Mueller Delays Flynn Sentencing Again

No delays needed if they have any evidence of criminal violations. It's just a lot of extortionate harassment, and even that hasn't worked at all for the criminal hack Mueller. these are people not far from being indicted themselves, for treason, obstruction, and bribery by a foreign power. Nothing they make up and falsify will ever stick to Trump or anybody else; they know it too, as we all do.

You're whistling past the graveyard. Mueller is a serious man. Rightwing mudslinging doesn't change that.

Trump's still there, no impeachment in sight, and you're still just peddling fake news like your equally infantile peers here.

I don't want Trump impeached, and the fake news is your meandering bullshit about "the criminal hack Mueller". It's not in the neighborhood of reality.
Lol Mueller is Freaking Out. He just threatened to subpoena Trump.


What crime is he going to name in his subpoena to even get a judge to sign off on it?

Please subpoena The President Mr. Mueller!
Lol Mueller is Freaking Out. He just threatened to subpoena Trump.

You're the one freaking out, Shirley.

It was just reported that Mueller had discussed a possible subpoena with Dowd a while ago.
In the March 5th meeting, the meeting where Trump Lawyers said he was not going to be questioned by the special counsel investigators etc, and then Mueller said, that's fine, then he will be subpoenaed to go before the grand jury....

the same meeting where Trump lawyers were told that Trump is a "subject" in the investigation....

The same meeting that Trump's Lawyer Dowd, resigned as Trump's Lawyer right after....

And the same meeting where Mueller offered general categories that he would be questioned bait for him to agree to the meeting....

Of which Jay Sekolow, another one of the President's attorneys, wrote the 49 questions (that were leaked) he believed would be asked, based off of conversation with the special counsel team regarding the topics of the questioning, if an interview occurred.
Lol Mueller is Freaking Out. He just threatened to subpoena Trump.


What crime is he going to name in his subpoena to even get a judge to sign off on it?

Please subpoena The President Mr. Mueller!
Lol Mueller is Freaking Out. He just threatened to subpoena Trump.

You're the one freaking out, Shirley.

It was just reported that Mueller had discussed a possible subpoena with Dowd a while ago.
In the March 5th meeting, the meeting where Trump Lawyers said he was not going to be questioned by the special counsel investigators etc, and then Mueller said, that's fine, then he will be subpoenaed to go before the grand jury....

the same meeting where Trump lawyers were told that Trump is a "subject" in the investigation....

The same meeting that Trump's Lawyer Dowd, resigned as Trump's Lawyer right after....

And the same meeting where Mueller offered general categories that he would be questioned bait for him to agree to the meeting....

Of which Jay Sekolow, another one of the President's attorneys, wrote the 49 questions (that were leaked) he believed would be asked, based off of conversation with the special counsel team regarding the topics of the questioning, if an interview occurred.

Why Keep what the Special Counsel plans to ask 'secret' anyway? The American people deserve to know, especially since this whole witch hunt has been a joke...

...and the questions are vague, nothing to do with criminality, and are obvious 'Gottcha' questions.
Lol Mueller is Freaking Out. He just threatened to subpoena Trump.


What crime is he going to name in his subpoena to even get a judge to sign off on it?

Please subpoena The President Mr. Mueller!
Lol Mueller is Freaking Out. He just threatened to subpoena Trump.

You're the one freaking out, Shirley.

It was just reported that Mueller had discussed a possible subpoena with Dowd a while ago.
In the March 5th meeting, the meeting where Trump Lawyers said he was not going to be questioned by the special counsel investigators etc, and then Mueller said, that's fine, then he will be subpoenaed to go before the grand jury....

the same meeting where Trump lawyers were told that Trump is a "subject" in the investigation....

The same meeting that Trump's Lawyer Dowd, resigned as Trump's Lawyer right after....

And the same meeting where Mueller offered general categories that he would be questioned bait for him to agree to the meeting....

Of which Jay Sekolow, another one of the President's attorneys, wrote the 49 questions (that were leaked) he believed would be asked, based off of conversation with the special counsel team regarding the topics of the questioning, if an interview occurred.

Why Keep what the Special Counsel plans to ask 'secret' anyway? The American people deserve to know, especially since this whole witch hunt has been a joke...

...and the questions are vague, nothing to do with criminality, and are obvious 'Gottcha' questions.

Funny you should say that.

Trump 'Looking Forward' to Mueller Interview

Of course, Trump has zero credibility. Only a moron would believe him.
MSNBC Host: I Don't Think We'll Find Proof Of Russian Collusion

"Tur doesn’t think there will be evidence of collusion, though she feels that it’s important that news about it convinces the die-hard core of Trump voters that this investigation matters..."


Tur is your basic confused, Trump-Hating Liberal.

Tur believes actual EVIDENCE to support their false allegations is ONLY necessary to convince those who are NOT already convinced of his guilt without there being any evidence.

Actual evidence, according to Tur, is not really necessary to prove innocence or guilt (that whole 'Innocent UNTIL PROVEN Guilty' thing), only to convince those who do not take the unproven declarations of Liberals as 'gospel'.

Of course, Trump has zero credibility. Only a moron would believe him.
As opposed to:

Comey, who has been exposed as having PERJURED himself....

McCabe, who has been exposed as having PERJURED himself....

Strzok, who has been exposed as having PERJURED himself, Obstructed Justice, exposed the 'Secret Society' and Conpsiracy....

Holder, the 1st US Presidential Cabinet Member in US History to be Censured ... for his proven Perjury...

Hillary, who has been proven to have lied her ass off, escaping 'perjury' only because her co-conspirator FBI allowed her to testify without being under oath...or keep notes...or recordings..etc...

Mueller, who hid Russian crimes, withheld evidence in the past, intimidated witnesses, and even manufactured crimes (He and Rosenstein both)

:p Bwuhahahaha.....
Of course, Trump has zero credibility. Only a moron would believe him.
As opposed to:

Comey, who has been exposed as having PERJURED himself....

McCabe, who has been exposed as having PERJURED himself....

Strzok, who has been exposed as having PERJURED himself, Obstructed Justice, exposed the 'Secret Society' and Conpsiracy....

Holder, the 1st US Presidential Cabinet Member in US History to be Censured ... for his proven Perjury...

Hillary, who has been proven to have lied her ass off, escaping 'perjury' only because her co-conspirator FBI allowed her to testify without being under oath...or keep notes...or recordings..etc...

Mueller, who hid Russian crimes, withheld evidence in the past, intimidated witnesses, and even manufactured crimes (He and Rosenstein both)

:p Bwuhahahaha.....

What does any of that have to do with Trump having zero credibility?

Trump said he looked forward to testifying under oath. Did you believe him?

No way Trump agrees to talk to Mueller now, and the best thing Mueller can hope for is Trump and hi slayers bringing a whole bag of 'The 5th' if he is subpoenaed. Despite that being a brilliant move, leaving Mueller with NOTHING, not even a 'gottcha' indictment, Mueller will claim that is evidence against Trump because he is 'hiding' something.

Mueller is not the guy running his mouth, making bullshit claims. Where do you get this?
Also Manafort’s Attorney’s are demanding hearings on Mueller’s Team leaking to The Media.

Flynn’s Team is challenging his admission of Jay Walking to The FBI based on the fact The FBI hid Exculpatory Evidence.

Meanwhile Cohen is refusing to cooperate with The FBI or answer any questions regarding Mueller’s Probe or Daniel’s Civil Suit claiming anything he says or does regarding either issue will impact the other.

And Rosenstein’s Obstruction of Congressional inquiries in to DOJ misconduct might get him impeached.

Enjoy some of that You Russian and Leftist Trolls, and Criminal Clintonistas.

Mueller team seeks delay in Flynn sentencing

Manafort asks judge to investigate leaks in investigation

Cohen to plead the Fifth in Stormy Daniels lawsuit

House Freedom Caucus drafts impeachment articles against Rosenstein, as 'last resort'

Just to keep you informed: Flynn's lawyers joined with Mueller's team in asking for the delay. Both sides wanted it.

Tree doesn't care much about reality -

Just fact-free hunches like Mueller leaks, he's got nothing, put him in prison for going after my Orange God ...

Stuff like that
Flynn will never be sentenced. It’s already been delayed twice.

The second he gets sentenced prosecutorial misconduct is in play and Comey and McCabe’s heads will be Served on a platter.

Mikey is singing like a bird .. Correct, he probably will get very little time if any. Others are screwed.

Better tell Crooked Paul and Guido Cohen to start singing too :)
Republicans in the House want to head into the mid-terms with impeachment on the calendar? Sure.

A few outliers want Trump impeached. Most want him hanging 'round the GOP's neck like a rotting fish.

This will suit the spineless Republicans nicely - Put it on a gold chain :D

Flynn will never be sentenced. It’s already been delayed twice.

The second he gets sentenced prosecutorial misconduct is in play and Comey and McCabe’s heads will be Served on a platter.

Mikey is singing like a bird .. Correct, he probably will get very little time if any. Others are screwed.

Better tell Crooked Paul and Guido Cohen to start singing too :)
Snowflakes...and hoping someone 'sings'...even though there is nothing to 'sing' about. He is hoping someone gives him what he does not have and desperately wants / needs - 'evidence' against Trump. :p
This will suit the spineless Republicans nicely - Put it on a gold chain :D

THIS is what the Leftist Traitors' witch hunt boils down to .... a treasonous, seditious example of irrational hate. No evidence of any crime, just their own hate.

Snowflakes are so easily manipulated by EMOTION and so slow to accept reality, facts, etc....
This will suit the spineless Republicans nicely - Put it on a gold chain :D

THIS is what the Leftist Traitors' witch hunt boils down to .... a treasonous, seditious example of irrational hate. No evidence of any crime, just their own hate.

Snowflakes are so easily manipulated by EMOTION and so slow to accept reality, facts, etc....

Try to focus for a second. Trump said he looked forward to testifying under oath. Did you believe him?

I'm curious, because all your arguments appear faith-based.
Flynn will never be sentenced. It’s already been delayed twice.

The second he gets sentenced prosecutorial misconduct is in play and Comey and McCabe’s heads will be Served on a platter.

Mikey is singing like a bird .. Correct, he probably will get very little time if any. Others are screwed.

Better tell Crooked Paul and Guido Cohen to start singing too :)
Snowflakes...and hoping someone 'sings'...even though there is nothing to 'sing' about. He is hoping someone gives him what he does not have and desperately wants / needs - 'evidence' against Trump. :p

Sorry, but I sense no desperation in Mueller - The lifelong Republican about as cool and smart an operator as exists on this planet.

Be patient - He'll wrap things up when he's good and ready. You had best prepare.
Try to focus for a second. Trump said he looked forward to testifying under oath. Did you believe him? I'm curious, because all your arguments appear faith-based.
I believe Mueller was smart enough to challenge Trump's ego, making him want to face him and answer questions. I think Trump now sees Muller's only desperate move now is to get him to agree to questioning and then trip him up - get him with a 'Gottcha' question, which is exactly the case.

No way Trump's lawyers allow Trump to do the interview now.

Furthermore, I think Mueller knew this and leaked the questions out himself, just like his team has leaked other information out. he leaks the questions out, CNN et al helps him blame Trump to make Trump look 'dirty', and when Trump says 'No' to the questioning Mueller declares, "SEE - He is hiding something.' ... and stupid snowflakes will believe him....
This entire exercise has been designed to do one thing, prevent the President from being president. That's all it has been.

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