Mueller Approval Rating Plummets as Trump Investigation Drags On

Really?! You want to dismiss one person from actually receiving assistance, yet you want to hang the other person for possibly receiving assistance. You poor ignorant fool.
I'm ignorant?!?! You're the dimbulb equating donations from years in the past to the Clinton Foundation for things that had NOTHING to do with the election and getting direct assistance during the actual election?!?!

That, sunshine, is the height of ignorance. Downright stupidity......

Yes, you are ignorant.
Good one.....sorry, the "oh yeah, YOU are" argument stopped being effective in the third grade.

Sorry....if you don't want the answer, don't ask the question.
When you actually provide an answer, let me know.

Hmmm, I did. Yes, you are ignorant....just in case you forgot.
I'm ignorant?!?! You're the dimbulb equating donations from years in the past to the Clinton Foundation for things that had NOTHING to do with the election and getting direct assistance during the actual election?!?!

That, sunshine, is the height of ignorance. Downright stupidity......

Yes, you are ignorant.
Good one.....sorry, the "oh yeah, YOU are" argument stopped being effective in the third grade.

Sorry....if you don't want the answer, don't ask the question.
When you actually provide an answer, let me know.

Hmmm, I did. Yes, you are ignorant....just in case you forgot.
I suppose.....I don't blame you for the childish antics. It has worked (politically speaking) up until now. I am still a firm believer that long term, however, the "believe what I say because that's what I tell you to believe" rhetoric will fall short. The vast majority of Americans still do not like is just a matter of getting them to care enough to vote the boob out. Until then.....carry on with your moronic banter. Have fun!
Yes, you are ignorant.
Good one.....sorry, the "oh yeah, YOU are" argument stopped being effective in the third grade.

Sorry....if you don't want the answer, don't ask the question.
When you actually provide an answer, let me know.

Hmmm, I did. Yes, you are ignorant....just in case you forgot.
I suppose.....I don't blame you for the childish antics. It has worked (politically speaking) up until now. I am still a firm believer that long term, however, the "believe what I say because that's what I tell you to believe" rhetoric will fall short. The vast majority of Americans still do not like is just a matter of getting them to care enough to vote the boob out. Until then.....carry on with your moronic banter. Have fun!

Gotta do something to deal with the childish antics from lefties.
I'm ignorant?!?! You're the dimbulb equating donations from years in the past to the Clinton Foundation for things that had NOTHING to do with the election and getting direct assistance during the actual election?!?!

The snowflakes have frothed at the mouth for 2 years claiming 'Trump Collusion' with the Russians, evidence of which they have not been able to come up with yet.
Mueller can't even provide evidence of any crime having been committed regarding the Russians involving Trump's team that required investigating let alone a Special Counsel.

They have tried every single possible way to try to connect Trump to the Russians, even going back before Clinton was President to try to come up with crimes that might in some way link back to Trump, which they haven't.

When the same process / standards are applied to the Clintons, suddenly snowflakes like you cry 'foul', 'not applicable'. Bwuhahahaha....

You can close your eyes, stick your fingers in your ears, and chant 'Lalalalalalalalalalalala' if you want to in order to avoid the truth but it's still the truth and still there:

Only one of the 2 took over $100 million directly from the KGB Bank.
- That would be HILLARY.

Only one of the spouses of a candidate took $500k directly from the KGB Bank.
- That would be BILL CLINTON.

Only one campaign manager took thousands of un-reported Russian stocks.
- That would be John Podesta, HILLARY'S campaign manager.

Only one campaign managers' company's Board of directors were 1/3rd comprised of prominent Russian businessmen with direct connections to the Kremlin and Putin himself:
- That would be John Podesta, HILLARY's campaign manager.
*** BONUS ROUND: 'Fat Tony' Podesta, John's brother, was working for both the KGB Bank AND the Russian Intel Collection Agency.

Only once candidate KNEW about crimes the Russians were committing associated with their attempts to acquire Uranium one and US uranium yet said nothing about it / kept it hidden until the deal was done.
- That would be HILLARY.

Only one candidate's spouse attempted to meet with Russian Uranium Agency directors and when getting an audience with them was denied then met directly with Vladimir Putin.
- That would be BILL CLINTON.

'That had nothing to do with the election'.
- You can't produce any evidence the President had anything to do with illegally colluding with the Russians in the 2016 election, either....but all the evidence that exists shows the Clintons were basically humping the Russians' leg and being paid extremely well by the KGB Bank.

One of the crimes the Russians were involved in during the Uranium One scandal was their proven bribery / buying of Nuclear agency officials and high ranking Hillary. She and Slick Willey received MILLIONS over time from the Russians.....You think that was a down-payment for their 1/2 of the 'Reset Button' Prop she would give them?

The Russians also gave willing liberal groups cash to spread racial division and VIOLENCE across the US. Yeah, Hillary took their money, too at one time or another. She, like the Russians, was proven to have been funding violence against Trump supporters.

All these connections, all this money, all this evidence....and snowflakes be like:


I KNOW if we keep looking long
enough we will find evidence of
illegal collusion between TRUMP
and the Russians.

Are you silly people operating under the delusion that Special Counsel Mueller gives one rat's a$$ what his poll numbers look like?

He’s just doing his best to stretch it out till after the midterms

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Are you silly people operating under the delusion that Special Counsel Mueller gives one rat's a$$ what his poll numbers look like?

He’s just doing his best to stretch it out till after the midterms

Nope Shangles - coming probably by the end of August - Obstruction of justice and collusion/conspiracy.

Cohen will be singing like a canary very shortly - Better buckle up for Mr. Toad's Wild Ride! :)
Are you silly people operating under the delusion that Special Counsel Mueller gives one rat's a$$ what his poll numbers look like?

If it ever got down to selecting a jury, he damn sure better care but it's too late for any of that...he'll put out some horseshit that smears Trump but not enough to charge him....probably in the last week of October. The Rats will jump and shout and the news cycle will bury the whole thing in a matter of days. $25M down the Rat Hole.
I think it is going to be a very long time before this thing wraps up. Maybe into Trump's second term/or he is out of office. I bet this investigation goes over 100 million dollars before it is over. I see no end in sight.
I think it is going to be a very long time before this thing wraps up. Maybe into Trump's second term/or he is out of office. I bet this investigation goes over 100 million dollars before it is over. I see no end in sight.

Could be but I think when we hold the House and Senate and January rolls around and they're seated, Trump will stage a massacre...Sessions, Rosenstein, Mueller all called into the Oval at the same time and fired...the last two maybe charged with treason...seriously...think of what they're trying to do to a duly elected President. And there's nothing the Rats can do about it because nobody has to face the electorate again for two years. I also don't believe Trump wants a second term..he'll pretty much have accomplished everything he set out to do once the Wall is built....I predict he rides off into the sunset in 2020, a satisfied man.
Awesome! Any bullshit charges he brings will NOT be supported by the PEOPLE so he is just wasting his time.
You misunderstand how the law works in this country.
The JURY is made up of the PEOPLE. The PEOPLE don't support this witch hunt... do not understand how law works. We are not a matter how much you want it.
Mueller is a lawman.

He does't care about ratings.

He only cares about facts.

Republicans don't understand that because they elected the biggest liar in the world to be their leader.

Awesome! Any bullshit charges he brings will NOT be supported by the PEOPLE so he is just wasting his time.
You misunderstand how the law works in this country.
The JURY is made up of the PEOPLE. The PEOPLE don't support this witch hunt... do not understand how law works. We are not a matter how much you want it.
Oh so the PEOPLE aren't the jury? You are wrong again. IF Mueller indicts President Trump then he gets a jury to decide his fate IF it even gets that far because he will just pardon himself or claim executive privilege.

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