MSNBC's Ed Shultz: "Obama, it's OK to act like a dictator"


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Anyone else see lil stumpy on The Ed Show yesterday saying that? He actually said to President Obama (not in person, just speaking "to him") that "It's OK to act like a dictator today".

Wow. Just when the left wing can't suprise me any more. They tell their president to please act like a dictator.

I don't know if anywhere else in the world there is another segment of any population asking their president to act more like a dictator.

Hey, libbies, how bout all the right wing talk show hosts? Shouldn't Obama do with them what a dictator would??? They are a pesky bunch, just like BP, right?

Hmmm.....maybe Obama can act more like a current dictator. Whadya say liberals? Who should we ask him to be more like......Castro? Hugo Chavez? Or how about someone from history? Mao? Stalin? Take your pick.
Anyone else see lil stumpy on The Ed Show yesterday saying that? He actually said to President Obama (not in person, just speaking "to him") that "It's OK to act like a dictator today".

Wow. Just when the left wing can't suprise me any more. They tell their president to please act like a dictator.

I don't know if anywhere else in the world there is another segment of any population asking their president to act more like a dictator.

Hey, libbies, how bout all the right wing talk show hosts? Shouldn't Obama do with them what a dictator would??? They are a pesky bunch, just like BP, right?

Hmmm.....maybe Obama can act more like a current dictator. Whadya say liberals? Who should we ask him to be more like......Castro? Hugo Chavez? Or how about someone from history? Mao? Stalin? Take your pick.

The moonbats don't mind a dictator as long as he is on their agenda. What they hate is a strong President like Bush was on the war who does all he can to protect the American people from terrorists. Pathetic.
Link or it didn't happen.

And if it did, he's an idiot for saying so. Ed Shultz doesn't speak for the left wing any more than Palin, Limbaugh or Hannity speak for the entire right wing.
Yeah, Van Jones, who was hired by Obama to work in the White House, is just a petty self-proclaimed communist. But......Van said he wasn't a commie anymore!! Said that was old stuff. So we should trust him. Although he also said "We sometimes must give up the radical pose to reach the radical ends." So take that for what he actually said.

But you know what? Liberals probably aren't even alarmed by any of this. Most of them probably would welcome a dictator as long as that dictator provided all their needs and shut down the evil right wing. Liberals would GLADLY give up a chunk of their freedom just to "beat" the right wing. Which is basically what they are doing by voting left wing, and by literally asking their president to be more like a dictator.
Link or it didn't happen.

And if it did, he's an idiot for saying so. Ed Shultz doesn't speak for the left wing any more than Palin, Limbaugh or Hannity speak for the entire right wing.

Exactly. I don't doubt a talking head was stupid enough to make such a comment either.
How the hell do I manage to survive without msnbc, fox, and cnn? :lol::lol:
Ah......liberals are so dependable and gullable. One of my favorite debate tactics is to make a claim with no link. Then the liberals instantly begin with stuff like:

"Link or it didn't happen!" I can picture them in their Obama PJ's yelling "Link or it didn't happen" then fist pumping and yelling "Boooyah" as the cry about not having a link.

Then provide a link: RealClearPolitics - Video - Ed Schultz: Obama Should Act Like A "Dictator" In Oval Office Address

Oh thats so much fun. But in case any of you don't like that link, well, there's this new thing called Google. And if you use whats called the "search" function, and type in "Ed Shultz Obama act like a dictator" you will find many many links to that. So next time, you can steal some of my joy away when you ask me to provide one and thinking it's a "gotcha".

So, Dictator Obama huh? Sounds good to some of you I'm sure.
But wait, lefties, many of us on the right don't deny Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, Palin. See, 95% of what those people say is correct!!!

But say what you will, the fact remains: People on the left are asking for a dictator. I suppose the electoral and democratic process just isn't fast enough for them. Hell, even Obama said in his speech we must "accelerate" the effort for global warming legislation. Well, Mr. President, it can only go as fast as the American people's representatives want it to go...............unless, that is, you act more like a dictator!!!!
But you know what? Liberals probably aren't even alarmed by any of this. Most of them probably would welcome a dictator as long as that dictator provided all their needs and shut down the evil right wing. Liberals would GLADLY give up a chunk of their freedom just to "beat" the right wing. Which is basically what they are doing by voting left wing, and by literally asking their president to be more like a dictator.

[Citation needed]. Or you're full of it.

Also, this part of my last post bears reiterating:

he's an idiot for saying so. Ed Shultz doesn't speak for the left wing any more than Palin, Limbaugh or Hannity speak for the entire right wing.
Anyone else see lil stumpy on The Ed Show yesterday saying that? He actually said to President Obama (not in person, just speaking "to him") that "It's OK to act like a dictator today".

Wow. Just when the left wing can't suprise me any more. They tell their president to please act like a dictator.

I don't know if anywhere else in the world there is another segment of any population asking their president to act more like a dictator.

Hey, libbies, how bout all the right wing talk show hosts? Shouldn't Obama do with them what a dictator would??? They are a pesky bunch, just like BP, right?

Hmmm.....maybe Obama can act more like a current dictator. Whadya say liberals? Who should we ask him to be more like......Castro? Hugo Chavez? Or how about someone from history? Mao? Stalin? Take your pick.

Wow! So that means he would be "the Decider," right? :lol:
But wait, lefties, many of us on the right don't deny Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, Palin. See, 95% of what those people say is correct!!!

Oh, my God. I just saw this.

Memo to Bucs: Pick up your check and clean out your desk. We want you out of here by noon. You have just lost every last shred of any credibility you may have brought in here with you.
But you know what? Liberals probably aren't even alarmed by any of this. Most of them probably would welcome a dictator as long as that dictator provided all their needs and shut down the evil right wing. Liberals would GLADLY give up a chunk of their freedom just to "beat" the right wing. Which is basically what they are doing by voting left wing, and by literally asking their president to be more like a dictator.

[Citation needed]. Or you're full of it.

Also, this part of my last post bears reiterating:

he's an idiot for saying so. Ed Shultz doesn't speak for the left wing any more than Palin, Limbaugh or Hannity speak for the entire right wing.

I'd say Limbaugh, Palin and Hannity's views cover just about everything there is to cover about the right wing. Thats why their ratings are so damn high, because they are correct.

I'm full of it for what? Saying what is likely true of a lot of liberals? The left wing is losing patience. Dreamland was supposed to be delivered by now. No more gas bills. No more mortgages. Free healthcare and food and clothing for all!!!! They see the right wing gaining momentum and soon to be power. And they want the liberal dreamland now!

You really think Ed Shultz is the only left winger who truly wishes Obama would act more like a dictator right now? I don't. I'd be over 50% of liberals think that. Which is scary. Bill Mahr, a beloved liberal icon, said Obama should just drag us to where we need to go because we are too stupid to do it ourselves (ala a dictator). And before you ask for a link, just use google. Its out there.

Sure, I wish Bush had done more right-wing stuff. But he lost support. Do I wish he acted like a dictator and just did it? No. Because once that is set into motion, there is no going back. We'll just be patient. And tolerant. While SOME on the left cry for dictatorship.
ratings? So Howard Stern was correct all those years he was on?
But you know what? Liberals probably aren't even alarmed by any of this. Most of them probably would welcome a dictator as long as that dictator provided all their needs and shut down the evil right wing. Liberals would GLADLY give up a chunk of their freedom just to "beat" the right wing. Which is basically what they are doing by voting left wing, and by literally asking their president to be more like a dictator.

[Citation needed]. Or you're full of it.

Also, this part of my last post bears reiterating:

he's an idiot for saying so. Ed Shultz doesn't speak for the left wing any more than Palin, Limbaugh or Hannity speak for the entire right wing.

I'd say Limbaugh, Palin and Hannity's views cover just about everything there is to cover about the right wing. Thats why their ratings are so damn high, because they are correct.

I'm full of it for what? Saying what is likely true of a lot of liberals? The left wing is losing patience. Dreamland was supposed to be delivered by now. No more gas bills. No more mortgages. Free healthcare and food and clothing for all!!!! They see the right wing gaining momentum and soon to be power. And they want the liberal dreamland now!

You really think Ed Shultz is the only left winger who truly wishes Obama would act more like a dictator right now? I don't. I'd be over 50% of liberals think that. Which is scary. Bill Mahr, a beloved liberal icon, said Obama should just drag us to where we need to go because we are too stupid to do it ourselves (ala a dictator). And before you ask for a link, just use google. Its out there.

Sure, I wish Bush had done more right-wing stuff. But he lost support. Do I wish he acted like a dictator and just did it? No. Because once that is set into motion, there is no going back. We'll just be patient. And tolerant. While SOME on the left cry for dictatorship.

Ah-huh, no link means no evidence. I.E., there's no reason to believe you.
So Obama swaggered out and said he was the decider?

I wish BO was a "decider". I wish he would just do something instead of having to be hounded and embarrassed into it. I guess he thought he could shuffle through the Presidency like he did for 20 years as a community organizer. Thank God we only have 2-1/2 more years of this bozo.
But wait, lefties, many of us on the right don't deny Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, Palin. See, 95% of what those people say is correct!!!

Oh, my God. I just saw this.

Memo to Bucs: Pick up your check and clean out your desk. We want you out of here by noon. You have just lost every last shred of any credibility you may have brought in here with you.

Oh God, you again? I thought surely the shame that you must have for being suckered into voting Hope and Change would cause you to never show up here again. Oh well, guess not.

But yeah, tell me what is not correct?

They said Obama would shove healthcare down our throats no matter what. He did.
They said his foreign policy would be dangerous and a disaster. It is.
They said he would turn on Israel. He has.
They said he would enable Iran to pursue the bomb longer. He has.
They said he would not withdraw from Iraq/Afghanistan. He hasn't (and he's right).
They said he would not close Gitmo within a year. He didn't.
They said he would raise taxes on Americans, rich, middle and poor. He has, and intends to again.
They said he was a radical left winger. He is. His associations and hires keep haunting him.
They said he is an American citizen. He is.
They said healthcare would cover illegals. It will.
They said healthcare would break the budget. NEW numbers show it will.
They said he wouldn't close the border. He hasn't.
They said he would negotiate with dictators. He did, and Iran embarrassed the clown.
They said he would push climate change tax hikes. He STILL is.
They said "I hope he fails". Yep. Me too.

So, unlike left wing cowards, I don't deny those popular right wing personalities. Because they are almost always correct. Whether correct at the time, or proven correct with time, they outcome is always the same. And we sure as hell aren't asking any president, Dem or Rep, to "act more like a dictator".

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