Mueller Delays Flynn Sentencing Again

Trump is The Blamethrower. They take their cues from him.
Shutting him / them up is really simple - just provide evidence of a crime against him...or that there was ever a crime committed warranting an investigation.

Oh, that's right. No one on the left has any. LOL! :p

It isn't the left's investigation. That's what you get for trusting in Trump. You think he was more honest with you than with his wives, subcontractors, and "students"? You fellas are living in an alternate reality where Hannity's Half-Minute History really happened.

Laying the groundwork to blame the Right when Mueller has to admit there's nothing there, huh?
me thinks Trump must want to be impeached...he must want to call it quits?

Just answer the questions Mr. President.....please stop delaying the inevitable and answer the easy peasy questions, honestly.... so we can get this investigation over with.... please stop dragging it out....this is not a soap opera reality tv show....
poor little snowflake...Following the law scares you, eh?

Rosenstein isn't afraid of Trump's congress critter pawn's trying to obstruct an official investigation!
'Following the Law'? Not at all. I, unlike Democrats, are all for it.

I am against exposed criminal activity, illegally covering it up, ignoring it, protecting those proven to have committed crimes, the Obama administration, his DOJ, his FBI, the DNC Chairwoman, etc.. have been proven to have done.

Perhaps you should ask Rosenstein that question, as he has attempted to shield himself from possible Impeachment for Obstruction by attempting to make it seem publicly that he is the poor wittle victim being bullied...when all he is doing is trying to give Mueller more time to run his circus.
Rosenstein is not releasing info that is involved in official investigations until the investigations are done and over with.... that is protocol and procedure, it is Trump's minions that are trying to obstruct justice dear one! When the investigations are completed, the congress can have all the political crap they want to abuse...
Trump is The Blamethrower. They take their cues from him.
Shutting him / them up is really simple - just provide evidence of a crime against him...or that there was ever a crime committed warranting an investigation.

Oh, that's right. No one on the left has any. LOL! :p

It isn't the left's investigation. That's what you get for trusting in Trump. You think he was more honest with you than with his wives, subcontractors, and "students"? You fellas are living in an alternate reality where Hannity's Half-Minute History really happened.

Laying the groundwork to blame the Right when Mueller has to admit there's nothing there, huh?

It isn't the Right's investigation either, though the Right is attempting to destroy it with character assassination and absurd conspiracy theories. I don't expect Mueller to prove Trump personally conspired with Russians, but I do expect him to prove incontrovertibly that Russia actively interfered in a US election to help Donald Trump. Then, I expect Trump to deny the undeniable, and his base to sing hosannas.
It isn't the left's investigation.


Hillay pays $12 million to a foreign spy working with the Russians for a debunked 'Dossier'. She gives it to the FBI, who uses it for her to illegally obtain FISA warrants to spy on Hillary's opponent and his team during a Presidential election. (The FBI at this time is already proven to have voiced their desire NOT to see Trump become President and brag about having an 'Insurance policy' against him in case he does.) At the same time Hillary associates obtain more Russian-generated propaganda, give it to Steele, who then drafts a 2ND Doiser, and gives it to the FBI...except this one is even less believable than the 1st & the FBI rejects it.

The FBI has already stated and the Congressional Report shows the Trump Investigation originated from 2 things:
- 1) The Opposition research provided to them by Hillary Clinton from the foreign spy working with Russians.

- 2) The contact / tip from a HUGE Hillary supporter and donor about the meeting / situation he set up with an un-paid self-important Trump campaign worker, specifically the contents of an 'overheard drunken conversation in a Brit Pub's bathroom.

An FBI spokesman stated that without these 2 things they would have gotten no FISA warrants, and there would not effectively have been any investigation and no Special Counsel, thus No Witch Hunt.

So the 2 incidents / things that started the entire Witch hunt both came from / can be traced back to Hillary Clinton and her supporters / donors....

NONE of Mueller's hand-picked political assassination squad members are Republicans or Conservatives...or even NON-partisans. It consists of nothing but HUGE Hillary supporters and donors - even 1 Lawyer who runs / ran the Clinton Foundation...REALLY?!

And you say it is not the 'Left's Investigation'?!

Bwuhahaha....go peddle that BS to your liberal buddies. I am sure you will get a 'Harrumpf' from them. :p
yesterday you all were blaming Mueller for leaking them and thought he should go to prison!

I still think he leaked them, and I still think he needs to go to prison.

What questions are the ''gotcha'' questions?

Ask Scooter Libby...

I still think he leaked them, and I still think he needs to go to prison.

Well, you're a moron.

The questions were written by Sekulow.
Therefore they had to be leaked by someone on or close to the Trump legal team.
It isn't the left's investigation.


Hillay pays $12 million to a foreign spy working with the Russians for a debunked 'Dossier'. She gives it to the FBI, who uses it for her to illegally obtain FISA warrants to spy on Hillary's opponent and his team during a Presidential election. (The FBI at this time is already proven to have voiced their desire NOT to see Trump become President and brag about having an 'Insurance policy' against him in case he does.) At the same time Hillary associates obtain more Russian-generated propaganda, give it to Steele, who then drafts a 2ND Doiser, and gives it to the FBI...except this one is even less believable than the 1st & the FBI rejects it.

The FBI has already stated and the Congressional Report shows the Trump Investigation originated from 2 things:
- 1) The Opposition research provided to them by Hillary Clinton from the foreign spy working with Russians.

- 2) The contact / tip from a HUGE Hillary supporter and donor about the meeting / situation he set up with an un-paid self-important Trump campaign worker, specifically the contents of an 'overheard drunken conversation in a Brit Pub's bathroom.

An FBI spokesman stated that without these 2 things they would have gotten no FISA warrants, and there would not effectively have been any investigation and no Special Counsel, thus No Witch Hunt.

So the 2 incidents / things that started the entire Witch hunt both came from / can be traced back to Hillary Clinton and her supporters / donors....

NONE of Mueller's hand-picked political assassination squad members are Republicans or Conservatives...or even NON-partisans. It consists of nothing but HUGE Hillary supporters and donors - even 1 Lawyer who runs / ran the Clinton Foundation...REALLY?!

And you say it is not the 'Left's Investigation'?!

Bwuhahaha....go peddle that BS to your liberal buddies. I am sure you will get a 'Harrumpf' from them. :p

You left out the black helicopters and the grassy knoll.
Rosenstein is not releasing info that is involved in official investigations until the investigations are done and over with....

Rosenstein has been subpoenaed and ordered to release information.

The information Rosenstein has failed to / refuses to hand over are documents he already agreed to release after negotiating with Congress.

Rosenstein is not guilty of Obstruction, intentionally missing a Congressional deadline, refusing to comply with a subpoena. Forget 'Impeachment' - he is lucky he isn't getting PERP-WALKED out of his office or home.
Hillay pays $12 million to a foreign spy working with the Russians for a debunked 'Dossier'.
you are a LIAR from here to kingdom come!

Christopher Steele was paid less than $150,000 for the Dossier gumshoe work....




No Russians were paid informants.....that's another lie and fake news....
Rosenstein is not releasing info that is involved in official investigations until the investigations are done and over with....

Rosenstein has been subpoenaed and ordered to release information.

The information Rosenstein has failed to / refuses to hand over are documents he already agreed to release after negotiating with Congress.

Rosenstein is not guilty of Obstruction, intentionally missing a Congressional deadline, refusing to comply with a subpoena. Forget 'Impeachment' - he is lucky he isn't getting PERP-WALKED out of his office or home.
Forget 'Impeachment' - he is lucky he isn't getting PERP-WALKED out of his office or home.
Congress has no such authority, dope.
Hillay pays $12 million to a foreign spy working with the Russians for a debunked 'Dossier'.
you are a LIAR from here to kingdom come!

Christopher Steele was paid less than $150,000 for the Dossier gumshoe work....




No Russians were paid informants.....that's another lie and fake news....
Next time you try to call someone a liar I suggest you back it up with evidence to support your claim - Don't be a 'Mueller', accusing someone without evidence. Then again, that's what you people do....

'Perkins Coie was paid $12.4 million to represent the Clinton campaign and the D.N.C. during the 2016 campaign, according to filings. The role of the Clinton campaign and the national party in funding the research for the dossier was first reported on Tuesday by The Washington Post.'

Clinton Campaign and Democratic Party Helped Pay for Russia Trump Dossier
Rosenstein is not releasing info that is involved in official investigations until the investigations are done and over with....

Rosenstein has been subpoenaed and ordered to release information.

The information Rosenstein has failed to / refuses to hand over are documents he already agreed to release after negotiating with Congress.

Rosenstein is not guilty of Obstruction, intentionally missing a Congressional deadline, refusing to comply with a subpoena. Forget 'Impeachment' - he is lucky he isn't getting PERP-WALKED out of his office or home.
link to where Rosenstein agreed to give them to them and on what time table, to support your CLAIM please...ty!
link to where Rosenstein agreed to give them to them and on what time table, to support your CLAIM please...ty!
I have given you ... and other snowflakes on this board...that information / link before. I am not your lazy-@ss 'Google' or 'Wiki'! Next time I provide links either remember them write them down, or do your own research.

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