold their dear leaders accountable. They let them get away with telling the masses to do one thing, while they do the complete opposite. They are sheep, content with the scraps government deigns to toss their way.

We saw it with Mayor de Blasio, PM Trudeau, Governor Pritzker, Chris Cuomo, all these people lecturing the masses that we need to stay in lockdown, that we must not leave our homes or engage in unessential travel, and yet they do it, and then get upset with the masses if one of us see them doing it, or even worse, we record them on our phone doing it.

In fact Chris Cuomo was out in public w/o wearing a mask, and cursed out a passerby who asked him why he was out and about while Chris was known to be infected with COVID-19
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