Mueller Delays Flynn Sentencing Again

Picaro, then explain to the defendant's lawyers they don't need to join Mueller on the request, and instead should say let's get to sentencing.
Also Manafort’s Attorney’s are demanding hearings on Mueller’s Team leaking to The Media.

Flynn’s Team is challenging his admission of Jay Walking to The FBI based on the fact The FBI hid Exculpatory Evidence.

Meanwhile Cohen is refusing to cooperate with The FBI or answer any questions regarding Mueller’s Probe or Daniel’s Civil Suit claiming anything he says or does regarding either issue will impact the other.

And Rosenstein’s Obstruction of Congressional inquiries in to DOJ misconduct might get him impeached.

Enjoy some of that You Russian and Leftist Trolls, and Criminal Clintonistas.

Mueller team seeks delay in Flynn sentencing

Manafort asks judge to investigate leaks in investigation

Cohen to plead the Fifth in Stormy Daniels lawsuit

House Freedom Caucus drafts impeachment articles against Rosenstein, as 'last resort'

Just to keep you informed: Flynn's lawyers joined with Mueller's team in asking for the delay. Both sides wanted it.
the delay IS NOT a good thing for trump More months for shoes to drop with more testifying by Flynn
If he had anything, Trump would be gone by now. Since they want Trump impeached.
imho he's not going anywhere repubs will protect him as if their jobs count on him,,,,and they do Sad a party has to back a lying degenerate like trump Speaks well of them
Republicans will protect him? Lol, you're really not this stupid. On second thought, you are.
you really under estimate your scum in congress ..and stupid? thats your middle name
Also Manafort’s Attorney’s are demanding hearings on Mueller’s Team leaking to The Media.

Flynn’s Team is challenging his admission of Jay Walking to The FBI based on the fact The FBI hid Exculpatory Evidence.

Meanwhile Cohen is refusing to cooperate with The FBI or answer any questions regarding Mueller’s Probe or Daniel’s Civil Suit claiming anything he says or does regarding either issue will impact the other.

And Rosenstein’s Obstruction of Congressional inquiries in to DOJ misconduct might get him impeached.

Enjoy some of that You Russian and Leftist Trolls, and Criminal Clintonistas.

Mueller team seeks delay in Flynn sentencing

Manafort asks judge to investigate leaks in investigation

Cohen to plead the Fifth in Stormy Daniels lawsuit

House Freedom Caucus drafts impeachment articles against Rosenstein, as 'last resort'

Just to keep you informed: Flynn's lawyers joined with Mueller's team in asking for the delay. Both sides wanted it.
the delay IS NOT a good thing for trump More months for shoes to drop with more testifying by Flynn
If he had anything, Trump would be gone by now. Since they want Trump impeached.
imho he's not going anywhere repubs will protect him as if their jobs count on him,,,,and they do Sad a party has to back a lying degenerate like trump Speaks well of them
Republicans will protect him? Lol, you're really not this stupid. On second thought, you are.

You've never heard of Devin Nunes and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence? The official job description is: Tote water for Trump, aka I Am The Only One.
Just to keep you informed: Flynn's lawyers joined with Mueller's team in asking for the delay. Both sides wanted it.
the delay IS NOT a good thing for trump More months for shoes to drop with more testifying by Flynn
If he had anything, Trump would be gone by now. Since they want Trump impeached.
imho he's not going anywhere repubs will protect him as if their jobs count on him,,,,and they do Sad a party has to back a lying degenerate like trump Speaks well of them
Republicans will protect him? Lol, you're really not this stupid. On second thought, you are.
you really under estimate your scum in congress ..and stupid? thats your middle name
Republicans are on your side on this subject, dumbass.
The way Mueller is f*ing with Flynn is disgusting.

Mueller KNOWS Flynn's indictment is a whole lot of 'Scooter Libby' NOTHING.

It - Flynn's Indictment - has NOTHING to do with NON-existent Illegal Russian Collusion.

Flynn moronically lied about something that wasn't even illegal...but then again, Mueller and the criminal GBI (like Strzok) know how to word questions and manipulate witnesses, almost guaranteeing an opportunity to charge anyone they want with 'Lying to the FBI / Investigators' / 'Obstruction'.

I feel a little sorry for Flynn - they have destroyed his life only because he is associated with Donald Trump.

I feel sorry, as well, for Rosenstein and Mueller.

Ronstein is about to be Impeached (when he should be CHARGED) for 'Obstruction', intentionally slow-walking the release of information subpoenaed by Congress which the DOJ promised they would release before now. Then again, that SOB has been proven to have hidden evidence and allowed innocent people to knowingly go to prison - only to be released later when it was found out what he did. F* him - I hope he gets Impeached...then sent to prison himself for 'Obstruction'.

Mueller has now allowed himself to be manipulated by his own PRIDE, forced to threaten to subpoena the President to appear before him to answer questions regarding non-existent Illegal Russian Collusion that not only he but the entire world knows now never happened.

- Democrats have abandoned the 'Russian Collusion' fable. The Democrats filed their own report recently, and in that report they stayed as far away as possible from the 'cornerstone' of their initiating the witch hunt: The debunked 'Dossier' given to the FBI after Hillary paid $12 million to a foreign spy working with Russians, a propaganda-laden report Hillary illegally used during an election and one the FBI illegally used to obtain warrants to spy on the GOP candidate for Hillary during the election.

- The Liberal media has abandoned the 'Russian Collusion' fable.

The only 'Obstruction' that exists is 1) the Obstruction perpetrated by Obama US AG Loretta Lynch, as Comey explained in his many interviews in which he threw her under the bus, and 2) Rosenstein slow-walking the release of paperwork that will further shed light on the Obama administration's / era's 'Secret Society' and the continuing TREASON that has been and is still being perpetrated by Democrats!

Mueller already held a press conference during which he said Trump is not a Suspect / Target of the investigation, that he was ready to right his 'REPORT', signaling he had reached the end of his investigation without finding ANYTHING against the President. Immediately after that announcement Mueller started to get hammered from both sides - from the Trump-Haters who demanded he finish the job of 'politically assassinating' the President and by those making fun of him and the whole 'witch hunt'.

This has pi$$ed off Mueller, and now he is talking big, threatening to subpoena the President - all the more reason for the President to tell Mueller to F* OFF until he can prove a crime was committed that required investigating; otherwise he can expect a whole lot of '5th' to choke on. No need to play his final desperate hand of 'Gottcha'.

And the leak of Mueller's questions, the leak CNN has led the Liberal charge to accuse the President of being responsible for?

1. The only leaks that have come from this entire witch hunt have come from the FBI and / or Mueller's team. Now is no different. This is just another way to try to attack Trump.

2. CNN leading the charge of accusing the President of leaking these DUMB-ASS questions is all the proof you need that the Liberal Media was collaborated with in running this con of trying to claim the President leaked the info...when Mueller's team / the desperate 'Secret Society', in its death throes, did so.

The Conspirators will not go quietly into the night. Despite everyone seeing all of this for what it has been / is, despite so much evidence of crimes being exposed against the Democrats, the traitors refuse to let it go, refuse to let go of their hate-driven conspiracy.

Perhaps the only way to end this will eventually be a 2nd Special Counsel (and maybe a 3rd) being hired / formed, resulting in Rosenstein, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and Hillary, at least, being Perp Walked off to prison. I look forward to the day when one of the 'Society' cracks, makes a deal, and exposes the puppet pulling all the strings - the leader of the 'Secret Society' - was / has been Barry all the time.
The way Mueller is f*ing with Flynn is disgusting.

Mueller KNOWS Flynn's indictment is a whole lot of 'Scooter Libby' NOTHING.

It - Flynn's Indictment - has NOTHING to do with NON-existent Illegal Russian Collusion.

Flynn moronically lied about something that wasn't even illegal...but then again, Mueller and the criminal GBI (like Strzok) know how to word questions and manipulate witnesses, almost guaranteeing an opportunity to charge anyone they want with 'Lying to the FBI / Investigators' / 'Obstruction'.

I feel a little sorry for Flynn - they have destroyed his life only because he is associated with Donald Trump.

I feel sorry, as well, for Rosenstein and Mueller.

Ronstein is about to be Impeached (when he should be CHARGED) for 'Obstruction', intentionally slow-walking the release of information subpoenaed by Congress which the DOJ promised they would release before now. Then again, that SOB has been proven to have hidden evidence and allowed innocent people to knowingly go to prison - only to be released later when it was found out what he did. F* him - I hope he gets Impeached...then sent to prison himself for 'Obstruction'.

Mueller has now allowed himself to be manipulated by his own PRIDE, forced to threaten to subpoena the President to appear before him to answer questions regarding non-existent Illegal Russian Collusion that not only he but the entire world knows now never happened.

- Democrats have abandoned the 'Russian Collusion' fable. The Democrats filed their own report recently, and in that report they stayed as far away as possible from the 'cornerstone' of their initiating the witch hunt: The debunked 'Dossier' given to the FBI after Hillary paid $12 million to a foreign spy working with Russians, a propaganda-laden report Hillary illegally used during an election and one the FBI illegally used to obtain warrants to spy on the GOP candidate for Hillary during the election.

- The Liberal media has abandoned the 'Russian Collusion' fable.

The only 'Obstruction' that exists is 1) the Obstruction perpetrated by Obama US AG Loretta Lynch, as Comey explained in his many interviews in which he threw her under the bus, and 2) Rosenstein slow-walking the release of paperwork that will further shed light on the Obama administration's / era's 'Secret Society' and the continuing TREASON that has been and is still being perpetrated by Democrats!

Mueller already held a press conference during which he said Trump is not a Suspect / Target of the investigation, that he was ready to right his 'REPORT', signaling he had reached the end of his investigation without finding ANYTHING against the President. Immediately after that announcement Mueller started to get hammered from both sides - from the Trump-Haters who demanded he finish the job of 'politically assassinating' the President and by those making fun of him and the whole 'witch hunt'.

This has pi$$ed off Mueller, and now he is talking big, threatening to subpoena the President - all the more reason for the President to tell Mueller to F* OFF until he can prove a crime was committed that required investigating; otherwise he can expect a whole lot of '5th' to choke on. No need to play his final desperate hand of 'Gottcha'.

And the leak of Mueller's questions, the leak CNN has led the Liberal charge to accuse the President of being responsible for?

1. The only leaks that have come from this entire witch hunt have come from the FBI and / or Mueller's team. Now is no different. This is just another way to try to attack Trump.

2. CNN leading the charge of accusing the President of leaking these DUMB-ASS questions is all the proof you need that the Liberal Media was collaborated with in running this con of trying to claim the President leaked the info...when Mueller's team / the desperate 'Secret Society', in its death throes, did so.

The Conspirators will not go quietly into the night. Despite everyone seeing all of this for what it has been / is, despite so much evidence of crimes being exposed against the Democrats, the traitors refuse to let it go, refuse to let go of their hate-driven conspiracy.

Perhaps the only way to end this will eventually be a 2nd Special Counsel (and maybe a 3rd) being hired / formed, resulting in Rosenstein, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and Hillary, at least, being Perp Walked off to prison. I look forward to the day when one of the 'Society' cracks, makes a deal, and exposes the puppet pulling all the strings - the leader of the 'Secret Society' - was / has been Barry all the time.
nothing wrong with republican traitors twisting in the wind Gives Cohen some time to think about his fate
The way Mueller is f*ing with Flynn is disgusting.

Mueller KNOWS Flynn's indictment is a whole lot of 'Scooter Libby' NOTHING.

It - Flynn's Indictment - has NOTHING to do with NON-existent Illegal Russian Collusion.

Flynn moronically lied about something that wasn't even illegal...but then again, Mueller and the criminal GBI (like Strzok) know how to word questions and manipulate witnesses, almost guaranteeing an opportunity to charge anyone they want with 'Lying to the FBI / Investigators' / 'Obstruction'.

I feel a little sorry for Flynn - they have destroyed his life only because he is associated with Donald Trump.

I feel sorry, as well, for Rosenstein and Mueller.

Ronstein is about to be Impeached (when he should be CHARGED) for 'Obstruction', intentionally slow-walking the release of information subpoenaed by Congress which the DOJ promised they would release before now. Then again, that SOB has been proven to have hidden evidence and allowed innocent people to knowingly go to prison - only to be released later when it was found out what he did. F* him - I hope he gets Impeached...then sent to prison himself for 'Obstruction'.

Mueller has now allowed himself to be manipulated by his own PRIDE, forced to threaten to subpoena the President to appear before him to answer questions regarding non-existent Illegal Russian Collusion that not only he but the entire world knows now never happened.

- Democrats have abandoned the 'Russian Collusion' fable. The Democrats filed their own report recently, and in that report they stayed as far away as possible from the 'cornerstone' of their initiating the witch hunt: The debunked 'Dossier' given to the FBI after Hillary paid $12 million to a foreign spy working with Russians, a propaganda-laden report Hillary illegally used during an election and one the FBI illegally used to obtain warrants to spy on the GOP candidate for Hillary during the election.

- The Liberal media has abandoned the 'Russian Collusion' fable.

The only 'Obstruction' that exists is 1) the Obstruction perpetrated by Obama US AG Loretta Lynch, as Comey explained in his many interviews in which he threw her under the bus, and 2) Rosenstein slow-walking the release of paperwork that will further shed light on the Obama administration's / era's 'Secret Society' and the continuing TREASON that has been and is still being perpetrated by Democrats!

Mueller already held a press conference during which he said Trump is not a Suspect / Target of the investigation, that he was ready to right his 'REPORT', signaling he had reached the end of his investigation without finding ANYTHING against the President. Immediately after that announcement Mueller started to get hammered from both sides - from the Trump-Haters who demanded he finish the job of 'politically assassinating' the President and by those making fun of him and the whole 'witch hunt'.

This has pi$$ed off Mueller, and now he is talking big, threatening to subpoena the President - all the more reason for the President to tell Mueller to F* OFF until he can prove a crime was committed that required investigating; otherwise he can expect a whole lot of '5th' to choke on. No need to play his final desperate hand of 'Gottcha'.

And the leak of Mueller's questions, the leak CNN has led the Liberal charge to accuse the President of being responsible for?

1. The only leaks that have come from this entire witch hunt have come from the FBI and / or Mueller's team. Now is no different. This is just another way to try to attack Trump.

2. CNN leading the charge of accusing the President of leaking these DUMB-ASS questions is all the proof you need that the Liberal Media was collaborated with in running this con of trying to claim the President leaked the info...when Mueller's team / the desperate 'Secret Society', in its death throes, did so.

The Conspirators will not go quietly into the night. Despite everyone seeing all of this for what it has been / is, despite so much evidence of crimes being exposed against the Democrats, the traitors refuse to let it go, refuse to let go of their hate-driven conspiracy.

Perhaps the only way to end this will eventually be a 2nd Special Counsel (and maybe a 3rd) being hired / formed, resulting in Rosenstein, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and Hillary, at least, being Perp Walked off to prison. I look forward to the day when one of the 'Society' cracks, makes a deal, and exposes the puppet pulling all the strings - the leader of the 'Secret Society' - was / has been Barry all the time.

Why did Trump fire Flynn?
nothing wrong with republican traitors twisting in the wind Gives Cohen some time to think about his fate

Thank you for proving how HATE has driven snowflakes 'INSANE'. Tell me, 'dear', how is lying about something that isn't even illegal 'Treason'?

'Lying to the FBI' ... about something that had NOTHING to do with non-existent Illegal Russian Collusion is all Mueller has on Flynn, and it sure as hell does not come anywhere near making him a 'traitor'.

Bwuhahahaha.... You clowns crack me up.....
Why did Trump fire Flynn?
Integrity / Trust. Although Flynn did nothing illegal he still did not tell Trump what he had done. Trump explained this himself...but you guys only hear what you want to hear, I guess.
Why did Trump fire Flynn?
Integrity / Trust. Although Flynn did nothing illegal he still did not tell Trump what he had done. Trump explained this himself...but you guys only hear what you want to hear, I guess.

Who told you Flynn did nothing illegal? Surely not his attorneys who negotiated his plea agreement. Must have been some bullshitter. You're believing what you want to believe. That's Trumpian to the core.
Who told you Flynn did nothing illegal?

MUELLER AND THE FBI! You can't just indict someone for a crime without giving the details. Flynn did 'Lie to Investigators'...but he lied about SOMETHING NOT EVEN ILLEGAL!

You sound like you are surprised by this. Dude, 90% of the time in cases like this, when people get indicted / charged, it is not a 'CRIME' they get indicted for. It is giving a 'false' statement in this game of 'gottcha'. Scooter Libby, for example, was not charged with committing a 'CRIME' he committed before he was interviewed. He was indicted for giving an 'inaccurate' answer. 'GOTTCHA!"

If Donald Trump agrees to be questioned by Mueller and answered any of those leaked questions there is no doubt in my mind he would be indicted.



How do these pertain to 'Criminality'? How can an investigator - or anyone else - determine what someone else THOUGHT or how they FELT....but Mueller would do it.

He would reference / present someone else's perception of what Trump thought or how he felt, and he would attempt to Indict the President....and Muller and the Democrats don't need a CONVICTION against Trump to push for Impeachment. All they need is a BS Indictment from Mueller.
Who told you Flynn did nothing illegal?

MUELLER AND THE FBI! You can't just indict someone for a crime without giving the details. Flynn did 'Lie to Investigators'...but he lied about SOMETHING NOT EVEN ILLEGAL!

You sound like you are surprised by this. Dude, 90% of the time in cases like this, when people get indicted / charged, it is not a 'CRIME' they get indicted for. It is giving a 'false' statement in this game of 'gottcha'. Scooter Libby, for example, was not charged with committing a 'CRIME' he committed before he was interviewed. He was indicted for giving an 'inaccurate' answer. 'GOTTCHA!"

If Donald Trump agrees to be questioned by Mueller and answered any of those leaked questions there is no doubt in my mind he would be indicted.



How do these pertain to 'Criminality'? How can an investigator - or anyone else - determine what someone else THOUGHT or how they FELT....but Mueller would do it.

He would reference / present someone else's perception of what Trump thought or how he felt, and he would attempt to Indict the President....and Muller and the Democrats don't need a CONVICTION against Trump to push for Impeachment. All they need is a BS Indictment from Mueller.

Not true. The Plea Agreement Statement of Offense states: "These facts do not constitute all of the facts known to the parties concerning the charged offense; they are being submitted to demonstrate that sufficient facts exist that the defendant committed the offense to which he is pleading guilty."

You are presuming to know all the facts of the offense when the charging document clearly says you do not.

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents
His sentencing will be delayed until he's met his obligations under the plea arrangement. No doubt testimony in any criminal proceedings where it is required.
Lol Mueller is Freaking Out. He just threatened to subpoena Trump.


What crime is he going to name in his subpoena to even get a judge to sign off on it?

Please subpoena The President Mr. Mueller!
Lol Mueller is Freaking Out. He just threatened to subpoena Trump.

You're the one freaking out, Shirley.

It was just reported that Mueller had discussed a possible subpoena with Dowd a while ago.
Not true. The Plea Agreement Statement of Offense states: "These facts do not constitute all of the facts known to the parties concerning the charged offense; they are being submitted to demonstrate that sufficient facts exist that the defendant committed the offense to which he is pleading guilty."

You are presuming to know all the facts of the offense when the charging document clearly says you do not.

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Yeah, because Mueller's team has been able to keep so much secret. :p

There is an article out today, it has been posted already, that states the main reason Flynn has not been sentenced yet is because Mueller is trying to decide if Flynn has lived up to his part of his plea agreement, which was to tell him everything he knows regarding Trump.

In other words, Flynn has given him NOTHING about Trump...because there is NOTHING. There never has been anything. That has been apparent the whole time.

Even now Mueller can't even scrape together enough evidence to prove there was a crime initially that required evident by Rosenstein slow-walking the release of agreed-upon information Congress has asked for, violating a subpoena and attempting to give Mueller as much time as possible to make a case against the President.

Rosenstein knows if he gave everything they have to Congress, Congress would shut the circus down...and thus he is risking Impeachment for breaking the law - violating a Congressional subpoena...while attempting to paint himself as a 'victim' being intimidated by others:

'I will not be intimidated!'

You mean you will not let Congress 'intimidate you' into obeying their subpoena and handing over the information he promised he would deliver to Congress over a month ago?! You mean no one will 'intimidate you' into STOPPING breaking the law?!

His sentencing will be delayed until he's met his obligations under the plea arrangement. No doubt testimony in any criminal proceedings where it is required.

He has.

He lied about something not even illegal.

He has not given Mueller what he wants - criminal evidence against Trump....because there is none.

If Mueller would have had any shred of evidence against Trump by now he would have acted on it.
No delays needed if they have any evidence of criminal violations. It's just a lot of extortionate harassment, and even that hasn't worked at all for the criminal hack Mueller. these are people not far from being indicted themselves, for treason, obstruction, and bribery by a foreign power. Nothing they make up and falsify will ever stick to Trump or anybody else; they know it too, as we all do.

You're whistling past the graveyard. Mueller is a serious man. Rightwing mudslinging doesn't change that.

Trump's still there, no impeachment in sight, and you're still just peddling fake news like your equally infantile peers here.
His sentencing will be delayed until he's met his obligations under the plea arrangement. No doubt testimony in any criminal proceedings where it is required.

He has.

He lied about something not even illegal.

He has not given Mueller what he wants - criminal evidence against Trump....because there is none.

If Mueller would have had any shred of evidence against Trump by now he would have acted on it.

Of course none of that is true as you have no way of knowing.

We do know however that Flynn has a plea agreement and his legal team agrees with the delay.

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