Mueller hires another Dem donor. Oh no freaking bias Mueller's a bad joke

Since the eventual Mueller investigation report will have to be backed up by solid evidence and stand up in court I wonder how the Trumpbots think there is some partisan conspiracy here. Do any of you actually think Mueller is going to fabricate evidence and get away with it? His report will be the most closely scrutinized government report ever, and probably the most ironclad, lawyer proof thing we have ever seen.
Hes too political to do a good job... fact
Not fact, only your opinion, which counts for nothing.
You anti-Mueller people do realize that it doesn't really matter what his opinion or the opinion of his staff is, right? He is an investigator. Investigations are based on facts. Do you really think he could just make shit up and somehow no one would notice?

Y'all are crazy. If Trump didn't do anything wrong, that's what they'll find. If he did ... they'll probably find it. If Trump didn't do anything, then he has nothing to fear, and I have no idea why he's kicking and squirming so hard.
If there is no evidence to find, as conservatives have claimed ad nauseam, any bias is irrelevant.

Or is the conservatives' denial becoming unsure?



Whatever Mueller comes up with against Trump will have zero, zip, nada credibility/

This whole farce is right out of Comey's playbook when he launched a war against the Bush administration by assigning Patrick Fitzgerald into the ridiculous Valerie Plane non scandal.

Comey is a real scumbucket. All that's different is by leaking to the NYT's he managed to manouver his best buddy and mentor into Special Counsel instead of the godfather of his child Fitzpatrick.

Wait till you catch the connections to Obama. :lol: His wife was nominated as a Federal Judge by Obama. Oh no bias here.


"Eight confirmed Democratic donors are now working for special counsel Robert Mueller’s legal team with the new addition of Greg Andres.

Reuters reported that Andres, who most recently worked as white collar defense attorney for the New York firm Davis Polk, will be joining Mueller’s investigation into Russian election interference.

A search of federal election records shows that Andres has donated at least a total of $3700 to federal Democratic candidates, including $2700 to New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand in March 2017.

The Daily Caller previously reported that the seven other Democratic attorneys working with Mueller have donated a little over $60,700 to Democratic campaigns.

Andres, 50, also has another connection to the Democratic Party as his wife, Ronnie Abrams, is a federal judge that was nominated by President Barack Obama in 2011.

Abrams was also reportedly assigned to a case in which a watchdog group is claiming President Trump has violated the Constitution because his hotels do business with foreign governments."

Mueller Hires Yet Another Democratic Donor

The fact is that Mueller has more credibility than Donald Trump. Each of these attorneys have impeccable credentials and have expertise in certain areas. Voters are wondering what Donald Trump is hiding. The fact is that these fake conservatives are doing more harm to Trump than Mueller.
If Mueller thinks that hiring another Hussein Obama administration official will help put an end concerns of Trump supporters about the investigation, he is wrong!

He is hiring Demrat donors as if there is no tomorrow....already three lawyers that are Demrat donors!

If anybody thinks this is going to be fair .... think again.

What a joke!

You're the joke. You are a mind numbed robot who can't think for yourself.

imagine that too.


OH boy oh boy! It's not gonna end anytime soon....

Mueller, who was appointed special counsel in May, is looking into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the election, among other matters. Congressional committees are also investigating the matter.

That Mueller continues to expand his team means the probe is not going to end anytime soon, said Robert Ray, who succeeded Kenneth Starr as independent counsel for the Whitewater investigation during the Clinton administration.

"It's an indication that the investigation is going to extend well into 2018," said Ray. "Whether it extends beyond 2018 is an open question."

The special counsel last month asked the White House to preserve all of its communications about a June 2016 meeting that included the president’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., his son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner, and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.
OH boy oh boy! It's not gonna end anytime soon....

Mueller, who was appointed special counsel in May, is looking into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the election, among other matters. Congressional committees are also investigating the matter.

That Mueller continues to expand his team means the probe is not going to end anytime soon, said Robert Ray, who succeeded Kenneth Starr as independent counsel for the Whitewater investigation during the Clinton administration.

"It's an indication that the investigation is going to extend well into 2018," said Ray. "Whether it extends beyond 2018 is an open question."

The special counsel last month asked the White House to preserve all of its communications about a June 2016 meeting that included the president’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., his son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner, and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.

wait until he subpoenas Trumps tax returns ... hello fraud.
Wonder why nobody is talking about the new investigation into, Hillery, Lynch, Comey, Obama. Congress is steaming, they are saying the proof of collusion is there.
They have no protection now from DOJ or FBI.
This is great news.
And yes they have been investigated before, but remember it called a matter.
Without their protection it's called an investigation!

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He is a walking talking conflicr of interest, and his team is a well thought out 'hit squad'.

That being said, I have no problem with them because they have destroyed their credibility as a legit Special Counsel. Nothing negative coming out of them will be taken seriously by anyone other than snowflakes.

There are no lengths you won't go to in covering the incompetent orange clown's ass. You believe his every lie, and parrot them verbatim.

Nearly all of the Benghazi hearings were conducted by Republicans and they still cleared Clinton and Obama of wrong doing.

Everyone in Washington is involved in politics and donated to s party. So yes, some of Muellers staff donated to the Democrats. That doesn't mean they have a "conflict", nor does it disqualify them from working for Mueller any more than Kenn Starr being a Republican disqualified him from the job of Special Prosecutor against the Clintons.

You clowns must be shitting yourselves to even be trying to make these claims. Or maybe you're just parroting Trump's ligne du jour.

For being so incompetent, he seems to be doing a pretty good job to me.
There are no lengths you won't go to in covering the incompetent orange clown's ass. You believe his every lie, and parrot them verbatim.

DL, let's cut the shit, shall we?

You accused me of covering Trump's ass. I did no such thing in my comment. I simply pointed out how more and more politicians have pointed out Mueller's blatantly obvious Conflict of Interest in being Lead Counsel and have begun to call him to step down.

You accused me of believing Trump's every lie, when, again, you know I did no such thing in my comment. I FACTUALLY pointed out how Mueller has built a team comprised of Hillary Donors, Trump-Haters, and Clinton Lawyers. There is not even an attempt being made to create the appearance of 'objectivity'.

Someone has dared to challenge the already proven Witch Hunt and the make-up of the 'Get Trump' 'Dream Team' Mueller has put together, so you seek to silence / discredit me by attacking me personally. I am afraid it has resulted in the opposite effect, as I laugh at you and chuckle as I reply, 'STFU!' :p

If and when a 2nd Special Counsel is formed to finally address the REAL, already proven crimes perpetrated by the Democrats - who exposed these crimes themselves in their failures to 'get Trump'...should a strong Republican be named Lead Counsel and begin forming such a seemingly biased team with 1 single purpose - to bring down the Democrats, you will be one of the first cry-baby, butt-hurt whiners squealing about how the Counsel is tainted. Your hypocrisy would not allow you to do anything else but....

But back to Trump... Mueller is spending more time building his 'I Hate Trump' Dream Team than he has investigating Trump in the last 2 months he has been Lead Counsel. This tells people that Mueller is in no hurry to resolve this issue but is instead in it for the 'Long haul'. He is determined to take as long as possible - the longer the better for Democrats so they can drag this out and bog down the Trump administration as long as possible - all the way to 2018...or 2020 if possible.

This tells me that Mueller intends to dig into EVERY aspect of Trump and his team's life - until someone reigns him in. It tells me he will continue to dig, dragging this out until someone finally plugs...and then Democrats will scream 'Obstruction'...even if the investigation is in it's 2nd or 3rd year. It also tells me Mueller will not stop until he at least has his 'Scooter Libby' to justify the Witch Hunt.
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The far right can whine and make accusations all they want, nothing is stopping the Mueller investigation.
And nothing should stop it....until Mueller and his team goes too far off the reservation. Again, the outcome has already been tainted by Mueller and the team he has still forming. The message has been sent out by Mueller, loudly and clearly - 'Trump must be brought down at all costs...and if they just can not do so they will find their own 'Scooter Libby'.

...meanwhile Democrats are attempting to protect two female Democrats, both of whom have committed Espionage, and a former President who he and his staff have violated numerous laws in an attempt to bring Trump down and defend Obama's 'Legacy'. By doing so, he has replaced his intended Legacy with one of crime, scandal, and sedition for selfish personal reasons.
OH boy oh boy! It's not gonna end anytime soon....

Mueller, who was appointed special counsel in May, is looking into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the election, among other matters. Congressional committees are also investigating the matter.

That Mueller continues to expand his team means the probe is not going to end anytime soon, said Robert Ray, who succeeded Kenneth Starr as independent counsel for the Whitewater investigation during the Clinton administration.

"It's an indication that the investigation is going to extend well into 2018," said Ray. "Whether it extends beyond 2018 is an open question."

The special counsel last month asked the White House to preserve all of its communications about a June 2016 meeting that included the president’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., his son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner, and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Trump's been "under investigation" since June 2016, by the FBI and who knows who else?

If there was any dirt on him, it would have been used to tank his election chances.

Didn't happen.
If Pres Trump has nothing to hide he wouldn't be trying to obstruct justice, the way he is doing, over and over and over again....imo......And it started on day one of his presidency....his cover up. If he were squeaky clean he would have encouraged the investigation of the Russian interference.....he's lied so many times about it......No one in their right mind, can believe him anymore.....
He is a walking talking conflicr of interest, and his team is a well thought out 'hit squad'.

That being said, I have no problem with them because they have destroyed their credibility as a legit Special Counsel. Nothing negative coming out of them will be taken seriously by anyone other than snowflakes.

There are no lengths you won't go to in covering the incompetent orange clown's ass. You believe his every lie, and parrot them verbatim.

Nearly all of the Benghazi hearings were conducted by Republicans and they still cleared Clinton and Obama of wrong doing.

Everyone in Washington is involved in politics and donated to s party. So yes, some of Muellers staff donated to the Democrats. That doesn't mean they have a "conflict", nor does it disqualify them from working for Mueller any more than Kenn Starr being a Republican disqualified him from the job of Special Prosecutor against the Clintons.

You clowns must be shitting yourselves to even be trying to make these claims. Or maybe you're just parroting Trump's ligne du jour.

For being so incompetent, he seems to be doing a pretty good job to me.

It shows how gulli-bull you are. Aside from Trump sycophants, the majority of voters do not think he is doing a good job.
It shows how gulli-bull you are. Aside from Trump sycophants, the majority of voters do not think he is doing a good job.
The American people placed Trump into office to accomplish his agenda. So far the Washington Establishment GOP have avoided getting that done with the help of 100% vocally committed obstructionist Democrats who have seditiously continued to attempt to slow down that agenda and undermine / overthrow the newly elected President.

So, has Mueller completed putting together his 'I Hate Trump' Dream Team, and is he ready to actually start investigating now (after months), or does he have more Clinton Lawyers and donors to add to the team? :p

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