Mueller Delays Flynn Sentencing Again

Also Manafort’s Attorney’s are demanding hearings on Mueller’s Team leaking to The Media.

Flynn’s Team is challenging his admission of Jay Walking to The FBI based on the fact The FBI hid Exculpatory Evidence.

Meanwhile Cohen is refusing to cooperate with The FBI or answer any questions regarding Mueller’s Probe or Daniel’s Civil Suit claiming anything he says or does regarding either issue will impact the other.

And Rosenstein’s Obstruction of Congressional inquiries in to DOJ misconduct might get him impeached.

Enjoy some of that You Russian and Leftist Trolls, and Criminal Clintonistas.

Mueller team seeks delay in Flynn sentencing

Manafort asks judge to investigate leaks in investigation

Cohen to plead the Fifth in Stormy Daniels lawsuit

House Freedom Caucus drafts impeachment articles against Rosenstein, as 'last resort'

manafort can ask for whatever he wants.

mueller's team doesn't leak. Donald does.
I wish mueller would prosecute me so I could get millions afterwards like everyone else has.
The Mueller investigation is in shambles. He has no evidence. All he can do is try and set a perjury trap and that wont happen now that the questions were leaked by Mueller's team.

Roenstine is now looking at being fired by congress for contempt and obstruction of congressional oversight. He will be forcibly removed. Without this cover for Mueller he is in prosecutorial misconduct jeopardy without protection.

If Rosenstine is removed the house of cards collapses... And Mueller is scared shitless.. That is why he threatened a sitting president...
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Also Manafort’s Attorney’s are demanding hearings on Mueller’s Team leaking to The Media.

Flynn’s Team is challenging his admission of Jay Walking to The FBI based on the fact The FBI hid Exculpatory Evidence.

Meanwhile Cohen is refusing to cooperate with The FBI or answer any questions regarding Mueller’s Probe or Daniel’s Civil Suit claiming anything he says or does regarding either issue will impact the other.

And Rosenstein’s Obstruction of Congressional inquiries in to DOJ misconduct might get him impeached.

Enjoy some of that You Russian and Leftist Trolls, and Criminal Clintonistas.

Mueller team seeks delay in Flynn sentencing

Manafort asks judge to investigate leaks in investigation

Cohen to plead the Fifth in Stormy Daniels lawsuit

House Freedom Caucus drafts impeachment articles against Rosenstein, as 'last resort'

Just to keep you informed: Flynn's lawyers joined with Mueller's team in asking for the delay. Both sides wanted it.
Flynn's lawyers have filed misconduct accusations and it has halted any sentencing... A ruling by the Superior Court is not far off.
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So is smearing your opponents with Russian Propaganda and any other shit you can fling to the wall and get to stick.

Background information

"Obama learned his lesson well. I am proud to see that my father's model for organizing is being applied successfully beyond local community organizing to affect the Democratic campaign in 2008. It is a fine tribute to Saul Alinsky as we approach his 100th birthday." --Letter from L. DAVID ALINSKY, son of Neo-Marxist Saul Alinsky

Obama helped fund 'Alinsky Academy': "The Woods Fund, a nonprofit on which Obama served as paid director from 1999 to December 2002, provided startup funding and later capital to the Midwest Academy.... Obama sat on the Woods Fund board alongside William Ayers, founder of the Weather Underground domestic terrorist organization.... 'Midwest describes itself as 'one of the nation's oldest and best-known schools for community organizations, citizen organizations and individuals committed to progressive social change.'... Midwest teaches Alinsky tactics of community organizing."

Hillary, Obama and the Cult of Alinsky: "True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism, Alinsky taught. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within. Alinsky viewed revolution as a slow, patient process. The trick was to penetrate existing institutions such as churches, unions and political parties.... Many leftists view Hillary as a sell-out because she claims to hold moderate views on some issues. However, Hillary is simply following Alinsky’s counsel to do and say whatever it takes to gain power.

"Obama is also an Alinskyite.... Obama spent years teaching workshops on the Alinsky method. In 1985 he began a four-year stint as a community organizer in Chicago, working for an Alinskyite group called the Developing Communities Project.... Camouflage is key to Alinsky-style organizing. While trying to build coalitions of black churches in Chicago, Obama caught flak for not attending church himself. He became an instant churchgoer." (By Richard Poe, 11-27-07)

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Dumfuks, Saul Alinsky is a conservative.
You can read about it here:
Rules for Conservative Radicals: Lessons from Saul Alinsky, the Tea Party Movement, and the Apostle Paul in the Age of Collaborative Technologies
What a load of left wing propaganda.... Trying to change the definition of conservative it the game Saul an effort disempower his advisories... Accuse others of what it is your doing to discredit them...

I hate socialist shit scum...
Democrats should be forced to use their own money to finance these fake indictments; the game is the defendants have to use their own money to defend themselves, going into bankruptcy, while the criminal syndicate members like Mueller have essentially unlimited and bottomless mass of govt. funds to illegally and criminally harass people with. They're just trying to extort perjury from people, is all. They have literally nothing.

And, the GOP establishment is doing nothing to dry up their funds, and Sessions should have already handed down literally hundreds of RICO indictments against the Obama/Clinton organized crime operations by now.
Oh come on. You've never read anything from Saul Alinsky. It's obvious from the talking points you've memorized. We've gone through this before with your kind.

Democrats should be taxed to reimburse all of these people for the expenses caused by you fascists in your fake 'investigations', starting with Mueller's money being confiscated first.
No delays needed if they have any evidence of criminal violations. It's just a lot of extortionate harassment, and even that hasn't worked at all for the criminal hack Mueller. these are people not far from being indicted themselves, for treason, obstruction, and bribery by a foreign power. Nothing they make up and falsify will ever stick to Trump or anybody else; they know it too, as we all do.
Also Manafort’s Attorney’s are demanding hearings on Mueller’s Team leaking to The Media.

Flynn’s Team is challenging his admission of Jay Walking to The FBI based on the fact The FBI hid Exculpatory Evidence.

Meanwhile Cohen is refusing to cooperate with The FBI or answer any questions regarding Mueller’s Probe or Daniel’s Civil Suit claiming anything he says or does regarding either issue will impact the other.

And Rosenstein’s Obstruction of Congressional inquiries in to DOJ misconduct might get him impeached.

Enjoy some of that You Russian and Leftist Trolls, and Criminal Clintonistas.

Mueller team seeks delay in Flynn sentencing

Manafort asks judge to investigate leaks in investigation

Cohen to plead the Fifth in Stormy Daniels lawsuit

House Freedom Caucus drafts impeachment articles against Rosenstein, as 'last resort'

Just to keep you informed: Flynn's lawyers joined with Mueller's team in asking for the delay. Both sides wanted it.
the delay IS NOT a good thing for trump More months for shoes to drop with more testifying by Flynn
Yeah right; those 'shoes dropping any minute now' reports have been going on for two years, and the first one has yet to drop. lol you're nuts.
Yeah right; those 'shoes dropping any minute now' reports have been going on for two years, and the first one has yet to drop. lol you're nuts.
yeah you're probably right Flynn testifying doesn't mean squat ,,he knows nothing Either do the others who ratted the pos trump out,,,,,and what does trump have to fear from Cohen ?? lol trump is shitting in his pants
Also Manafort’s Attorney’s are demanding hearings on Mueller’s Team leaking to The Media.

Flynn’s Team is challenging his admission of Jay Walking to The FBI based on the fact The FBI hid Exculpatory Evidence.

Meanwhile Cohen is refusing to cooperate with The FBI or answer any questions regarding Mueller’s Probe or Daniel’s Civil Suit claiming anything he says or does regarding either issue will impact the other.

And Rosenstein’s Obstruction of Congressional inquiries in to DOJ misconduct might get him impeached.

Enjoy some of that You Russian and Leftist Trolls, and Criminal Clintonistas.

Mueller team seeks delay in Flynn sentencing

Manafort asks judge to investigate leaks in investigation

Cohen to plead the Fifth in Stormy Daniels lawsuit

House Freedom Caucus drafts impeachment articles against Rosenstein, as 'last resort'

Just to keep you informed: Flynn's lawyers joined with Mueller's team in asking for the delay. Both sides wanted it.
the delay IS NOT a good thing for trump More months for shoes to drop with more testifying by Flynn
If he had anything, Trump would be gone by now. Since they want Trump impeached.
No delays needed if they have any evidence of criminal violations. It's just a lot of extortionate harassment, and even that hasn't worked at all for the criminal hack Mueller. these are people not far from being indicted themselves, for treason, obstruction, and bribery by a foreign power. Nothing they make up and falsify will ever stick to Trump or anybody else; they know it too, as we all do.

You're whistling past the graveyard. Mueller is a serious man. Rightwing mudslinging doesn't change that.
Also Manafort’s Attorney’s are demanding hearings on Mueller’s Team leaking to The Media.

Flynn’s Team is challenging his admission of Jay Walking to The FBI based on the fact The FBI hid Exculpatory Evidence.

Meanwhile Cohen is refusing to cooperate with The FBI or answer any questions regarding Mueller’s Probe or Daniel’s Civil Suit claiming anything he says or does regarding either issue will impact the other.

And Rosenstein’s Obstruction of Congressional inquiries in to DOJ misconduct might get him impeached.

Enjoy some of that You Russian and Leftist Trolls, and Criminal Clintonistas.

Mueller team seeks delay in Flynn sentencing

Manafort asks judge to investigate leaks in investigation

Cohen to plead the Fifth in Stormy Daniels lawsuit

House Freedom Caucus drafts impeachment articles against Rosenstein, as 'last resort'

Just to keep you informed: Flynn's lawyers joined with Mueller's team in asking for the delay. Both sides wanted it.
the delay IS NOT a good thing for trump More months for shoes to drop with more testifying by Flynn
If he had anything, Trump would be gone by now. Since they want Trump impeached.

Republicans in the House want to head into the mid-terms with impeachment on the calendar? Sure.

A few outliers want Trump impeached. Most want him hanging 'round the GOP's neck like a rotting fish.
Also Manafort’s Attorney’s are demanding hearings on Mueller’s Team leaking to The Media.

Flynn’s Team is challenging his admission of Jay Walking to The FBI based on the fact The FBI hid Exculpatory Evidence.

Meanwhile Cohen is refusing to cooperate with The FBI or answer any questions regarding Mueller’s Probe or Daniel’s Civil Suit claiming anything he says or does regarding either issue will impact the other.

And Rosenstein’s Obstruction of Congressional inquiries in to DOJ misconduct might get him impeached.

Enjoy some of that You Russian and Leftist Trolls, and Criminal Clintonistas.

Mueller team seeks delay in Flynn sentencing

Manafort asks judge to investigate leaks in investigation

Cohen to plead the Fifth in Stormy Daniels lawsuit

House Freedom Caucus drafts impeachment articles against Rosenstein, as 'last resort'

Just to keep you informed: Flynn's lawyers joined with Mueller's team in asking for the delay. Both sides wanted it.
the delay IS NOT a good thing for trump More months for shoes to drop with more testifying by Flynn
If he had anything, Trump would be gone by now. Since they want Trump impeached.
imho he's not going anywhere repubs will protect him as if their jobs count on him,,,,and they do Sad a party has to back a lying degenerate like trump Speaks well of them
Also Manafort’s Attorney’s are demanding hearings on Mueller’s Team leaking to The Media.

Flynn’s Team is challenging his admission of Jay Walking to The FBI based on the fact The FBI hid Exculpatory Evidence.

Meanwhile Cohen is refusing to cooperate with The FBI or answer any questions regarding Mueller’s Probe or Daniel’s Civil Suit claiming anything he says or does regarding either issue will impact the other.

And Rosenstein’s Obstruction of Congressional inquiries in to DOJ misconduct might get him impeached.

Enjoy some of that You Russian and Leftist Trolls, and Criminal Clintonistas.

Mueller team seeks delay in Flynn sentencing

Manafort asks judge to investigate leaks in investigation

Cohen to plead the Fifth in Stormy Daniels lawsuit

House Freedom Caucus drafts impeachment articles against Rosenstein, as 'last resort'

Just to keep you informed: Flynn's lawyers joined with Mueller's team in asking for the delay. Both sides wanted it.
the delay IS NOT a good thing for trump More months for shoes to drop with more testifying by Flynn
If he had anything, Trump would be gone by now. Since they want Trump impeached.
imho he's not going anywhere repubs will protect him as if their jobs count on him,,,,and they do Sad a party has to back a lying degenerate like trump Speaks well of them
Republicans will protect him? Lol, you're really not this stupid. On second thought, you are.
trump is better off testifying before investigators vs a grand jury.

with investigators he can limit the time, have his lawyers present....

in a grand jury, they can take all day asking questions and it is done without any of trump's lawyers being present to protect him....

me thinks Trump should just answer the 49 questions and follow up questions HONESTLY.... how hard can that be? :D :p

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