Mueller Delays Flynn Sentencing Again

Try to focus for a second. Trump said he looked forward to testifying under oath. Did you believe him? I'm curious, because all your arguments appear faith-based.
I believe Mueller was smart enough to challenge Trump's ego, making him want to face him and answer questions. I think Trump now sees Muller's only desperate move now is to get him to agree to questioning and then trip him up - get him with a 'Gottcha' question, which is exactly the case.

No way Trump's lawyers allow Trump to do the interview now.

Furthermore, I think Mueller knew this and leaked the questions out himself, just like his team has leaked other information out. he leaks the questions out, CNN et al helps him blame Trump to make Trump look 'dirty', and when Trump says 'No' to the questioning Mueller declares, "SEE - He is hiding something.' ... and stupid snowflakes will believe him....

I think that the funniest thing that could happen would be for Trump to show up to an interview and not answer any question. I'd be ok if he invoked his 5th Amendment right to do it, just refusing to answer would crack me up!
Try to focus for a second. Trump said he looked forward to testifying under oath. Did you believe him? I'm curious, because all your arguments appear faith-based.
I believe Mueller was smart enough to challenge Trump's ego, making him want to face him and answer questions. I think Trump now sees Muller's only desperate move now is to get him to agree to questioning and then trip him up - get him with a 'Gottcha' question, which is exactly the case.

No way Trump's lawyers allow Trump to do the interview now.

Furthermore, I think Mueller knew this and leaked the questions out himself, just like his team has leaked other information out. he leaks the questions out, CNN et al helps him blame Trump to make Trump look 'dirty', and when Trump says 'No' to the questioning Mueller declares, "SEE - He is hiding something.' ... and stupid snowflakes will believe him....

I think that the funniest thing that could happen would be for Trump to show up to an interview and not answer any question. I'd be ok if he invoked his 5th Amendment right to do it, just refusing to answer would crack me up!
It would crack you up for a Potus to invoke the 5th?
Sorry, but I sense no desperation in Mueller - The lifelong Republican about as cool and smart an operator as exists on this planet.
Mueller's 'MO' is recorded history - bullying, intimidation, manufacturing charges - especially 'Lying to Investigators / obstruction' - to threaten / force witnesses to talk / 'flip'.

He has F*ed up his most famous cases, ethical and otherwise disasters. He and Rosenstein both have a history of withholding evidence, sending innocent people to jail, falsely claiming someone's guilt.

In one case Mueller ignored obvious evidence of a muslim crime, choosing instead to blame - hound & harass - an innocent man....destroying his life until the man committed suicide. Later, when the truth came out and the Muslims were finally charged with the crimes Mueller arrogantly declared he had nothing to apologize for and would not.

Mueller is one of the 'bad guys' in 'good guy clothing'....except his true self is showing.

Any REAL prosecutor / Special Counsel who gave a d@m about the NON-PARTISAN truth and search for crime / criminal activity could not possibly have ignored and refused to look further into all of the evidence of liberal crimes that has been uncovered. NO WAY.

...and, having no evidence, Mueller knows the only chance the 'Secret Society' Conspiracy has to succeed now is by getting Trump under oath and tripping him up...or to declare Trump is hiding something if he refuses the interview or takes the 5th during it.

Snowflakes will then scream, again, that NO EVIDENCE = GUILT.
I think that the funniest thing that could happen would be for Trump to show up to an interview and not answer any question. I'd be ok if he invoked his 5th Amendment right to do it, just refusing to answer would crack me up!

Mueller would declare this was evidence of the President hiding his illegal UN-PROVEN collusion, and Democrats would push for Impeachment, declaring their still lack of evidence = guilt.
It would crack you up for a Potus to invoke the 5th?

It is his right to do so...and in this case it would be wise, as the witch hunters have already been proven to selectively Indict those who THEY deem to have lied under oath. They protected Hillary, Mills, and Abedin while indicting Flynn...
Try to focus for a second. Trump said he looked forward to testifying under oath. Did you believe him? I'm curious, because all your arguments appear faith-based.
I believe Mueller was smart enough to challenge Trump's ego, making him want to face him and answer questions. I think Trump now sees Muller's only desperate move now is to get him to agree to questioning and then trip him up - get him with a 'Gottcha' question, which is exactly the case.

No way Trump's lawyers allow Trump to do the interview now.

Furthermore, I think Mueller knew this and leaked the questions out himself, just like his team has leaked other information out. he leaks the questions out, CNN et al helps him blame Trump to make Trump look 'dirty', and when Trump says 'No' to the questioning Mueller declares, "SEE - He is hiding something.' ... and stupid snowflakes will believe him....

I think that the funniest thing that could happen would be for Trump to show up to an interview and not answer any question. I'd be ok if he invoked his 5th Amendment right to do it, just refusing to answer would crack me up!
It would crack you up for a Potus to invoke the 5th?

Yes. I think anything done in response to Mueller's demands would be acceptable.
Try to focus for a second. Trump said he looked forward to testifying under oath. Did you believe him? I'm curious, because all your arguments appear faith-based.
I believe Mueller was smart enough to challenge Trump's ego, making him want to face him and answer questions. I think Trump now sees Muller's only desperate move now is to get him to agree to questioning and then trip him up - get him with a 'Gottcha' question, which is exactly the case.

No way Trump's lawyers allow Trump to do the interview now.

Furthermore, I think Mueller knew this and leaked the questions out himself, just like his team has leaked other information out. he leaks the questions out, CNN et al helps him blame Trump to make Trump look 'dirty', and when Trump says 'No' to the questioning Mueller declares, "SEE - He is hiding something.' ... and stupid snowflakes will believe him....

I think that the funniest thing that could happen would be for Trump to show up to an interview and not answer any question. I'd be ok if he invoked his 5th Amendment right to do it, just refusing to answer would crack me up!
It would crack you up for a Potus to invoke the 5th?

Yes. I think anything done in response to Mueller's demands would be acceptable.
Okay. And if Mueller then grants immunity and says answer or go to jail, and the Courts get to weigh in, I'm sure you'd find it hilarious.

So is smearing your opponents with Russian Propaganda and any other shit you can fling to the wall and get to stick.

Background information

"Obama learned his lesson well. I am proud to see that my father's model for organizing is being applied successfully beyond local community organizing to affect the Democratic campaign in 2008. It is a fine tribute to Saul Alinsky as we approach his 100th birthday." --Letter from L. DAVID ALINSKY, son of Neo-Marxist Saul Alinsky

Obama helped fund 'Alinsky Academy': "The Woods Fund, a nonprofit on which Obama served as paid director from 1999 to December 2002, provided startup funding and later capital to the Midwest Academy.... Obama sat on the Woods Fund board alongside William Ayers, founder of the Weather Underground domestic terrorist organization.... 'Midwest describes itself as 'one of the nation's oldest and best-known schools for community organizations, citizen organizations and individuals committed to progressive social change.'... Midwest teaches Alinsky tactics of community organizing."

Hillary, Obama and the Cult of Alinsky: "True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism, Alinsky taught. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within. Alinsky viewed revolution as a slow, patient process. The trick was to penetrate existing institutions such as churches, unions and political parties.... Many leftists view Hillary as a sell-out because she claims to hold moderate views on some issues. However, Hillary is simply following Alinsky’s counsel to do and say whatever it takes to gain power.

"Obama is also an Alinskyite.... Obama spent years teaching workshops on the Alinsky method. In 1985 he began a four-year stint as a community organizer in Chicago, working for an Alinskyite group called the Developing Communities Project.... Camouflage is key to Alinsky-style organizing. While trying to build coalitions of black churches in Chicago, Obama caught flak for not attending church himself. He became an instant churchgoer." (By Richard Poe, 11-27-07)

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Dumfuks, Saul Alinsky is a conservative.
You can read about it here:
Rules for Conservative Radicals: Lessons from Saul Alinsky, the Tea Party Movement, and the Apostle Paul in the Age of Collaborative Technologies
Okay. And if Mueller then grants immunity and says answer or go to jail, and the Courts get to weigh in, I'm sure you'd find it hilarious.
Are you seriously suggesting that Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller would tell the President of the United States that he HAS to agree to an interview, even if by subpoena, and that is if he does not ANSWER his questions he will 'send the President to jail'?!

Bwuhahahaha..... Now THAT would be funny!

Why not?! Democrats and the Witch Hunters have already proven THE LAW doesn't matter $h!t to them, so why would they respect Americans' Right to plead the 5th?!
So is smearing your opponents with Russian Propaganda and any other shit you can fling to the wall and get to stick.

Background information

"Obama learned his lesson well. I am proud to see that my father's model for organizing is being applied successfully beyond local community organizing to affect the Democratic campaign in 2008. It is a fine tribute to Saul Alinsky as we approach his 100th birthday." --Letter from L. DAVID ALINSKY, son of Neo-Marxist Saul Alinsky

Obama helped fund 'Alinsky Academy': "The Woods Fund, a nonprofit on which Obama served as paid director from 1999 to December 2002, provided startup funding and later capital to the Midwest Academy.... Obama sat on the Woods Fund board alongside William Ayers, founder of the Weather Underground domestic terrorist organization.... 'Midwest describes itself as 'one of the nation's oldest and best-known schools for community organizations, citizen organizations and individuals committed to progressive social change.'... Midwest teaches Alinsky tactics of community organizing."

Hillary, Obama and the Cult of Alinsky: "True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism, Alinsky taught. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within. Alinsky viewed revolution as a slow, patient process. The trick was to penetrate existing institutions such as churches, unions and political parties.... Many leftists view Hillary as a sell-out because she claims to hold moderate views on some issues. However, Hillary is simply following Alinsky’s counsel to do and say whatever it takes to gain power.

"Obama is also an Alinskyite.... Obama spent years teaching workshops on the Alinsky method. In 1985 he began a four-year stint as a community organizer in Chicago, working for an Alinskyite group called the Developing Communities Project.... Camouflage is key to Alinsky-style organizing. While trying to build coalitions of black churches in Chicago, Obama caught flak for not attending church himself. He became an instant churchgoer." (By Richard Poe, 11-27-07)

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Dumfuks, Saul Alinsky is a conservative.
You can read about it here:
Rules for Conservative Radicals: Lessons from Saul Alinsky, the Tea Party Movement, and the Apostle Paul in the Age of Collaborative Technologies

DEAN!!! Tell Stats that Mal just hacked your account! LOL

Try to focus for a second. Trump said he looked forward to testifying under oath. Did you believe him? I'm curious, because all your arguments appear faith-based.
I believe Mueller was smart enough to challenge Trump's ego, making him want to face him and answer questions. I think Trump now sees Muller's only desperate move now is to get him to agree to questioning and then trip him up - get him with a 'Gottcha' question, which is exactly the case.

No way Trump's lawyers allow Trump to do the interview now.

Furthermore, I think Mueller knew this and leaked the questions out himself, just like his team has leaked other information out. he leaks the questions out, CNN et al helps him blame Trump to make Trump look 'dirty', and when Trump says 'No' to the questioning Mueller declares, "SEE - He is hiding something.' ... and stupid snowflakes will believe him....

I think that the funniest thing that could happen would be for Trump to show up to an interview and not answer any question. I'd be ok if he invoked his 5th Amendment right to do it, just refusing to answer would crack me up!
It would crack you up for a Potus to invoke the 5th?

Yes. I think anything done in response to Mueller's demands would be acceptable.
Okay. And if Mueller then grants immunity and says answer or go to jail, and the Courts get to weigh in, I'm sure you'd find it hilarious.

OMG, that would be hiliarious. Do you think Mueller would grant immunity to the main person he's supposed to be investigating??? Democrats would hang him in effigy at the very least and more likely literally hang him by the tidal pool from a cherry tree.
Lol Mueller is Freaking Out. He just threatened to subpoena Trump.


What crime is he going to name in his subpoena to even get a judge to sign off on it?

Please subpoena The President Mr. Mueller!
Lol Mueller is Freaking Out. He just threatened to subpoena Trump.

You're the one freaking out, Shirley.

It was just reported that Mueller had discussed a possible subpoena with Dowd a while ago.
In the March 5th meeting, the meeting where Trump Lawyers said he was not going to be questioned by the special counsel investigators etc, and then Mueller said, that's fine, then he will be subpoenaed to go before the grand jury....

the same meeting where Trump lawyers were told that Trump is a "subject" in the investigation....

The same meeting that Trump's Lawyer Dowd, resigned as Trump's Lawyer right after....

And the same meeting where Mueller offered general categories that he would be questioned bait for him to agree to the meeting....

Of which Jay Sekolow, another one of the President's attorneys, wrote the 49 questions (that were leaked) he believed would be asked, based off of conversation with the special counsel team regarding the topics of the questioning, if an interview occurred.

Why Keep what the Special Counsel plans to ask 'secret' anyway? The American people deserve to know, especially since this whole witch hunt has been a joke...

...and the questions are vague, nothing to do with criminality, and are obvious 'Gottcha' questions.
yesterday you all were blaming Mueller for leaking them and thought he should go to prison! :rofl:

What questions are the ''gotcha'' questions? Please list them and your reasoning on why they are ''gotcha'' questions.
Try to focus for a second. Trump said he looked forward to testifying under oath. Did you believe him? I'm curious, because all your arguments appear faith-based.
I believe Mueller was smart enough to challenge Trump's ego, making him want to face him and answer questions. I think Trump now sees Muller's only desperate move now is to get him to agree to questioning and then trip him up - get him with a 'Gottcha' question, which is exactly the case.

No way Trump's lawyers allow Trump to do the interview now.

Furthermore, I think Mueller knew this and leaked the questions out himself, just like his team has leaked other information out. he leaks the questions out, CNN et al helps him blame Trump to make Trump look 'dirty', and when Trump says 'No' to the questioning Mueller declares, "SEE - He is hiding something.' ... and stupid snowflakes will believe him....

I think that the funniest thing that could happen would be for Trump to show up to an interview and not answer any question. I'd be ok if he invoked his 5th Amendment right to do it, just refusing to answer would crack me up!
It would crack you up for a Potus to invoke the 5th?

Well, they know Trump's a joke.
Try to focus for a second. Trump said he looked forward to testifying under oath. Did you believe him? I'm curious, because all your arguments appear faith-based.
I believe Mueller was smart enough to challenge Trump's ego, making him want to face him and answer questions. I think Trump now sees Muller's only desperate move now is to get him to agree to questioning and then trip him up - get him with a 'Gottcha' question, which is exactly the case.

No way Trump's lawyers allow Trump to do the interview now.

Furthermore, I think Mueller knew this and leaked the questions out himself, just like his team has leaked other information out. he leaks the questions out, CNN et al helps him blame Trump to make Trump look 'dirty', and when Trump says 'No' to the questioning Mueller declares, "SEE - He is hiding something.' ... and stupid snowflakes will believe him....

I think that the funniest thing that could happen would be for Trump to show up to an interview and not answer any question. I'd be ok if he invoked his 5th Amendment right to do it, just refusing to answer would crack me up!
It would crack you up for a Potus to invoke the 5th?

Well, they know Trump's a joke.
So's this entire witch hunt....
Lol Mueller is Freaking Out. He just threatened to subpoena Trump.


What crime is he going to name in his subpoena to even get a judge to sign off on it?

Please subpoena The President Mr. Mueller!
Lol Mueller is Freaking Out. He just threatened to subpoena Trump.

You're the one freaking out, Shirley.

It was just reported that Mueller had discussed a possible subpoena with Dowd a while ago.
In the March 5th meeting, the meeting where Trump Lawyers said he was not going to be questioned by the special counsel investigators etc, and then Mueller said, that's fine, then he will be subpoenaed to go before the grand jury....

the same meeting where Trump lawyers were told that Trump is a "subject" in the investigation....

The same meeting that Trump's Lawyer Dowd, resigned as Trump's Lawyer right after....

And the same meeting where Mueller offered general categories that he would be questioned bait for him to agree to the meeting....

Of which Jay Sekolow, another one of the President's attorneys, wrote the 49 questions (that were leaked) he believed would be asked, based off of conversation with the special counsel team regarding the topics of the questioning, if an interview occurred.

Why Keep what the Special Counsel plans to ask 'secret' anyway? The American people deserve to know, especially since this whole witch hunt has been a joke...

...and the questions are vague, nothing to do with criminality, and are obvious 'Gottcha' questions.
yesterday you all were blaming Mueller for leaking them and thought he should go to prison! :rofl:

What questions are the ''gotcha'' questions? Please list them and your reasoning on why they are ''gotcha'' questions.

Trump is The Blamethrower. They take their cues from him.
Trump is The Blamethrower. They take their cues from him.
Shutting him / them up is really simple - just provide evidence of a crime against him...or that there was ever a crime committed warranting an investigation.

Oh, that's right. No one on the left has any. LOL! :p
Not true. The Plea Agreement Statement of Offense states: "These facts do not constitute all of the facts known to the parties concerning the charged offense; they are being submitted to demonstrate that sufficient facts exist that the defendant committed the offense to which he is pleading guilty."

You are presuming to know all the facts of the offense when the charging document clearly says you do not.

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Yeah, because Mueller's team has been able to keep so much secret. :p

There is an article out today, it has been posted already, that states the main reason Flynn has not been sentenced yet is because Mueller is trying to decide if Flynn has lived up to his part of his plea agreement, which was to tell him everything he knows regarding Trump.

In other words, Flynn has given him NOTHING about Trump...because there is NOTHING. There never has been anything. That has been apparent the whole time.

Even now Mueller can't even scrape together enough evidence to prove there was a crime initially that required evident by Rosenstein slow-walking the release of agreed-upon information Congress has asked for, violating a subpoena and attempting to give Mueller as much time as possible to make a case against the President.

Rosenstein knows if he gave everything they have to Congress, Congress would shut the circus down...and thus he is risking Impeachment for breaking the law - violating a Congressional subpoena...while attempting to paint himself as a 'victim' being intimidated by others:

'I will not be intimidated!'

You mean you will not let Congress 'intimidate you' into obeying their subpoena and handing over the information he promised he would deliver to Congress over a month ago?! You mean no one will 'intimidate you' into STOPPING breaking the law?!

poor little snowflake...

Following the law scares you, eh?

Rosenstein isn't afraid of Trump's congress critter pawns trying to obstruct an official investigation!
Trump is The Blamethrower. They take their cues from him.
Shutting him / them up is really simple - just provide evidence of a crime against him...or that there was ever a crime committed warranting an investigation.

Oh, that's right. No one on the left has any. LOL! :p

It isn't the left's investigation. That's what you get for trusting in Trump. You think he was more honest with you than with his wives, subcontractors, and "students"? You fellas are living in an alternate reality where Hannity's Half-Minute History really happened.
poor little snowflake...Following the law scares you, eh?

Rosenstein isn't afraid of Trump's congress critter pawn's trying to obstruct an official investigation!
'Following the Law'? Not at all. I, unlike Democrats, are all for it.

I am against exposed criminal activity, illegally covering it up, ignoring it, protecting those proven to have committed crimes, the Obama administration, his DOJ, his FBI, the DNC Chairwoman, etc.. have been proven to have done.

Perhaps you should ask Rosenstein that question, as he has attempted to shield himself from possible Impeachment for Obstruction by attempting to make it seem publicly that he is the poor wittle victim being bullied...when all he is doing is trying to give Mueller more time to run his circus.

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