Mueller hires another Dem donor. Oh no freaking bias Mueller's a bad joke

Once Trump knows Mueller is subpoenaing his tax returns, he's going to try to fire him which will seal his guilt.
But take heed fat boy... there's a long list of republicans that have said if he fires Mueller" It will be the end of his presidency."
Greg Andres? The same ambulance-chaser who was a partner at Davis Polk & Wardwell, who also represented Goldman-Sachs in an advisory capacity.

The same Goldman Sachs that Trump has loaded up his swamp with.
The guy is an expert at what he does which I'm sure is scaring the bejesus out of you.
Once Trump's financial matters are exposed to the world it's curtains for him. Just have some strong meds on hand for yourself when the shit hits the fan..

Let's see: First it was because "Putin helped him win the election." That fizzled out. Then it was "obstruction of Justice". That also fizzled out. Then it was excessive use of Twitter: Sorry, no impeachment there. Then he had two scoops of ice cream!!! Ooops, no impeachment there either.

This time for sure!

Greg Andres? The same ambulance-chaser who was a partner at Davis Polk & Wardwell, who also represented Goldman-Sachs in an advisory capacity.

The same Goldman Sachs that Trump has loaded up his swamp with.
The guy is an expert at what he does which I'm sure is scaring the bejesus out of you.
Once Trump's financial matters are exposed to the world it's curtains for him. Just have some strong meds on hand for yourself when the shit hits the fan..
the thing is Reas, you don't know that...the investigating by these guys have for the most part, well, they haven't even begun...they didn't come on board for a one month job, and leave their other jobs for's gonna be a thorough, legal, impartial investigation and if there are crimes to be prosecuted they will do so, if warranted....they are known to be expert prosecutors in their fields...

but in so many words hyping the trump team is going down like a rock, only supports the right wing's meme that this is a witch hunt and does a disservice to actual Justice. imo


do I THINK he and team is guilty and certainly acting like a guilty person? HECK YES!
I just heard a lawyer say," Mueller has hired the best group of lawyers, the best law firm, ever. "

Trump is so toast..
Greg Andres? The same ambulance-chaser who was a partner at Davis Polk & Wardwell, who also represented Goldman-Sachs in an advisory capacity.

The same Goldman Sachs that Trump has loaded up his swamp with.
The guy is an expert at what he does which I'm sure is scaring the bejesus out of you.
Once Trump's financial matters are exposed to the world it's curtains for him. Just have some strong meds on hand for yourself when the shit hits the fan..

Let's see: First it was because "Putin helped him win the election." That fizzled out. Then it was "obstruction of Justice". That also fizzled out. Then it was excessive use of Twitter: Sorry, no impeachment there. Then he had two scoops of ice cream!!! Ooops, no impeachment there either.

This time for sure!

How has obstruction of justice " fizzled out?"
The dope admitted it live on TV. The only thing you ever have are lies.
I had this up already. Huge Democrat. Wife was appointed a Judge by Obama. Mueller is a right off. No creds now.
100% wrong. Bob Mueller has more creds than anyone in Washington. Have you ever heard the R's and D's talk about him?
It's with reverence.
Cry all you want your smearing of Mueller will not deter him from doing his job.
Mueller has violated the law and the code of ethics (Officers of the Court). Mueller has a substantial conflict of interest.. His days are numbered as is the length of this investigation.

Tell me again , after 13 months of investigation what criminal conduct have you uncovered?
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It's filling the Dems treasure chest now that their cash cow disappeared with the election of Trump.
I had this up already. Huge Democrat. Wife was appointed a Judge by Obama. Mueller is a right off. No creds now.
He's a total joke. He needs 16 lawyers to help him find something because he hasn't been able to find anything with 15 lawyers. Before it's over there will be a hundred lawyers in the backroom inventing whatever they can dream up in order to not become the laughingstock of the world. Either way, they will lose. BADLY.
Greg Andres? The same ambulance-chaser who was a partner at Davis Polk & Wardwell, who also represented Goldman-Sachs in an advisory capacity.

The same Goldman Sachs that Trump has loaded up his swamp with.
The guy is an expert at what he does which I'm sure is scaring the bejesus out of you.
Once Trump's financial matters are exposed to the world it's curtains for him. Just have some strong meds on hand for yourself when the shit hits the fan..
the thing is Reas, you don't know that...the investigating by these guys have for the most part, well, they haven't even begun...they didn't come on board for a one month job, and leave their other jobs for's gonna be a thorough, legal, impartial investigation and if there are crimes to be prosecuted they will do so, if warranted....they are known to be expert prosecutors in their fields...

but in so many words hyping the trump team is going down like a rock, only supports the right wing's meme that this is a witch hunt and does a disservice to actual Justice. imo
Once Trump knows Mueller has the right and duty to look into his finances during the past 15 years,,there will be a treasure trove of goodies trump wont want revealed...
Greg Andres? The same ambulance-chaser who was a partner at Davis Polk & Wardwell, who also represented Goldman-Sachs in an advisory capacity.

The same Goldman Sachs that Trump has loaded up his swamp with.
The guy is an expert at what he does which I'm sure is scaring the bejesus out of you.
Once Trump's financial matters are exposed to the world it's curtains for him. Just have some strong meds on hand for yourself when the shit hits the fan..

Let's see: First it was because "Putin helped him win the election." That fizzled out. Then it was "obstruction of Justice". That also fizzled out. Then it was excessive use of Twitter: Sorry, no impeachment there. Then he had two scoops of ice cream!!! Ooops, no impeachment there either.

This time for sure!

How has obstruction of justice " fizzled out?"
The dope admitted it live on TV. The only thing you ever have are lies.

So how is that fake investigation going? Aside from CNN or MSNBC bringing it up occasionally, I haven't heard anything about it.
I had this up already. Huge Democrat. Wife was appointed a Judge by Obama. Mueller is a right off. No creds now.
100% wrong. Bob Mueller has more creds than anyone in Washington. Have you ever heard the R's and D's talk about him?
It's with reverence.
Cry all you want your smearing of Mueller will not deter him from doing his job.
Mueller has violated the law and the code of ethics (Officers of the Court). Mueller has a substantial conflict of interest.. His days are numbered as is the length of this investigation.
Keep dreaming. The entire US Congress supports Mueller.
What about this don't you understand?
Greg Andres? The same ambulance-chaser who was a partner at Davis Polk & Wardwell, who also represented Goldman-Sachs in an advisory capacity.

The same Goldman Sachs that Trump has loaded up his swamp with.
The guy is an expert at what he does which I'm sure is scaring the bejesus out of you.
Once Trump's financial matters are exposed to the world it's curtains for him. Just have some strong meds on hand for yourself when the shit hits the fan..

Let's see: First it was because "Putin helped him win the election." That fizzled out. Then it was "obstruction of Justice". That also fizzled out. Then it was excessive use of Twitter: Sorry, no impeachment there. Then he had two scoops of ice cream!!! Ooops, no impeachment there either.

This time for sure!

How has obstruction of justice " fizzled out?"
The dope admitted it live on TV. The only thing you ever have are lies.

So how is that fake investigation going? Aside from CNN or MSNBC bringing it up occasionally, I haven't heard anything about it.
Thanks for your stupid question. It shows how little you know about the law. Nothing will be revealed until the investigation is complete and ready to be revealed..
Greg Andres? The same ambulance-chaser who was a partner at Davis Polk & Wardwell, who also represented Goldman-Sachs in an advisory capacity.

The same Goldman Sachs that Trump has loaded up his swamp with.
The guy is an expert at what he does which I'm sure is scaring the bejesus out of you.
Once Trump's financial matters are exposed to the world it's curtains for him. Just have some strong meds on hand for yourself when the shit hits the fan..
the thing is Reas, you don't know that...the investigating by these guys have for the most part, well, they haven't even begun...they didn't come on board for a one month job, and leave their other jobs for's gonna be a thorough, legal, impartial investigation and if there are crimes to be prosecuted they will do so, if warranted....they are known to be expert prosecutors in their fields...

but in so many words hyping the trump team is going down like a rock, only supports the right wing's meme that this is a witch hunt and does a disservice to actual Justice. imo
Once Trump knows Mueller has the right and duty to look into his finances during the past 15 years,,there will be a treasure trove of goodies trump wont want revealed...

Will this be as spectacular as the Great Rachael Maddow Trump's Tax Exposition that showed us all that yes indeed, Trump is rich?

Goody, I can't wait to see you idiots exposed for the idiocy that grows in the primordial swamp, you call your craniums.
Greg Andres? The same ambulance-chaser who was a partner at Davis Polk & Wardwell, who also represented Goldman-Sachs in an advisory capacity.

The same Goldman Sachs that Trump has loaded up his swamp with.
The guy is an expert at what he does which I'm sure is scaring the bejesus out of you.
Once Trump's financial matters are exposed to the world it's curtains for him. Just have some strong meds on hand for yourself when the shit hits the fan..
the thing is Reas, you don't know that...the investigating by these guys have for the most part, well, they haven't even begun...they didn't come on board for a one month job, and leave their other jobs for's gonna be a thorough, legal, impartial investigation and if there are crimes to be prosecuted they will do so, if warranted....they are known to be expert prosecutors in their fields...

but in so many words hyping the trump team is going down like a rock, only supports the right wing's meme that this is a witch hunt and does a disservice to actual Justice. imo
Once Trump knows Mueller has the right and duty to look into his finances during the past 15 years,,there will be a treasure trove of goodies trump wont want revealed...

Will this be as spectacular as the Great Rachael Maddow Trump's Tax Exposition that showed us all that yes indeed, Trump is rich?

Goody, I can't wait to see you idiots exposed for the idiocy that grows in the primordial swamp, you call your craniums.
Funny you can't tell the difference between one year of tax returns dropped in Rachel's mailbox( probably by the WH itself) and a comprehensive investigation with subpoena power.
You crack me up..
Trump does. He's scared shitless.
Our beloved President could care less.....they got nothing on him. .... :cool:
Why has he adamantly refused to reveal his tax returns then?
Why has he tried to derail the investigation?
Does that sound like an innocent man?
Not your life. He's the most despised man in the world.

Why should he even be forced to release them? We have this little organization in our government that you've probably never heard of: It's called the "IRS".

If there were any improprieties in in financial affairs, don't you think the IRS would have said something about them? Trump does after all submit a copy of them to the IRS every year. Or have you not heard of that custom?

Geez, are all liberals as dumb as you are?
i dont know if they will find anything or not but frankly I don't really care. I do see the entertainment value though. It is fun to watch.
Anyone who truly understands the scope of this investigation and knows anything about Trump's nefarious lifestyle knows this end result will be a blockbuster like no other.
The whole circus is comical. A bunch of wealthy lawyers chasing uber wealthy people. Karma is something else.
Trump does. He's scared shitless.
Our beloved President could care less.....they got nothing on him. .... :cool:
Why has he adamantly refused to reveal his tax returns then?
Why has he tried to derail the investigation?
Does that sound like an innocent man?
Not your life. He's the most despised man in the world.

Why should he even be forced to release them? We have this little organization in our government that you've probably never heard of: It's called the "IRS".

If there were any improprieties in in financial affairs, don't you think the IRS would have said something about them? Trump does after all submit a copy of them to the IRS every year. Or have you not heard of that custom?

Geez, are all liberals as dumb as you are?
Why is Trump scared shitless to reveal his tax returns?
THE question all Trump whores run from.

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