Mueller hires another Dem donor. Oh no freaking bias Mueller's a bad joke

If Pres Trump has nothing to hide he wouldn't be trying to obstruct justice, the way he is doing, over and over and over again....imo......And it started on day one of his presidency....his cover up. If he were squeaky clean he would have encouraged the investigation of the Russian interference.....he's lied so many times about it......No one in their right mind, can believe him anymore.....

What obstruction of justice? What cover up?
He is a walking talking conflicr of interest, and his team is a well thought out 'hit squad'.

That being said, I have no problem with them because they have destroyed their credibility as a legit Special Counsel. Nothing negative coming out of them will be taken seriously by anyone other than snowflakes.

There are no lengths you won't go to in covering the incompetent orange clown's ass. You believe his every lie, and parrot them verbatim.

Nearly all of the Benghazi hearings were conducted by Republicans and they still cleared Clinton and Obama of wrong doing.

Everyone in Washington is involved in politics and donated to s party. So yes, some of Muellers staff donated to the Democrats. That doesn't mean they have a "conflict", nor does it disqualify them from working for Mueller any more than Kenn Starr being a Republican disqualified him from the job of Special Prosecutor against the Clintons.

You clowns must be shitting yourselves to even be trying to make these claims. Or maybe you're just parroting Trump's ligne du jour.

For being so incompetent, he seems to be doing a pretty good job to me.

It shows how gulli-bull you are. Aside from Trump sycophants, the majority of voters do not think he is doing a good job.

Still believing in the polls?


Look where it got you last November.
OH boy oh boy! It's not gonna end anytime soon....

Mueller, who was appointed special counsel in May, is looking into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the election, among other matters. Congressional committees are also investigating the matter.

That Mueller continues to expand his team means the probe is not going to end anytime soon, said Robert Ray, who succeeded Kenneth Starr as independent counsel for the Whitewater investigation during the Clinton administration.

"It's an indication that the investigation is going to extend well into 2018," said Ray. "Whether it extends beyond 2018 is an open question."

The special counsel last month asked the White House to preserve all of its communications about a June 2016 meeting that included the president’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., his son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner, and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.

wait until he subpoenas Trumps tax returns ... hello fraud.

If the IRS under Obama couldn't nail Trump for fraud how in heaven's name do you think Mueller can find fraud?

Now what the evil son of a bitch best friends with Comey will do is leak information out about his tax returns.
OH boy oh boy! It's not gonna end anytime soon....

Mueller, who was appointed special counsel in May, is looking into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the election, among other matters. Congressional committees are also investigating the matter.

That Mueller continues to expand his team means the probe is not going to end anytime soon, said Robert Ray, who succeeded Kenneth Starr as independent counsel for the Whitewater investigation during the Clinton administration.

"It's an indication that the investigation is going to extend well into 2018," said Ray. "Whether it extends beyond 2018 is an open question."

The special counsel last month asked the White House to preserve all of its communications about a June 2016 meeting that included the president’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., his son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner, and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.

wait until he subpoenas Trumps tax returns ... hello fraud.

If the IRS under Obama couldn't nail Trump for fraud how in heaven's name do you think Mueller can find fraud?

Now what the evil son of a bitch best friends with Comey will do is leak information out about his tax returns.
if they are leaked, which I doubt will happen....but if they were leaked, President Trump had already promised to show them to us once his audit was done.
Whatever Mueller comes up with against Trump will have zero, zip, nada credibility/

This whole farce is right out of Comey's playbook when he launched a war against the Bush administration by assigning Patrick Fitzgerald into the ridiculous Valerie Plane non scandal.

Comey is a real scumbucket. All that's different is by leaking to the NYT's he managed to manouver his best buddy and mentor into Special Counsel instead of the godfather of his child Fitzpatrick.

Wait till you catch the connections to Obama. :lol: His wife was nominated as a Federal Judge by Obama. Oh no bias here.


"Eight confirmed Democratic donors are now working for special counsel Robert Mueller’s legal team with the new addition of Greg Andres.

Reuters reported that Andres, who most recently worked as white collar defense attorney for the New York firm Davis Polk, will be joining Mueller’s investigation into Russian election interference.

A search of federal election records shows that Andres has donated at least a total of $3700 to federal Democratic candidates, including $2700 to New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand in March 2017.

The Daily Caller previously reported that the seven other Democratic attorneys working with Mueller have donated a little over $60,700 to Democratic campaigns.

Andres, 50, also has another connection to the Democratic Party as his wife, Ronnie Abrams, is a federal judge that was nominated by President Barack Obama in 2011.

Abrams was also reportedly assigned to a case in which a watchdog group is claiming President Trump has violated the Constitution because his hotels do business with foreign governments."

Mueller Hires Yet Another Democratic Donor

Here's one of the biggest Democratic donors of all time:

""""Despite his fiscal loyalty to Republicans after 2011, Trump was questioned about his political contributions to Democrats while on the campaign trail. During a June 2015 interview, Trump was asked why he donated to the Clinton Foundation and other prominent Democrats, including Hillary Clinton (N.Y.), Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.), John Kerry (Mass.), and Rahm Emanuel (Ill.), President Obama's White House chief of staff, among others.

  • From 1989 to 2015, Donald Trump has made $1,845,290 worth of political donations. Republicans received $1,150,540, and Democrats received $694,750.
  • Before 2011, Trump donated more money to Democrats than Republicans.
So besides the point on the top of your head, what other point are you trying to show us?
Unlike the Democrat hypocrite in the White House, the eight Dems that Mueller hired will follow the law to the letter. I hope the seven Republicans who make up the 15 on the team are as honest as Robert Mueller, a life-long Republican.

Put a fork in this utterly desperate thread, it's done.

Donald Trump Has Given Millions To Pro-Romney SuperPACs And His Whole Family Is Cutting Checks To Mitt's Campaign
Whatever Mueller comes up with against Trump will have zero, zip, nada credibility/

This whole farce is right out of Comey's playbook when he launched a war against the Bush administration by assigning Patrick Fitzgerald into the ridiculous Valerie Plane non scandal.

Comey is a real scumbucket. All that's different is by leaking to the NYT's he managed to manouver his best buddy and mentor into Special Counsel instead of the godfather of his child Fitzpatrick.

Wait till you catch the connections to Obama. :lol: His wife was nominated as a Federal Judge by Obama. Oh no bias here.


"Eight confirmed Democratic donors are now working for special counsel Robert Mueller’s legal team with the new addition of Greg Andres.

Reuters reported that Andres, who most recently worked as white collar defense attorney for the New York firm Davis Polk, will be joining Mueller’s investigation into Russian election interference.

A search of federal election records shows that Andres has donated at least a total of $3700 to federal Democratic candidates, including $2700 to New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand in March 2017.

The Daily Caller previously reported that the seven other Democratic attorneys working with Mueller have donated a little over $60,700 to Democratic campaigns.

Andres, 50, also has another connection to the Democratic Party as his wife, Ronnie Abrams, is a federal judge that was nominated by President Barack Obama in 2011.

Abrams was also reportedly assigned to a case in which a watchdog group is claiming President Trump has violated the Constitution because his hotels do business with foreign governments."

Mueller Hires Yet Another Democratic Donor

Here's one of the biggest Democratic donors of all time:

""""Despite his fiscal loyalty to Republicans after 2011, Trump was questioned about his political contributions to Democrats while on the campaign trail. During a June 2015 interview, Trump was asked why he donated to the Clinton Foundation and other prominent Democrats, including Hillary Clinton (N.Y.), Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.), John Kerry (Mass.), and Rahm Emanuel (Ill.), President Obama's White House chief of staff, among others.

  • From 1989 to 2015, Donald Trump has made $1,845,290 worth of political donations. Republicans received $1,150,540, and Democrats received $694,750.
  • Before 2011, Trump donated more money to Democrats than Republicans.
So besides the point on the top of your head, what other point are you trying to show us?

How stupid are you? Many business individuals donate money to both parties. WTF does that have to do with Mueller setting up an obviously biased hit squad against Trump?

Unlike the Democrat hypocrite in the White House, the eight Dems that Mueller hired will follow the law to the letter. I hope the seven Republicans who make up the 15 on the team are as honest as Robert Mueller, a life-long Republican.

Put a fork in this utterly desperate thread, it's done.

Get the hell out of it then.
The far right can whine and make accusations all they want, nothing is stopping the Mueller investigation.
Investigation in to what?

You can't investigate a crime if there has been no crime committed.

At least with Watergate there was a crime committed.

Exactly what crime is Mueller Investigating again?

Anyone have an answer?
Whatever Mueller comes up with against Trump will have zero, zip, nada credibility/

This whole farce is right out of Comey's playbook when he launched a war against the Bush administration by assigning Patrick Fitzgerald into the ridiculous Valerie Plane non scandal.

Comey is a real scumbucket. All that's different is by leaking to the NYT's he managed to manouver his best buddy and mentor into Special Counsel instead of the godfather of his child Fitzpatrick.

Wait till you catch the connections to Obama. :lol: His wife was nominated as a Federal Judge by Obama. Oh no bias here.


"Eight confirmed Democratic donors are now working for special counsel Robert Mueller’s legal team with the new addition of Greg Andres.

Reuters reported that Andres, who most recently worked as white collar defense attorney for the New York firm Davis Polk, will be joining Mueller’s investigation into Russian election interference.

A search of federal election records shows that Andres has donated at least a total of $3700 to federal Democratic candidates, including $2700 to New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand in March 2017.

The Daily Caller previously reported that the seven other Democratic attorneys working with Mueller have donated a little over $60,700 to Democratic campaigns.

Andres, 50, also has another connection to the Democratic Party as his wife, Ronnie Abrams, is a federal judge that was nominated by President Barack Obama in 2011.

Abrams was also reportedly assigned to a case in which a watchdog group is claiming President Trump has violated the Constitution because his hotels do business with foreign governments."

Mueller Hires Yet Another Democratic Donor

Here's one of the biggest Democratic donors of all time:

""""Despite his fiscal loyalty to Republicans after 2011, Trump was questioned about his political contributions to Democrats while on the campaign trail. During a June 2015 interview, Trump was asked why he donated to the Clinton Foundation and other prominent Democrats, including Hillary Clinton (N.Y.), Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.), John Kerry (Mass.), and Rahm Emanuel (Ill.), President Obama's White House chief of staff, among others.

  • From 1989 to 2015, Donald Trump has made $1,845,290 worth of political donations. Republicans received $1,150,540, and Democrats received $694,750.
  • Before 2011, Trump donated more money to Democrats than Republicans.
So besides the point on the top of your head, what other point are you trying to show us?

How stupid are you? Many business individuals donate money to both parties. WTF does that have to do with Mueller setting up an obviously biased hit squad against Trump?


Mueller JUST take this ALL THE WAY EVERYWHERE! Like the Clinton years.
For Hillary teaming up on the legal team, chasing out Nixon. But they ran it
on known direct crimes only. Not so much by Star. The Orange One's 30 years of
crimes, needs to be fully explored in filed taxes. Really, this will end badly just
from the tax returns. Everyone knows what the douche has done for decades.
They review it at 1%er parties all the time.
Whatever Mueller comes up with against Trump will have zero, zip, nada credibility/

This whole farce is right out of Comey's playbook when he launched a war against the Bush administration by assigning Patrick Fitzgerald into the ridiculous Valerie Plane non scandal.

Comey is a real scumbucket. All that's different is by leaking to the NYT's he managed to manouver his best buddy and mentor into Special Counsel instead of the godfather of his child Fitzpatrick.

Wait till you catch the connections to Obama. :lol: His wife was nominated as a Federal Judge by Obama. Oh no bias here.


"Eight confirmed Democratic donors are now working for special counsel Robert Mueller’s legal team with the new addition of Greg Andres.

Reuters reported that Andres, who most recently worked as white collar defense attorney for the New York firm Davis Polk, will be joining Mueller’s investigation into Russian election interference.

A search of federal election records shows that Andres has donated at least a total of $3700 to federal Democratic candidates, including $2700 to New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand in March 2017.

The Daily Caller previously reported that the seven other Democratic attorneys working with Mueller have donated a little over $60,700 to Democratic campaigns.

Andres, 50, also has another connection to the Democratic Party as his wife, Ronnie Abrams, is a federal judge that was nominated by President Barack Obama in 2011.

Abrams was also reportedly assigned to a case in which a watchdog group is claiming President Trump has violated the Constitution because his hotels do business with foreign governments."

Mueller Hires Yet Another Democratic Donor


Mueller has hired 13 attorneys so far.

6 contributed money to various Democrats or Democrat committees- one a total of $200.00.
1 of the 6 contributed to both Republicans and Democrats.
7 didn't contribute any money at all.

Now Republicans are big on saying that political contributions are covered by the First Amendment- and don't influence anyone.

Except of course when they are attorneys......investigating Trump....
The far right can whine and make accusations all they want, nothing is stopping the Mueller investigation.
Investigation in to what?

You can't investigate a crime if there has been no crime committed.

The investigation is into Russia and its interference in the election. The investigation, in part, is to discover whether there was a crime committed.

Trumpsters are deeply opposed to any investigation because it might find such a crime.

Try again. What does, if being a lib here, have to do with anything? As you are all knowing, prove claims.
If you're honest in judging, which is alway my positions. Unless just bias, which is not my forte.
What does that matter, but for bias folks? On what are facts. Facts are just the Facts.

btw. I'm never sorry about how facts feel. To the weak.
The far right can whine and make accusations all they want, nothing is stopping the Mueller investigation.
Investigation in to what?

You can't investigate a crime if there has been no crime committed.

The investigation is into Russia and its interference in the election. The investigation, in part, is to discover whether there was a crime committed.

Trumpsters are deeply opposed to any investigation because it might find such a crime.

Oh I want the investigations to continue. For a long time until I find out who unmasked and leaked information on the Trump campaign and personnel.

I want to know McCain's expanded roll in procuring the dossier.

I want to know who paid for the dossier. Did the Never Trumper pay for Russian informants or was it only the Democrat?

Put all the names forward regarding the dossier because talk about collusion. Here you have politicos in America paying Russian informants for dirt on Trump.

I want to know all the connections between the Ukraine/DNC collusion. I am certain that there are more than I am aware of and I've discovered quite a few links.

Oh by all means let the investigations go on. Till everything is flushed in the open.
The far right can whine and make accusations all they want, nothing is stopping the Mueller investigation.
Investigation in to what?

You can't investigate a crime if there has been no crime committed.

The investigation is into Russia and its interference in the election. The investigation, in part, is to discover whether there was a crime committed.

Trumpsters are deeply opposed to any investigation because it might find such a crime.

Oh I want the investigations to continue. For a long time until I find out who unmasked and leaked information on the Trump campaign and personnel.

I want to know McCain's expanded roll in procuring the dossier.

I want to know who paid for the dossier. Did the Never Trumper pay for Russian informants or was it only the Democrat?

Put all the names forward regarding the dossier because talk about collusion. Here you have politicos in America paying Russian informants for dirt on Trump.

I want to know all the connections between the Ukraine/DNC collusion. I am certain that there are more than I am aware of and I've discovered quite a few links.

Oh by all means let the investigations go on. Till everything is flushed in the open.

Good we are in agreement- let the investigation continue- despite the effort of the Trumpskytes to derail it.
The far right can whine and make accusations all they want, nothing is stopping the Mueller investigation.
Investigation in to what?

You can't investigate a crime if there has been no crime committed.

At least with Watergate there was a crime committed.

Exactly what crime is Mueller Investigating again?

Anyone have an answer?

Well, to start with. Russia and the Douche ties of 2016.

See Clinton. Blow Jobs are not crimes above 18yrs old. Why was Star there at all?

WATERGATE true. And Hillary became the rights known enemy that year.

Whatever he wants to. See the Clinton years. Clinton's did release their taxes btw.

Read above again! Repeat.
Learn how to speak English if you are
going to discuss American politics.

You barely make sense.
The far right can whine and make accusations all they want, nothing is stopping the Mueller investigation.
Investigation in to what?

You can't investigate a crime if there has been no crime committed.

At least with Watergate there was a crime committed.

Exactly what crime is Mueller Investigating again?

Anyone have an answer?

Well, to start with. Russia and the Douche ties of 2016.

See Clinton. Blow Jobs are not crimes above 18yrs old. Why was Star there at all?

WATERGATE true. And Hillary became the rights known enemy that year.

Whatever he wants to. See the Clinton years. Clinton's did release their taxes btw.

Read above again! Repeat.
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This one is going to infuriate Trump.
It's former fraud Prosecutor Greg Andres whose speciality is looking into white collar crime, money laundering etc.
His job will be to " follow the money."
Trump's money, which will lead to subpoenas for his tax returns.
If Trump has nothing to hide he won't bat an eyelash.
But we all know the whiny little bitch has a lot to hide which is why he's refused to release his tax returns.

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