Mueller Delays Flynn Sentencing Again

Hillay pays $12 million to a foreign spy working with the Russians for a debunked 'Dossier'.
you are a LIAR from here to kingdom come!

Christopher Steele was paid less than $150,000 for the Dossier gumshoe work....




No Russians were paid informants.....that's another lie and fake news....
Next time you try to call someone a liar I suggest you back it up with evidence to support your claim - Don't be a 'Mueller', accusing someone without evidence. Then again, that's what you people do....

'Perkins Coie was paid $12.4 million to represent the Clinton campaign and the D.N.C. during the 2016 campaign, according to filings. The role of the Clinton campaign and the national party in funding the research for the dossier was first reported on Tuesday by The Washington Post.'

Clinton Campaign and Democratic Party Helped Pay for Russia Trump Dossier

Your link proves this is a falsehood: "Hillay pays $12 million to a foreign spy working with the Russians for a debunked 'Dossier'."

Your narrative isn't in accord with facts.
link to where Rosenstein agreed to give them to them and on what time table, to support your CLAIM please...ty!
I have given you ... and other snowflakes on this board...that information / link before. I am not your lazy-@ss 'Google' or 'Wiki'! Next time I provide links either remember them write them down, or do your own research.
Rosenstein is following the law...

Trump goons are in the wrong..

In a 2000 letter to Congress, Assistant Attorney General Robert Raben noted that “Congress has a clearly legitimate interest in how the department enforces statutes.” But, he said, “the department’s long-standing policy is to decline to provide congressional committees with access to open law enforcement files.”

Rosenstein said they would get them, but NEVER SAID when.... the when is when the investigations are over.... as protocol dictates...
Yeah, sure. That's why the FBI is out to get Trump.
Secret donors helped finance Trump dossier team research after election

Like I said:

The 1st foreign spy/Russian-propaganda-filled Dossier was handed to the FBI by Hillary and her campaign. The 2nd was given to the FBI through Steele from huge Hillary supporters/ donors.
-- Collusion between Hillary, her campaign, and supporters / donors established and proven...none from / by Trump.

Both the wives of FBI Director and Deputy Director McCabe accepted large sums of money from the Clintons.

Both FBI Director Comey and Deputy Director McCabe have been proven to have leaked classified and committed Perjury. Both have been proven to have committed Obstruction to protect Hillary Clinton from proven crimes committed.

Evidence shows Comey and US AG Lynch collaborated to write Hillary's exoneration letter prior to the investigation being concluded. Comey further detailed how Lynch Obstructed Justice by DIRECTING HIM (ordering him) to treat the criminal investigation as a 'matter' not a crime...which explains why the FBI went so far off usual / standard procedures and broke so many laws.

Evidence shows FBI Agent Strzok was a huge Trump-hater who had a bias against the President, exposed the FBI leadership did not want Trump as President, revealed the existence of their 'Secret Society', and that the FBI had an 'Insurance Policy' to use against Trump should he win the Presidency. Strzok was fired by Comey once Strzok's level of hatred for the President was exposed.
-- You would have to be blind or a liar to argue that such revelations do not equate to sedition and treason within the leadership of the FBI.

Evidence shows FBI agent Strzok protected Hillary aides Abedin and mills from indictment and charges of Obstruction / Lying to the FBI after doing so....but selectively indicted / charged Flynn for lying about something not even illegal.

Yeah, there is no evidence to suggest the FBI was, has ever been or is biased in any way against the President or in this investigation...

Rosenstein is following the law...

Rosenstein said they would get them, but NEVER SAID when.... the when is when the investigations are over.... as protocol dictates...

Rosenstein is in violation of a Congressional Subpoena. Rosenstein does not get to set the date or the conditions by which he will comply with a Congressional subpoena, no matter what your partisan entitlement claim may be.

Funny how Liberals always believe they are 'special' and get to make rules up as they see fit, not have to follow the rules and law like everyone else.

Hillary was given a subpoena mandating she turn over her server, ALL documents, all devices, etc....then the FBI gave her all the time she wanted to go through all of it to decide what SHE was willing to turn in, to destroy documents / evidence, devices, sim cards, etc......

When the FBI served a subpoena to Manafort...and to Cohen...'asking' for documents they didn't give them all the time they needed to go through their files to delete everything THEY thought were 'personal'...they banged on the door, stormed both home and office, and SEIZED everything...even things not listed on the subpoena.

Mueller just declared to the media that if he subpoenas Trump and Trump refuses to comply he, Mueller, will 'put him (Trump) in jail....while Rosenstein - Mueller's comrade-in-arms/Top-Cover is in violation of a Congressional Subpoena RIGHTnow.....

The FACT remains that the FBI used a tainted, un-proven / debunked report provided to them by 2016 DNC Presidential 'Nominee' that she obtained from a foreign spy working with Russians after paying them for it.

It remains a FACT that Hillary donors obtained a 2nd false report, passed it on to the foreign spy who then gave it to the FBI, but a report the FBI rejected because it was even more unbelievable than the 1st.

It also remains a FACT that the other piece of information / 'evidence the FBI used to illegally obtain FISA Warrants to spy on the GOP candidate during the campaign came from a HUGE Hillary donor, one who set up / met with an unpaid, self-important Trump campaign worker, and then 'tipped' off the FBI about an 'overheard' drunken conversation with the campaign worker in the bathroom of a British Pub.

The roots of the entire investigation / witch hunt lead back to Hillary Clinton and her surrogates and involves the FBI 'working for' / 'doing the bidding of' Hillary Clinton, the felon proven to have committed THOUSANDS of counts of criminal activity yet who they, proven, protected from Indictment for her crimes.
It isn't the left's investigation.


Hillay pays $12 million to a foreign spy working with the Russians for a debunked 'Dossier'. She gives it to the FBI, who uses it for her to illegally obtain FISA warrants to spy on Hillary's opponent and his team during a Presidential election. (The FBI at this time is already proven to have voiced their desire NOT to see Trump become President and brag about having an 'Insurance policy' against him in case he does.) At the same time Hillary associates obtain more Russian-generated propaganda, give it to Steele, who then drafts a 2ND Doiser, and gives it to the FBI...except this one is even less believable than the 1st & the FBI rejects it.

The FBI has already stated and the Congressional Report shows the Trump Investigation originated from 2 things:
- 1) The Opposition research provided to them by Hillary Clinton from the foreign spy working with Russians.

- 2) The contact / tip from a HUGE Hillary supporter and donor about the meeting / situation he set up with an un-paid self-important Trump campaign worker, specifically the contents of an 'overheard drunken conversation in a Brit Pub's bathroom.

An FBI spokesman stated that without these 2 things they would have gotten no FISA warrants, and there would not effectively have been any investigation and no Special Counsel, thus No Witch Hunt.

So the 2 incidents / things that started the entire Witch hunt both came from / can be traced back to Hillary Clinton and her supporters / donors....

NONE of Mueller's hand-picked political assassination squad members are Republicans or Conservatives...or even NON-partisans. It consists of nothing but HUGE Hillary supporters and donors - even 1 Lawyer who runs / ran the Clinton Foundation...REALLY?!

And you say it is not the 'Left's Investigation'?!

Bwuhahaha....go peddle that BS to your liberal buddies. I am sure you will get a 'Harrumpf' from them. :p
To clear things up:
The FBI decided to investigate whether President Trump's campaign colluded with Russia after early foreign-policy adviser George Papadopoulos told a top Australian diplomat that Russia had compromising information on Hillary Clinton, The New York Times reported.
It isn't the left's investigation.


Hillay pays $12 million to a foreign spy working with the Russians for a debunked 'Dossier'. She gives it to the FBI, who uses it for her to illegally obtain FISA warrants to spy on Hillary's opponent and his team during a Presidential election. (The FBI at this time is already proven to have voiced their desire NOT to see Trump become President and brag about having an 'Insurance policy' against him in case he does.) At the same time Hillary associates obtain more Russian-generated propaganda, give it to Steele, who then drafts a 2ND Doiser, and gives it to the FBI...except this one is even less believable than the 1st & the FBI rejects it.

The FBI has already stated and the Congressional Report shows the Trump Investigation originated from 2 things:
- 1) The Opposition research provided to them by Hillary Clinton from the foreign spy working with Russians.

- 2) The contact / tip from a HUGE Hillary supporter and donor about the meeting / situation he set up with an un-paid self-important Trump campaign worker, specifically the contents of an 'overheard drunken conversation in a Brit Pub's bathroom.

An FBI spokesman stated that without these 2 things they would have gotten no FISA warrants, and there would not effectively have been any investigation and no Special Counsel, thus No Witch Hunt.

So the 2 incidents / things that started the entire Witch hunt both came from / can be traced back to Hillary Clinton and her supporters / donors....

NONE of Mueller's hand-picked political assassination squad members are Republicans or Conservatives...or even NON-partisans. It consists of nothing but HUGE Hillary supporters and donors - even 1 Lawyer who runs / ran the Clinton Foundation...REALLY?!

And you say it is not the 'Left's Investigation'?!

Bwuhahaha....go peddle that BS to your liberal buddies. I am sure you will get a 'Harrumpf' from them. :p
To clear things up:
The FBI decided to investigate whether President Trump's campaign colluded with Russia after early foreign-policy adviser George Papadopoulos told a top Australian diplomat that Russia had compromising information on Hillary Clinton, The New York Times reported.
And that 'tip' came from the Hillary donor who set the whole thing up....
It isn't the left's investigation.


Hillay pays $12 million to a foreign spy working with the Russians for a debunked 'Dossier'. She gives it to the FBI, who uses it for her to illegally obtain FISA warrants to spy on Hillary's opponent and his team during a Presidential election. (The FBI at this time is already proven to have voiced their desire NOT to see Trump become President and brag about having an 'Insurance policy' against him in case he does.) At the same time Hillary associates obtain more Russian-generated propaganda, give it to Steele, who then drafts a 2ND Doiser, and gives it to the FBI...except this one is even less believable than the 1st & the FBI rejects it.

The FBI has already stated and the Congressional Report shows the Trump Investigation originated from 2 things:
- 1) The Opposition research provided to them by Hillary Clinton from the foreign spy working with Russians.

- 2) The contact / tip from a HUGE Hillary supporter and donor about the meeting / situation he set up with an un-paid self-important Trump campaign worker, specifically the contents of an 'overheard drunken conversation in a Brit Pub's bathroom.

An FBI spokesman stated that without these 2 things they would have gotten no FISA warrants, and there would not effectively have been any investigation and no Special Counsel, thus No Witch Hunt.

So the 2 incidents / things that started the entire Witch hunt both came from / can be traced back to Hillary Clinton and her supporters / donors....

NONE of Mueller's hand-picked political assassination squad members are Republicans or Conservatives...or even NON-partisans. It consists of nothing but HUGE Hillary supporters and donors - even 1 Lawyer who runs / ran the Clinton Foundation...REALLY?!

And you say it is not the 'Left's Investigation'?!

Bwuhahaha....go peddle that BS to your liberal buddies. I am sure you will get a 'Harrumpf' from them. :p
To clear things up:
The FBI decided to investigate whether President Trump's campaign colluded with Russia after early foreign-policy adviser George Papadopoulos told a top Australian diplomat that Russia had compromising information on Hillary Clinton, The New York Times reported.
And that 'tip' came from the Hillary donor who set the whole thing up....
After Papadopoulus told the Australian diplomat, then Australian officials informed their US counterparts about this. But this didnt happen until (2 months later) Wikileaks began publishing hacked emails.
Australia is part of the "five eyes" intelligence alliance with the US.
Hillary was not involved, other than moscow having damaging information on her.
Trump is The Blamethrower. They take their cues from him.
Shutting him / them up is really simple - just provide evidence of a crime against him...or that there was ever a crime committed warranting an investigation.

Oh, that's right. No one on the left has any. LOL! :p

It isn't the left's investigation. That's what you get for trusting in Trump. You think he was more honest with you than with his wives, subcontractors, and "students"? You fellas are living in an alternate reality where Hannity's Half-Minute History really happened.

Laying the groundwork to blame the Right when Mueller has to admit there's nothing there, huh?

It isn't the Right's investigation either, though the Right is attempting to destroy it with character assassination and absurd conspiracy theories. I don't expect Mueller to prove Trump personally conspired with Russians, but I do expect him to prove incontrovertibly that Russia actively interfered in a US election to help Donald Trump. Then, I expect Trump to deny the undeniable, and his base to sing hosannas.

I think it's clear that it wasn't Trump the Russians wanted to help. I think it's obvious they wanted to hurt the Corporate Whore and supported EVERYONE else until they were left with Trump.
Why doesn’t Mueller just grant the Entire Trump team Immunity, refuse to take notes or recordings of any testimony allow everyone to delete their emails, smash hard drives, and cell phones, and write an exoneration 8 months before interviewing The President?

I’m sure The President would interview with Mueller under immunity, especially since he is not being accused of even a single crime.
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Nah. No Clinton Dossier to trash her reputation means Putin was working overtime to help put Clinton in Office and so was Obama’s Corrupt Cronies!

Trump is The Blamethrower. They take their cues from him.
Shutting him / them up is really simple - just provide evidence of a crime against him...or that there was ever a crime committed warranting an investigation.

Oh, that's right. No one on the left has any. LOL! :p

It isn't the left's investigation. That's what you get for trusting in Trump. You think he was more honest with you than with his wives, subcontractors, and "students"? You fellas are living in an alternate reality where Hannity's Half-Minute History really happened.

Laying the groundwork to blame the Right when Mueller has to admit there's nothing there, huh?

It isn't the Right's investigation either, though the Right is attempting to destroy it with character assassination and absurd conspiracy theories. I don't expect Mueller to prove Trump personally conspired with Russians, but I do expect him to prove incontrovertibly that Russia actively interfered in a US election to help Donald Trump. Then, I expect Trump to deny the undeniable, and his base to sing hosannas.

I think it's clear that it wasn't Trump the Russians wanted to help. I think it's obvious they wanted to hurt the Corporate Whore and supported EVERYONE else until they were left with Trump.
Trump is The Blamethrower. They take their cues from him.
Shutting him / them up is really simple - just provide evidence of a crime against him...or that there was ever a crime committed warranting an investigation.

Oh, that's right. No one on the left has any. LOL! :p

It isn't the left's investigation. That's what you get for trusting in Trump. You think he was more honest with you than with his wives, subcontractors, and "students"? You fellas are living in an alternate reality where Hannity's Half-Minute History really happened.

Laying the groundwork to blame the Right when Mueller has to admit there's nothing there, huh?

It isn't the Right's investigation either, though the Right is attempting to destroy it with character assassination and absurd conspiracy theories. I don't expect Mueller to prove Trump personally conspired with Russians, but I do expect him to prove incontrovertibly that Russia actively interfered in a US election to help Donald Trump. Then, I expect Trump to deny the undeniable, and his base to sing hosannas.
There is no need for Mueller to prove that Russia helped Trump, because Roger Stone himself admitted it. Even house republicans say it. The bigger deal is proving conspiring with Russians.
Your link proves this is a falsehood: "Hillay pays $12 million to a foreign spy working with the Russians for a debunked 'Dossier'."

Your narrative isn't in accord with facts.

... in accord with facts? Facts in his tin-foil armored, air-tight basement are contaminants, to be kept abreast at all costs. At the very least, any and all "facts" have to come with the modifier "debunked". Behave accordingly.
It isn't the Right's investigation either, though the Right is attempting to destroy it with character assassination and absurd conspiracy theories. I don't expect Mueller to prove Trump personally conspired with Russians, but I do expect him to prove incontrovertibly that Russia actively interfered in a US election to help Donald Trump. Then, I expect Trump to deny the undeniable, and his base to sing hosannas.
There is no need for Mueller to prove that Russia helped Trump, because Roger Stone himself admitted it. Even house republicans say it. The bigger deal is proving conspiring with Russians.

You seem to have missed the term "personally" in JM's rather pessimistic text. Still, proving the Russians helped (I guess the indictments for the Russian trolls indicates that Mueller can in fact prove the interference) is necessary so as to demonstrate one part of an at least two part crime. Flynn's sentencing hanging over the man a little longer like so many swords might just be the thing to compel some more information to be volunteered:

Does anyone believe the Russians helped Trump out of the goodness of their hearts, or a fealty for loud-mouthed, vulgar underdogs? Or, maybe, did they expect something in return? If there were negotiations on these matters, there's the conspiracy, and the collusion. I find, it's almost inevitable such did in fact happen, as pretty much the very basic logic of the pursuit of self-interest on all sides demands it, and if anyone can find and prove it, it's probably Mueller.

So, for the time being, I'd say, sit back and enjoy the ride. It'll get bumpy in case the Trumpy will get run over by the Mueller train, and the Trumpy's "base" is out to exact their revenge for that.
It isn't the Right's investigation either, though the Right is attempting to destroy it with character assassination and absurd conspiracy theories. I don't expect Mueller to prove Trump personally conspired with Russians, but I do expect him to prove incontrovertibly that Russia actively interfered in a US election to help Donald Trump. Then, I expect Trump to deny the undeniable, and his base to sing hosannas.
There is no need for Mueller to prove that Russia helped Trump, because Roger Stone himself admitted it. Even house republicans say it. The bigger deal is proving conspiring with Russians.

You seem to have missed the term "personally" in JM's rather pessimistic text. Still, proving the Russians helped (I guess the indictments for the Russian trolls indicates that Mueller can in fact prove the interference) is necessary so as to demonstrate one part of an at least two part crime. Flynn's sentencing hanging over the man a little longer like so many swords might just be the thing to compel some more information to be volunteered:

Does anyone believe the Russians helped Trump out of the goodness of their hearts, or a fealty for loud-mouthed, vulgar underdogs? Or, maybe, did they expect something in return? If there were negotiations on these matters, there's the conspiracy, and the collusion. I find, it's almost inevitable such did in fact happen, as pretty much the very basic logic of the pursuit of self-interest on all sides demands it, and if anyone can find and prove it, it's probably Mueller.

So, for the time being, I'd say, sit back and enjoy the ride. It'll get bumpy in case the Trumpy will get run over by the Mueller train, and the Trumpy's "base" is out to exact their revenge for that.
Flynn's sentencing does, but also Manafort and Cohen.

Russia help out of the goodness of their hearts? Doubtful. Putin hates Hillary from her statments about his 2011 election. Russia also wants sanctions eased, which they have.

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