Much to the dismay of SCOTUS, Supreme court has to make a ruling on Idaho’s strict abortion law


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

"Damn it!" shouted justice Kavanaugh, "How is it we have to rule on abortion again? Like Pilot washing his hands of the death of Jesus, I thought we kicked that can down the road!"

Justice Brown retorted, "All I know is, the last thing we want to do is answer the question, 'Is a baby a human being with rights'. After all, I don't even know what a woman is and if they even have any rights under the law, so I'm in no position to answer such questions. That's why we need abortion on demand 24/7, cuz hard questions have no answer and all you do is wind up giving yourself a headache when tackling them. In fact, I still have a bit of a headache after being asked what a woman is."

"Frashisel Manisle", said justice Thomas to justice Brown, "All these corporate gifts may dry up if I rule the wrong way on abortion again. As it is, I have to pay for my vacation this year".

"I hate to tell you I told you so, but I told you so", said Justice Roberts. "Sure, I ruled against Roe after pleading with you all not to overturn it cuz I'm a slithering turn coat for both sides that would make any snake in the grass blush, but if nothing else, I do what I have to do to survive and keep this great gig, so let's overturn Dobbs and all continue to survive together!"
You do know this is incoherent, right?

"to the dismay of the Supreme Court, the Supreme court hears"

paraphrase, shh...
A doctor must be allowed to intervene if an emergency arises and the baby has to be aborted to save the Mothers life... its common sense... Pro lifers are not in favor of a mother dying along with the baby so an abortion law can be adhered to....
The court will do what's right and in the best interest of saving a Mother's life....
A doctor must be allowed to intervene if an emergency arises and the baby has to be aborted to save the Mothers life... its common sense... Pro lifers are not in favor of a mother dying along with the baby so an abortion law can be adhered to....
The court will do what's right and in the best interest of saving a Mother's life....

And here I though prolifers hated women and wanted them all dead?

Who knew? Has anyone told the democrats and the media this? This could be a game changer if they knew.

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